Meet Phillip
He’s a blogger…
...and a pretty good one. Readers flock to his blog every morning to see what’s new. Phillip spends a great deal of time making top-notch articles for his readers.
In exchange for his time, Phillip would like to monetize his blog. He could litter the experience with ads, popups, sidebars, banners, videos, hover ads, and other distractions... hoping a user will click on one. If he did this, then his blog would be just like 1000’s of others. The experience would suffer and ultimately readers would become annoyed by countless visual distractions. Isn't the whole idea to keep readers engaged with his content and not send them off to look at a sale on vacuum cleaners? Phillip wonders if there’s a better way.
Meet Sarah
...she has a popular YouTube channel with a hefty amount of subscribers. She’s in the same boat with Phillip. She spends hours creating content for her viewers and although she loves doing it, she needs to be compensated for her time so she can continue to make great videos as frequently as she does.
Like other YouTube channels, she could turn on ads so that her viewers must watch 15-30 second video clips before seeing her videos but like Phillip, she wonder's if there's a better way....
The good news for Phillip and Sarah is, yes, there IS a better way. Cue STEEMIT! STEEMIT is a revolutionary way for content producers to monetize their creative work without showing a single ad. Imagine a world where there are no popups, no banners…. just the content you care about. STEEMIT makes this a reality by rewarding both content creators and readers who up-vote quality content.
Do you need to understand cryptocurrency-thingys or blockchain-whacha-mah-call-its? ABSOLUTELY NOT! You post content and you get paid. It couldn't be simpler.
Nice quick marketing campaign. If Steemit wasn't already catching on like wild fire...then this would be the perfect pitch.
I upvoted you.