When Syscoin takes only 5% of the Ebay market, Syscoin will = $2

in #steemit8 years ago

Hello Steemers!!!

It's been a long time since I posted on steemit and I wanted to post about this opportunity on steemit for all those who have not yet invested in Syscoin.org (Partners with Microsoft Azure)

8 Months ago I sent out a steemit post saying why you should invest in Syscoin.org and the price at that time was only £0.0088p https://steemit.com/cryptocurrencies/@stillsafe/do-you-wish-you-bought-bitcoin-or-ethereum-when-it-was-less-than-1pence-well-invest-in-syscoin-now-it-s-less-than-a-penny-at

If you had invested when I posted you would have x 5.4 your money within 8 months.

The price right now of writing this is still really low at only £0.048p

Right now the Desktop Blockmarket BETA is LIVE and is testing for bugs.

On the 22nd May 2017 the final version will be released.

In July the Web Block Market will be released, which will be HUGE!! (Imagine a website where you login with a simple alias and password like eBay only with near to zero fees, no downtime and much more)

When syscoin.org takes just a tiny 5% of the Ebay market Syscoin will be over $2 each.

So if you invest today and hold you can expect a x 41 return.

I predict syscoin will reach £0.10 to 20p this year
I predict Syscoin will reach between $0.80 to $1 by December 2018

Why do I believe that Syscoin (Partners with Microsoft Azure) is a strong investment to consider?

Firstly the team behind Syscoin are STRONG, DEDICATED, TRANSPARENT with a HUGE Loyal Following of Investors on Slack which you can also request an invite to join here http://join.syscoin.org/?utm_content=buffer9bbfe&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer

Syscoin has launched their company Blockchain Foundry Inc.

which is an establishment as the Leading Developers of Blockchain Solutions for Businesses & Individual Consumers Using several of the most Developed & Robust Blockchain Technologies. http://www.blockchainfoundry.co/

Read The Full Article Here

The founders are trying to raise funding from investors.

Syscoin is here to integrate with Major Centralized Marketplaces & also eCommerce Platforms around the world & to also make it easier for Merchants to transition from a centralized marketplace to a decentralized Blockchain based Marketplace with much Lower Costs & Even Better Reliability & A Much Higher Level Of Redundancy.

If You Want To Learn More About Syscoin Then Visit Their Website http://syscoin.org/

The Syscoin supply has also been reduced now to 888 Million SYS. It is a no-brainier why you should invest into Syscoin now!


I hope you enjoyed reading my post & please remember to follow my steemit posts @stillsafe

CREDIT: All images were taken from Google images.

Disclaimer: I am not a financial adviser and all of the above post is based on my own opinions & is based on my own analysis & research. Always conduct your own due diligence whenever investing in anything.
I am also invested in Sycoin.


I did invest in Syscoin back then. I don't regret. Am excited to see what's coming

You are a wise man Tim! :) Exciting times ahead for Syscoin! :)

Thank you for pointing this out. I have heard of this coin but i never bought it before. Your post certainly seems to have a lot of good info and is more than just a regular hype type article I see so often here. I will definitely look into it more. I'm always looking to know why each coin exists and what its real purpose is other than trading on the markets. ^^

I am pleased to hear this! Look out for more of my posts, coming very soon.

Interesting article. Definitely going to look into this. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on other cryptos. Cheers

Thank you! I will be writing about another solid crypto soon.

Welcome back to Steemit. What brought you back? I have owned Syscoin on and off throughout the last few months.

Time has been limited, however now that I have a little more I will try and squeeze in some more posts. Keep a look out. Thanks for the upvote

Thanks for the info! Bought 100 as a test buy on Bittrex.

Excellent! I am very pleased to hear this.

Thanks for this great article! I am really impressed with Syscoin. Looking to buy some.

Good to hear this! I hope you look out for my next post about another solid team and coin.

I'm glad you are back on Steemit! I've just Upvoted & Followed you as well!

Excellent! :) Followed you back too Barack.

I'm in. Got it on Poloniex.. How do i go about wallets? Is that the Syscoin Core?

You can download the latest syscoin wallet from syscoin.org

UPDATE ON FINAL RELEASE: 22ND May will be BETA 4 release, not the final version.

Great post. I'm a SysCoin believer myself. More predictions, please.

Nice blog. I was about to start a similair discussion. Blockchain is here to stay, therefore we shouldn't look at what most people invest in but in the real quality projects, with great teams, management and a great product. Some people are still investing in "an idea". Is an Idea worth 100m+ USD to you? I was wondering if anyone of you uses: https://www.coincheckup.com The site is my go to place for crypto investment analaysis and indepth coin research. Check for example: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/SysCoin#analysis For the SysCoin Detailed analysis.