The bot is idle for more than 6.5 hours since it should have voted
I sent you 0.3
And did not get a vote until now.Meanwhile, instead of getting 100% like it would have been had it worked, I will get less than 40%, and still counting down to 0.
edit: Eventially you refunded me with 0.4 (despite I only sent you 0.3) and upvoted me 100%, so I sent the 0.4SBD to your owner, because otherwise it would have been automatically refunded to me by the bot:
edit #2:
Now I got a 50% instead of a 100% because the other bidders that got refunded got voted on my expense.
My last bid is 0.3 SBD again, and since I got a 50% vote instead of a 100%, I deserve a 50% refund which is 0.15 SBD