I Am Telling You For A Fact, "There Will Never Be Another 'Steemit'". Any Doubts? Read This Post!

in #steemit6 years ago
I visited Cebu Philippines for @steemsummit

More than anything, i wanted to be where my celebrities were gathered. I wanted to be there to let them feel my fanhood in its depth and realness, so that perhaps, they will draw from it incessantly and keep on being celebrities (true steemhumans). 

So, just after the SteemGigs discord talk show which happened from (last) Friday night till late into Saturday morning, i started concluding on my decision to visit @steemsummit in Cebu Philippines. 

I arrived in Cebu, Sunday

Just before the talk on discord that Friday night, i had sent this pre-recorded video message to @jassennessaj upon his request. 

He wanted to play it at the event since there was no evidence that i will be there. He had hopes that my message will inspire the many in attendance. 
Thank you @jassennessaj for your care towards others and leadership

Then, during the discord talk, where steemians had gathered to hear me speak, there was a rarely special vibe all through (from 11 pm Friday to 3.23 am Saturday). It was all different! "There was real love involved. It was deep. It was intense. Gosh, it was real!

People got shy! I was shy too because there was so much "love" in the voice room that night and it wasn't mediocre love. It was the unshaken breed and gosh, it was special. 

My words that night; "simple as they are"; steemians chose to give "them" value, not because "my words have sugar"; twas because they loved me!

And my "inspirational words and original quotes"; steemians wrote them and kept them and dented them into their hearts not because they were "anything" but because "these words contained pieces of me and they have chosen to love these pieces".

Even when i vote on posts, however small the amount was, steemians keep screenshots of these for keeps, not because "i am anything" but because they have come to love me for real. They have chosen to give these votes (beyond financial essence) testimonial value as incessant inspiration, not because "@surpassinggoogle is anything" but because, they have to come love what "@surpassinggoogle" represents and the "mere dust" behind the name.
They don't know how speechless they make me and how grateful they make me and how much i want to show gratitude in return and how much i will keep showing gratitude and how much i will show larger measures of gratitude in the near future and there is loads more that they don't know about "the gravity of my gratitude" but they love me regardless because their love was "love for real"
It is different; it is special; a rare breed of love.

So just after the discord talk show that night, i was going to trip the hearts of many more and i began concluding on going to Cebu, to the @steemsummit event.

"It was about "trips" for me in this case". 

I didn't want my tiny presence there to be "just another memory"; i wanted to pierce their hearts soothingly and have tiny stake in it

I wanted  them to see me and keep on true steemians as result and celebrities forever; "the awesomest version of human". I wanted my tiny presence to dent incessant testimonies in their hearts that "dreams are now equaller to reality" because "there is now light in the tunnel". I wanted to be physical testimony that i will "breakdown" ever-constantly on behalf of each of them for better or worse. I wanted them to have a "rarer kind of smile"; one that wells their hearts, heals it and reminds them of the beauty of life and of the Creator Jehovah, who bore us forth. I wanted to re-tell them of their own beauty and make my tiny presence there, further highlight to the fact that they are "true celebrities"; "icons" because i am their fan and i was there.

We needs these things on "steemit" to drive us; bigger things than "rewards"; love in its true sense; "brotherhood in its true sense". This is what i represent.

Ultimately, i was going to set up a surprise and this is how it played out: 

Saturday morning, ofcourse there was no sleep like usual. We spoke on the discord till early Saturday morning and the @steemitsummit day was Sunday.

So, later on Saturday, i went to look for how to get air-tickets. It was just a day before my intended departure; infact hours. As, i wasn't going to find cheap tickets online, i decided to go to the mall to see if i can get it slightly cheaper at at agency. 

That wasn't the case though. It turned out also expensive. My plan was to just appear at Cebu for a few hours at the summit, stay up/hangout all night in Cebu and return to Manila in the morning, to try take my dad to his first appointment at the mental hospital since he arrived here but i was having only cash (on me) at the mall and the only ticket price that my cash could pay for, had to be "a late night departure flight on Monday". I ended up buying it.

@sunnylife knew i was at the mall and that i was coming to Cebu. Ofcourse, she loves me and she sent me some 50 SBD to my steemit wallet as allowance.
No worries, i have ended up moving my dad's hospital visit to the coming Monday.

Cebu was hectic but not because of Cebu. I have extreme 24/7 pains (brain/nerves issues etc), so things aren't really easy for me. I get miserable! 

Hahaha, but the surprise package had to go on. I was going to play along till the end. 

Flight was delayed, so i got to Cebu quite late. The @steemsummit was to end at 7 pm, so i felt okay with the delays. 

Hahaha, some of the attendees, where hoping i would be there and were sending me update pictures on Facebook messenger. Oblivious to them, they were keeping me abreast with proceedings there without my asking and helping me keep my surprise package intact.
Hahaha, @ligaryk was sending me dem pictures and he missed me. Infact, most of the people who passionately invited me to the event etc, missed out on seeing me.
It saddened me but we will work on that.

Then, when my video came up at the event, they sent me messages thanking me for the video and gosh, they even made "my video" sufficient for them, since they realized i wouldn't be coming.. I heard of how much people loved paying attention to it and how specially they regarded it. 

I got photos as well of the audience as my video was being played. 

Look at this by @ryancalaunan:

And wait to the end to listen to the claps. The claps did me happiness in my heart!

Then something struck me and i was right! After, i got knowledge that my video was played and all, i instantly got a gut feeling that the event, just may not end at 7pm as they had planned; that people may end up going home early and gosh i was right! 

At the time, i already started the quick journey from Lapu Lapu to Cebu city and i had low battery and all but i had to try to make sure that the surprise package didn't utterly fail and hahaha, i was under pressure, hastening the driver. 

While in the ride, i had learn that the event indeed ended early and many had gone home, so i quickly told @ligaryk to help me pass message across to those remaining at the venue, that they should please hang on at the venue as i was sending someone on my behalf and the person has arrived Cebu airport and was on the way to the venue.

Aww they waited and you know what, several self-sacrificingly came back to the venue.

I will have to do a follow-up post on this. Gosh, they loved me! They overwhelmed me really. 

Speaking of dreams, gosh, some had had dreams of meeting me, so my going there did more than "trips", for several or many dreams came true. "I am so grateful that you all give me this privilege".

And gosh, many were a bit sad too because they so so so wanted to meet me and they had left the venue early. I got so many DMs to this effect all night and i know how much i want to compensate for this. I believe in possibilities and i tell you, "there will be many "next times""
Like i told them, don't be shocked if i say, "let's go hangout in Paris". If it's not "the moon", it's attainable!

I left pieces of me at Cebu Philippines. They had all-along reserved spaces in their hearts for me and they let me touch these spaces

They were my celebrities but they let me be their celebrity. 

I got in the room (ASPACE centre cebu city) and magic happened! Gosh, they knew my name. How special? 

Thank you precious steemians.
They allowed themselves to fall for me and i fell for them.

They took pictures one by one and gosh; "they relegated all reservations; flaws allowed". I held them close and they let the vibes flow. I felt their bodies and there were valuable vibes. It transcends the superficial. Nothing mattered, just human and love; "just us!" 

They shared me gifts and gave me a round/square table and they let me sit at the very edge to give me a sermon. 

They put me in a comfort zone because they loved me and these let celebrities let their fan give the sermon.

Beautiful disruption

I will have to do another post to speak about the event proper and touch on what i discussed for the benefit of all.

They made me sign autographs and gosh, i will talk about that in a follow-up post. 

One wanted me to write my name on his work: "Terry Ajayi" and gosh, if you only know how much this name means to me, when it is called; when it is remembered.
The girls took care of me and the boys didn't diss me. They let me because these boys loved me too!

Afterall, we ate and took more pictures and i spoke some more and someone wanted to record that too. "My words" are broken pieces of me, so when you give it that much value, you touch me. 

Then, they took care of me some more. Took me drinking and talking some more almost all night. I will see if there was any photos of those in a follow-up post.

Hahaha, the next day, i couldn't function well. I was drained, so i couldn't have much activity. I just waited it out at the hotel till evening, then went to an area near the airport to hangout. 

Many more steemians wanted to meet me there but i struggled with the day, so i couldn't get to respond to some on time and some got stuck in traffic and couldn't meet up but some did all it took and the moment i walked into the airport, while i thought i will have to time to rush to the bathroom to freshen up a bit; i had steemians following me, to meet me! 


@bellatravelph came from Manila; arrived Cebu at 6pm and waited at the airport till 8pm for me to arrive there. My flight was 10 pm. 

And there were 3 more steemians (because there was baby) and it was all special. 

@roselyn028 and her darling blessed baby

@jenny018 visited as well even though, she was on her way to work that night.

I hadn't even checked in but we sat and spoke till almost 9.30pm, then we realized i would get late and off i went to end the physical adventur, only to keep replaying it in my mind forever and as i write this post.

I haven't had many pictures and gosh, not even with my mum because i hardly had pictures and when i was grown or the years before my mum passed, i wasn't located with her. Now, i have many awesome pictures and these things are giant. 

I am touched; i am touched.
I am grateful steemit. I am grateful steemians.
I am grateful Cebu. 
I am yours

Your Boy Terry


Please pass this on to every steemian and every steemian in Cebu, Philippines or mention them in the comments and to all the other provinces around the Philippines and other nations, i am visiting soon. Don't be surprised. We surpassing google with steemit, so don't be surprised.

Note: The next edition of "5 SteemHumans; 5 Questions; 10 Pieces of Advice" will resume again really soon. If you missed the first one, this is it:   

We are seeking coders/developers to help, by means of utopian or direct contributions. I would like to invite all  coders/developers, to show up on our SteemGigs development channel. 

Kindly visit and use our steem-based website today


Note that on SteemGigs, "everyone has something to offer". At the very least, you can update your profile on our website to open yourself up to more potential possibilities and improve your  general reputation even within the steemit community.  

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I do need strength

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

If you want to support an extra witness and you support mine "steemgigs", it will be really helpful. 

To vote my witness, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "steemgigs" into the first search box for witnesses or simply click Here to do it on one click! 

If you want me to make witness voting decisions on your behalf, simply visit https://steemit.com/~witnesses and type in "surpassinggoogle" in the second box for proxy.              

Let's Go!!!

Offer a service under hashtag "steemgigs". Attempt out-of-the-boxness on hashtag (untalented).  Join the Steemgigs Community on discord: https://discord.gg/CGuPyyT  

"Everyone has something to offer!" Why not?

There are 6 pages
People got shy! I was shy too because there was so much "love" in the voice room that night and it wasn't mediocre love. It was the unshaken breed and gosh, it was special.

My words that night; "simple as they are"; steemians chose to give "them" value, not because "my words have sugar"; twas because they loved me!

And my "inspirational words and original quotes"; steemians wrote them and kept them and dented them into their hearts not because they were "anything" but because "these words contained pieces of me and they have chosen to love these pieces".

Waoh! this is an opportunity of a life time and anyone that is opportune to experience such,should cherish it for a long time. That is exactly the feeling am having now. I wish i was there with them.
The question of whether you are a celebrity or not is nothing but this simple truth and that truth is YOU ARE A CELEBRITY and that you will always be. I can just imagine the kind of feeling those steemians must have heard having Boy Terry around them to take pictures with them, sign autograph, share things with them and so on. So what do you call that if not LOVE.
I am really looking forward to the day this will happen in my country and your country


It will just be like an heaven on earth experience for me as a person. Would not miss it for anything.
You are a man fill wit deep thoughst and it shows always in your write ups. A giver and an inspirer.
Thank you for visiting Cebu but when are you visiting us in Nigeria(Lagos and Ibadan to be precise? We would love to have you around.
This is my final statement for you @surpassinggoogle I LOVE YOU AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU. Keep inspiring your world bro.
but really you very tall and it looks good on you.(my thought).

Yeah sir.Great ! ! !
@surpassinggoogle we wil never die :D

@optimistdehinde, this is very thoughtful of you - #SteemSummitInNigeria. I was just musing how soon this will get through. Am glad am not alone on this. I hope Uyo will be a better location "winks" for the Summit. Thanks to @surpassinggoogle for chosing to surpass google. We will succeed. God bless you all.

Hahaha! @uyobong. Good to know that my brothers from Uyo also want to have Boy Terry but i still feel Ibadan and Lagos should be his first point of call.(smiling). That shows how much we want him to be around because we believe in what he does as fellow Nigerians.
I think doing a tour of Nigeria will be the best option. I can just imagine what the atmosphere will look like for us all because the whole of Nigeria will know and must know that our own son (as in SON OF THE SOIL), a true NATIONAL steemit Ambassador is in town )named OLUWATERRY AJAYI (lol..)
@surpassinggoogle should just be ready because it will be a wonderful time for every one of us on this platform and even outside it.

You know what I'm already day dreaming and wishing for that to happen soon.

Jehovah will keep us all to see such a day. One love bro and thanks Boy Terry.

Ok. Let the drums begin...

@optimistdehinde you have to start the dance while I compose the "theme song" for #SteemTourNigeria Am sure @surpassinggoogle will know how much we love him as he'll have to tour Nigerian cities.

More endaearing is my plea that he will spur Nigerian youths to stardom.

God bless @surpassinggoogle

Nigeria must rise again!

Yes o let the drum start rolling.

looking cool!

@surpassinggoogle you should be try for DJ!

You touched my heart with the way you speak and write. I can see the emotions flowing from every piece of letter that you drop. This is not just mere talk, you got the gift to inspire nations after nations. I have heard people talk about you, the mention of your name over here is synonymous with love, kindness, attention. Thank you for the show me love, you are hope to many.

Very special comment. You spot the very spottables. Thank you. Glory to Jehovah who gives these gifts

sir @surpassinggoogle, i really wanted to ask this, how did you know Jehovah? im one of Jehovah's witnesses, and what i know is only those people called by that name knows and glorified the name of the true god.

anyway, we really envy with the cebuanos who got a chance to met you & mentored by you, we're joping that someday you can also visit leyte and share the same with us. thank you for this post.

Haaha yes i know Jehovah very well and all my eventual mission here is to direct people towards him by doing real good

thank you for doing that, hoping that people may know not only the name of our creator, as well as all his promises to all those who serve him faithfully

The community and network you are able to create through steemit is unmatched anywhere else on the blockchain and possibly the internet all together. There are so many amazing people to connect with on steemit.

I think this is really what separates steemit from any other crypto coin. I have never been so connected to people from all around the world and through steemit I have not only made a bunch of new online friends, but lots of new friends offline as well.

The sky is the limit here on the platform, you are a good example of what someone can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Great inspiration for the steemians out there who Need a little motivation. Steemit is much more than just the money

It was nice to see you there Terry. I was talking to some and she said that she was so glad to have made the trip and seeing you rekindled her dreams. I have to thank you for that and for everything else that you have done for all of us.

Dreambuilding with you through @Steemgigs where we are able to share something of value to someone, sharing our stories of tears and triumphs through @teardrops and unlocking the most awesome version of us.

I recently saw your old blogs and youtube videos as I was researching something and realized that as early as you were a kid you were already a whale inside. Your humble beginnings and that love that you felt for your fellow man was just inspiring and truly shows how much you care.

You are awesome Terry. As we are celebrities in your eye, you are a guide to us that is keeping our dreams alive.

Hi Terry , it was an honor having you in the Steem summit and we were really shocked by your surprise visit. You leave us all speechless. We left the venue earlier to eat dinner but when we heard you appeared in the event .I and my friends were in a hurry to finish our dinner and we were glad we did ..hehehe We love you and we would like to meet you again in the next event. You leave a great impact to all the Steemians . 😘😇 Thank you so much and may god bless you.

Very precious and i am so glad you did these things. Thank you for love

Your most welcome @surpassinggoogle . :) We could not afford to lose the chance to meet you if possible . You have help us in many ways . You deserve all the love from all of us <3

Hello! Mr. Terry @surpassinggoogle! It was a great time meeting you last Sunday! It was an overwhelming experience to see the man who's behind the huge support to both Filipino and Nigerian community. I've been reading most of your posts since the time I started here on Steemit and as much as I want to comment or react I couldn't because I felt like everyone has commented it already and I run out of ideas on what to say. lol! Then one day I told myself, maybe if I could have a firsthand experience in meeting you then I would know what to say. Then last Sunday, we had a small chitchat and you seemed to be uneasy because of these pains that you feel. I hope you get well soon and be free from all of these pains. Coz you won't just be receiving ten(k) yous from us, but thousands of trillion thank yous from the people that you inspired! I pray for your health and longer life! God bless your heart and soul!

Hahaha sweetheart, it is 10 (q)

oh my bad! it would be 10 qs very much! hahaha!

I'm melted with so much reciprocal love steemians-Terry
I'm proud that the steemians are loving you so much. You are so good and so devoted to steemit that there is no other option to love you or love you.

I almost going to tears while reading this post Sir Terry but my heart is crying because of happiness. I have attended the steemsummit but unfortunately, I wasn't able to see you. I have been hoping to see you even before steemsummit. I know that someday, we can meet. In God's time.

@jassennessaj is asking me to come back but I was too late to know. Aspace is far from my home :-( that was really heartbreaking.

I know your words will inspire and motivate me more. I know that it will help me build more confidence within myself. I want to see and hear your voice personally, because we love you.

You have a true heart and we Cebuanos will always be grateful with it. Yes you are correct that we jump into happiness everytime we see your name in our upvotes no matter what the value is. Your name is already enough in every posts that we posted.

Steemsummit will open the door for every opportunities not only here in Cebu but for the whole Philippines. I know there will be time that I can see you personally, I can hear your inspirational words (I know your words can inspire because you are an inspiration).

I want to personally thank you but let me start here, I thank you for all the support that you have given to Cebu Community. Thank you for being with us and for giving your heart to us. You are truly, AMAZING.

Sir Terry, Cebu Community will always love you.



There is light in the tunnel.. Something new I learnt from the video. Deep.

You are just as real to us as we are to you @surpassinggoogle.

Naija dey wait you soon. I can imagine the butterflies in our bellies already.

Abi now. Naija want make e come home. We love you in Nigeria as well and we want to feel you around us as well Omo Ajayi.

I know i will enter naija soon.

@surpassinggoogle wow i must meet with you, i can't wait.

You just spoke my mind @phait, we should have such gathering in naija soon.

*Cries internally... I should have been in Cebu then! LOL Great job, Cebuano Steemians and SG. More, more, more meetups!

Thank you! I'm hopeful we'll meet somewhere in one of those meetups. Keep steeming!

Yes, we have to meet really. Even without the meetups. You are one strong woman

Awwww. Thanks, SG! I appreciate this thought, so much.

internal or external tears have value. Take some imaginary @teardrops smart media tokens

Cry no more boss, more meet ups to come

@surpassinggoogle. Leadership and selflessness is in you and you cannot but continue to do it because that is who you are. Inspiring people is a life-style for you and it shows in all that you do. I am very happy for you looking at all that you have faced in life, but you still keep on moving on and giving everything out to the world to see and learn from.

The above picture shows you are a good listener and teacher as well. keep doing all that you are doing and be sure that this world and world to come will reward you in a beautiful way. We are also looking forward to having you in our country. We love you.

Hello once again Boy Terry. I wrote a poem yesterday about my rare gem, and I try to explain who my rare gem is in the content of the poem. Now, what struck me some few minutes ago was what I discovered reading the poem again. I was able to find out that what I try to express with that poem speaks a lot about who you are as a selfless personality.

It gives the feelings of how far you can go to make another person feel loved and cared for

. Below is the link to the poem:


You might want to check it out. In summary, you are my own rare gem that I don't want to do without. Trust me that i meant every word have said here.
Once keep inspiring and motivating me as I try to motivates others. One love @surpassinggoogle.

Wow! you seemed like a Celebrity Terry with all those Steemians wanting to take a photo with you! I'd love too if only I was there! Haha. I want to congratulate everybody for such a successful event in Cebu! They really put a lot of effort to make this happen, and your presence also made it even special! Your passion in Steemit is overflowing, that it radiates through us Steemians. ❤ Really nice photos! Hope to see you too soon! But please let's sit when taking photos together, you're too tall for a small girl like me. hahaha 😂

Hahaha, you will have my skyscraper gifts soon, so be ready to deal with me standing. You are my celebrity

Why am I not surprised??? Everybody loves you. Infact the whole world adores you and they can go all out to do the unexpected.

Wow this are really cute pictures with the young ones. Mehn Terry you're so tall. No wonder so many ladies are tripping. Hahahahahah
Wow bless God for the huge success.

Keep shinning bro. The sky is your starting point. You aint seen nothing yet

The boy is good.

Yes o, @surpassinggoogle na our man

Wait o if a boy is tripping for him is it bad? Cos I think I .......

trip jare

Hahaha you are tripping too. That's good to know and because i like him a lot, the tripping is allowed. Hahahaha

Really ? There are people tripping? I didnt know. Tell me

Awwwwnnn are you sure you didn't know? Lolzzzz. I can't count the numerous number of ladies even guyz, who sing your name in their mouths like you're their personal known boyfriend. Hahahahahah

i dont think so. Read this

That is one deep heart pour from @aderonkemi

No wayyyyyyyy... I couldn't breathe while reading. What???? That was the bomb!!!! Jeeezzz so much love for you man. Na so love they be?? Hahahaha woww my mind was blown. Gosh!

Some are tripping? Really? Read this

Wow... This is getting interesting. All the girls are falling oooo. Hahahahaha Wow.. Now that we know the people falling, who is/are @surpassingoogle falling for? Lol


When I was on Facebook last year I had many recurring dreams where I was told that 'soon a new fair currency system will emerge', and I never knew exactly how this would play out. Then, February this year suddenly my entire Facebook blog with articles etc..got disabled without me knowing why. And very same day I again had a dream about this new currency system. A day later I found Steemit and new exactly that this is part of it. There are some others like Manna I also found to be resonating with me. And generally the entire blockchain- is "it" I knew.

So from day one I 'know' that this will go there so that I take any negative talk about Steemit, Manna or whatnot with a grain of salt :)

There is "a right track involved" with all you have said. Let's keep on present. Blockchain is a beauty and especially the steemblockchain because of its people and it having been the gateway for many, to blockchain

It was really an honor to finally meet you Terry, @surpassinggoogle where nations are looking up to you. I never expected (even a single beat of my heart) that you will come and meet us. All I need was just a video of yours to inspire the community that we have here but we saw a big Terry.

I learned a lot of things from you. You're one of the people that inspired me to do things for the communitt. Those selfless acts you've made are truly remarkable and I'm doing my best to replicate them.

Continue to be amazing and inspiration @surpassinggoogle. Sorry I got drunk so fast haha. I havent eaten anything and was really tired because of the event.

Till next time, Terry.


Thank you alot bro. Plus, tipsy us different from drunk. Don't worry, you were just tipsy.

Plus, what happens in Cebu, stays in Cebu.

Hahahahahaha. Absolutely. :)

...."mere dust" behind that name

There was so much humility in this line sir terry @surpassinggoogle, despite of all the success you are making, you are considering yourself as mere dust which is sooo down to earth. But sir trrry that "mere dust" is the filipinos dust to create the gravel we needed to build the foundation of our success, you are the dust that completes the gravel and hence creat a solid cement as foundations to the future of thousands and thousands of filipino steemians. I just hope that one day you come visit davao as well, We will be waiting. 😊

Vey sweet, then technical. Thank you for all the love. Davao is possible. My last set of gifts was from Davao and the numbers are growing there. I am sure it can happen. Maybe a surprise too.

yes sir, the number is unstoppably growing, we are wishing that you'll find time to pay us a visit and hear your inspirational and success story. And oh, we love surprises. 😊

I hope you'd go to Davao too. But, not surprise though. :( So i can still prepare because Davao is like 6 hours away from my place. :(

Words given by you were to be kept.
You keep your feet on the ground though you are big already in the community, what makes people love you? You Inspire Us All.
Again, it was such a great time that WE had a chance to meet you in person. ☺️

Thank you alot pretty woman.

(@surpassinggoogle) Sir Terry, again thank you and thanks for inspiring us. 🙌🏻 Have some sleep. 😴


From the very start of my steemit journey yoy are the one that keeps me inspired and to create a group of people or a community of beatboxers and yeah i created one.

One of my very proud student in steemit who I persuaded to join steemit is @ligarayk as you know the two of you are close to each other and I am so happy with that because I let his wings spread over the sky and yes I am so happy for his improvemnt and being a successful here in steemit.

I do really hope to meet you in person and yes I will wait patiently for your come back here.




Very special powerful boys. Hahaha, i didnt spell his name correctly in the post. Keep on growing, so it will be time for you guys to explode.

we will keep that in our minds and do it ✔️✔️✔️✔️

Hi sir Terry @surpassinggoogle Its worth the wait. I'm so happy and forever thankful cause I were able to see you. Your loyalty, dedication and wisdom that inspired to others is a blessings. But give some time to rest and sleep😊 have a good night. I'm inspired again🙂

Hahaha, use this new inspiration for your next travel with bunny

omg!! This made my day :D I probably should do that. hahaha :) stay awesome!

Wow @surpassinggoogle sincerely I must say that I envy people who are around you now... They have access to first hand knowledge from you...

Your words are everly power packed and till date, I still cannot wrap my head around your kind of personality...

But one thing I desire is for you to have such a meetup with us here in Naija too...
I would give anything to be there...

Thanks for the encouraging words and yes.. There can never ever be another "steemit"

It keeps looking like that may happen soon

Yaaaaayyyy @surpassinggoogle...
I'm anticipating already. I know you will definitely work something out... If there's one thing I'm sure of.. It's that you're a man of integrity.. So yes, we are expecting you already...

I can only imagine how filled up the hall will be like already.. Lol. It would be epic

I wasn'table to make it for the summit. But knowing you made it to the event and made so many happy is, I don't know I feel so happy too! I never had any interaction with you but all the emotions you had felt before, during and even after the summit is a raw feeling of humans having back hope to humanity. You insipiring us to help, to share and to just do whatever good we can for the community is contagious. I saw @jassennessaj in school Monday night and congratulated him for the success of the event, you should have seen that happiness in his face telling me you were there. Such an effect you have to this wonderful people that includes me :)

You are truly inspiration! Hope to see you next time!

With my flaws and anxiety and all, I didn't have the guts to take a picture with you. Some might think it was foolish of me, but the things I kept with me can't be seen, touched nor heard. They're all in my heart and for that I am forever thankful for your beautiful soul, @surpasssinggoogle. I was too emotional that I ended up crying before hitting the sack! :)

I am very excited about @teardrops and I will forever support you and your causes. Stay golden, Terry!

Your flaws are you beauty, so all i saw was beauty. I looked at you many times and in those many times, i got to your heart too and there is beauty in there too. You were in one of the pictures up there. When i recover a bit, i will visit with you to fix you. You will fixed cos in your case, you may not really need to be fixed, we will just need to birth testimonies out of your flaws and celebrate breakthrough with the @teardrops smart media tokens when they stop being imaginary

@teardrops reminded me of what they say that there is beauty in suffering. Teardrops may not be all about suffering, but for now, I am too broken to see the brighter side of life. :) Thank you, Terry! I appreciate your rawness a lot!

Thabk you for the visit @surpassinggoogle. I wish i was there but i am two cities away from the event when they told us you arrived. But i hope i see you next time.

Excellent. I want to congratulate you for your great event. I've heard wonders about you. Without a doubt, you are an example to follow in the community that is changing lives around the world called steemit. people like you motivate us, inspire us with their words and confirm that we are in the best platform of the 21st century and that the best is yet to come. Thank you for being part of the cryptocurrency revolution

Steemit is simply the best platform among all other crypto. Its a social media-type platform in crypto-world and this is 5 steps ahead from all other currency such as lending, trading & etc platforms. Its a win-win both devs and the user. It is very easy to share with other people coz they can start using steemit even without any capital or money involve.

All steemians is one step closer to financial freedom if he will just keep steeming and never give up. 😊

Utmostly, its beauty is its people

wow we are so lucky to have you around sir terry boy ^_^

Upvoted and resteem this post.

thanks for keep promoting steemit in cebu my friend.,

Hmmm...... It's all so so emotional how you got this specially packaged welcome and you know what? You deserve much more of that 'specialness' because you dispense every bit of yourself, your heartbeat, your heart reins, everything you have got to see them celebrated, to see them 'talented'. The love that pours from these wonderful Steemians is 'your love' being given back. I feel their pulse and their rhythm. It is 'weighty' especially for you.
We expect you in Nigeria soon so we can blast you with more 'deeply heart-felt love'. Thank you for everything.
When you have the time, do check this out


Waoh! this is awesome @edithangelseu. I just finished reading your dedication post to @surpassinggoogle about your journey so far and dedicating it to him. It such a wonderful post filled with food for thought statements and words.
I know He will love it after reading it. Then i love his submission when he said

your success is my compensation

For me that was the nicest thing have heard so far this year. It shows some level of selflessness and sacrifice. Nice job all the same.

Firstformost, hopefully your journey to Cebu was not stressful sir.
we really appreciate the effort and the potential to this platform, I am proud of you sir as a Nigerian and you make Nigerian proud as well.
Anytime you make a post about steemit project I am always happy that a Nigerian like you Mr TERRY permit me to used that sir, is shaking the world. Thanks for your commitments @surpassinggoole.
I know someday you will come back to your home (Nigeria) to host the biggest steemit project. Stay lifted sir.

i can feel that you were taken care of , loved and greatly treasured during your stay in Cebu. that alone is what matters. thank you again for your presence although I was not able to meet you. i know there will be more next times. thank you again terry!

So yes. We would have met really. I left your husband a comment but it was on steemit and never got back on steemit. Assuming it was on fb we would have met. I got back on steemit very much later and saw that he had responded

gosh.. that was wasted opportunity for us. I wished I had messaged you on Facebook instead. Anyway, I hope in the future we'll meet, am looking forward to that soon..

Hi Terry, this is so nice and shows that you're doing great things and creating impacts.

I don't have much to say right now. Infact, I do have a question to ask:

When are you coming to Nigeria?
When are we seeing you on our whatsapp groups again cus people have been asking about you?

You can stop by and say hi.

Happy Steeming

Lol, I obviously can't wait for him to come to Nigeria....
I just pray we don't kidnap him when he comes 😂😂😂

I will give him holy spirit to cover him.

He is a good man and good people deserve good things.

Hahaha true lies.

Yes, i will soon be back on there. I didnt have a fone all along but i woke up and old fone days ago, so real soon and naija soon too. The invitations are growing in persistence and i have loads of people there. Please help me share this as a far and wide on the groups, based on the headline is a general inspiration based on events on steemit. It was always steem first regardless

Can't wait to host our cherished and number one steemian in Nigeria. It will really be a privilege having you in our midst.

I'm glad you enjoyed enjoyed your trip to Cebu.

Hahaha true lies.

We wish you success.

We can't wait, I hope we have a location that will accommodate everyone

Naija go happy to see you baba.

Naija no dey carry last na.

We full steemit.

Na only us waka come even say our presido say our youth dey lazy and uneducated.
We still dey.carry first.

We can't wait to see you mr Ajayi

love to see you all together. all the best

You deserved all the love Sir Terry. Inspire us and be inspired as well.

Yes sweetheart. Thank you for your presence in my journey

It's my pleasure. :)

Great job these steemians have done. Really kind hearted and wonderful personalities

@surpassinggoogle has always been a class on his own, setting pace and doing things differently. Its really wonderful know this guy

You can say that again.

Hello @gamsam

Yeah right....they've really done great work

Yeah my friend they are wonderful people, Terry Ajayi is an angel amongst men . Quote me anywhere

Wow, honestly everybody loves you @surpassingggoogle. I hope we will be able to bring you down here to Abuja, Nigeria someday. People here will be so happy to meet with you. I know it will happen

Hahaha, my sister is even there in ABJ

Wow, that is great. Is there a way we can contact. Maybe to have a kind of meet-up with her before we arrange for you coming around

"I left pieces of me at Cebu Philippines. They had all-along reserved spaces in their hearts for me and they let me touch these spaces."
Terry we love you

I love you too

Thank you so much Terry Steemit love you

Aww! I like your cap @surpassinggoogle.

Looks great and trust you had fun. No community can be compared to steemit. Steemit is simply the best platform and place anybody can be. Lots of fun, excitement and smiling on their faces, everyone looking excited. Beautiful photos also. Nice job u're doing with the steemgigs and steemit terry @surpassinggoogle, bringing smiles to faces of people. More power to ur elbow 💪

@surpassinggoogle never knew your this tall.please when are you coming to Nigeria?

wow is a beautiful act everything you did to get there that day, I think I managed to capture all the tension of the moment and the anguish of not getting there in time, but then you perceive so much love in the environment that you say, wow was worth it.
I'm sure that the excitement and the gratitude of all those who were there is as great as your height, it's really satisfying to feel that people love you, wait for you, follow you and respect you, the best thing of all is that you have earned it cleanly and that makes the merit is greater. I congratulate you because with your words you made me see a man of great heart and although I am a Spanish-speaking steemians, I know that we are united by a great brotherhood of love and respect, may God take care of you.
Forgive my mistakes with the English, I use translator

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator

Hello @surpassingoogle
Very good thing u did sir terry,i never knew u were this tall...WOOWWW!!!!...your post are perfect...you are amazing...Thanks for being the light at the end of the tunnel, helping people in any way you can, and put smile to frustrated faces...well done...kudos sir terry


Wow, this is beautiful
You are just awesome than the word itself....

Everyone loves you...
Gosh, it's so overwhelming

They had to return back to the venue just to meet with you
How amazing

Hi @julietisrael. There is no one that will not want to love a good man who can give himself to another person's success at the detriment of his own sometimes. Being on this platform for a while now, most people that criticize Boy Terry ago have stopped been nice. Am not surprise because that is not who they are. But for him he was born to do what he is doing. A born giver and lover of men.
So i also love him.

He is loved everywhere. His influence spreads like fragrance. Who wouldn't love a bit of Sir Terry?

Lol, Mr Ola
Welcome here

I guess you're taking after him

He is a huge motivation.

He is a man of his words.
He is fidel, he keeps his words.

Big ups @surpassinggoogle

Sir Terry

You are most generous and kind mentor for all steamians specially for minnow and untelented steamians.
I learnt much from your kind supervision. You are most respectable personality for me at this platform.

Your post is much important for me and other steamians as well.

Stay blessed.

A man for all.
Always there to help steemians.

He has indirectly employed many.

I can't agree less with you @imran498. his level of generosity can not be explained. As in, is beyond explanation. He just want to give and keep giving and how he does that I don't know. Anytime and any day is my man on this platform.

I know right
He most definitely is....and we can't love him less
I love him like crazy

This is indeed a wonderful visit. Your post shows and signifies how much you were received and loved as well. You are indeed celebrated.! what a nice visit. we all love you @surpassinggoogle!

@surpassinggoogle your words inspire me I can't believe I missed the discord talk @izzrael has said a lot about you in our Steemit meet up month ago in minna he talked about #steemgigs Nd #teardrops guess he forgot to say your tall and handsome

There will be nothing like steemit

Their love for you reflects in these pics, you work for the betterment of the platform and for their betterment also, it's the reason you are getting that much of love and affection from these people. Hope you go to these summits more often to give your love and receive theirs. And I agree "There Will Never Be Another 'Steemit'"
Voted your witness


You did well.

Get your steemian friends to vote for @steemgigs as witness too

Thank you alot for your acts of love. My witness name is "steemgigs" not "surpassinggoogle".

Very inspiring indeed!
Hope to meet you too, someday. 😊

Very possible

We also want to meet you sir.. Our family here in Abu Dhabi is also growing.. If given a chance, we can also set things like this here. 😊

Wow what an awesome meet up, seeing the pictures and all the smiling faces , I believe love is involved. I love meet ups but I think this one would have been another one to be.
We know you sure need strength and we are here to support you. You’ve been a wonderful person and believe me steemit will never forget such a wonderful person like you in generations to come believe me. To tell how much love you have from people. Myself haven’t met you but I mentioned you in two of my steemit inspired songs . Keep steeming and touching lives my dear Terry Ajayi. Your mama is proud my brother and friend

Thank you alot for your loving acts towards me. Jehovah is the ultimate rewarder, so no lele

You’re so welcome my brother. Yaaaga , no yawa, no lele Bros. Looking forward to seeing you someday

your post always powerfull.because you are a supee hero in the steemit platform.. I think this is really what separates steemit from any other crypto coin. I have never been so connected to people from all around the world and through steemit I have not only made a bunch of new online friends, but lots of new friends offline as well.The sky is the limit here on the platform, you are a good example of what someone can accomplish when you put your mind to it. Great inspiration for the steemians out there who Need a little motivation. Steemit is much more than just the money.thanks to sharing for your great work always..best of luck..my dear friend.. @surpassinggoogle

Very sweet

thank you for your great words apply and support my work.i want you always support my work.. because you are a super hero in the steemit platform.when i see your post really i receive doing alots of encourage my work.. your helped and support may very soon future success in the steemit platform.. thank you again for your comment.. very well done.. @surpassinggoogle

"Mere dust" those words are left in my head after reading your post @surpassinggoogle.. Thanks!

You spotted awesomeness

A good motivation and inspiration to all! Do you even sleep? Health is wealth! Thanks though..

This is amazing, it's good to not forget where we come from. Going back to pay visit is really a good things.
Your love and support towards everyone is undisputed and that's why everybody loves you and millions of people adores you.

You are a celebrity with a good heart, someone everybody is willing to emulate both on and off steemit.
Thanks for the love and support @surpassinggoogle


Steemit is progressing, in the photos i noticed what you wrote, the happiness and love of other steemians, we need more people like you that inspire steemians to continue on the platform and grow, a hug and greetings :)

Thank you for seeing what i am seeing

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