Marital rape is one of the acts of sexual intercourse with one’s spouse without consent. It is a form of domestic violence and sexual abuse.
A wife can hardly file a rape case against her husband directly. But I believed that alternative remedies are available to the wife which are guided by law.
The section which deals with rape, in a very narrow purview, lays that, an offense of rape within marital bonds only stands if the wife is below the age of 16, once the age is completed there is no legal protection provided to the wife under this section.
However the legal age of marriage is 18 but the law on rape only provides punishment to the husband, if the wife is below the prescribed age. These two laws are inconsistent with each other.
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The role of wife has traditionally been understood as submissive, docile and that of a homemaker. A marriage is a bond of trust and that of affection, there is no place for sex without consent.
Numerous programs/ trainings have been made available by organizations owned by private individuals and government (American Bar Association on Domestic and Sexual Violence, SNEHA, National Centre On Domestic and Sexual Violence) ready to work in empowering women against marital rape.