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RE: Not quite plagiarised yet completely unoriginal articles on Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago

I often wonder if we should just forget the idea of Steemit being a real economy for a moment and take a stand, bullying the third world plagiarism crew away from the service, like it was an old school style message board or forum.

We should let those barely literate, uneducated third world cunts know that their ‘work’ is a pile of shit and that nobody with a reading age of above ten appreciates it.

Regular users like ourselves may not have all that much effect upon the rewards that they receive from Steemit; but letting the useless cunts know that they are no longer deserving of our £2 a month Oxfam donations for clean water is a good start. Besides, if they can afford a computer, chances are that they can find a better way to survive than posting on Steemit.