Inviting Philippines-Based Content Creators To Post Under #tilphilippines ("Today I Learned") & Things You Didn't Know About Trending Posts!!!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

For steemians posting in the Filipino language, here is why this is being encouraged:

Apart from the obvious reason, of creating a home on steemit and bonding the Steemit Philippines community, there is also another solid reason; which is: 'to stir organic steemit growth in the Philippines by means of the search engines'. 

A regular internet user could find steemit while using the search engines. We all know that steemit posts rank higher and higher in the search engines and it is now very likely that a Filipino speaker surfing Google or Bing for specific information, may come across a steemit post written in Tagalog etc and upon being able to find satisfactory answers to their questions using this steemit post, may be inclined to join steemit. 

The likelihood of these persons joining steemit, went a notch higher as this post was written in his language, which provided an instantaneous "feel-at-home" convenient feeling; highlighted the existence of community and creates freedom for those who joined to blog as they know they have options and no language barriers to entry etc

Trending Posts

But here is another thing to note for many; one reason a steemit post is likely to trend is the "potential of its quality" as deem fit by curators!

For instance, if you had the power to influence the path of a steemit post i.e "your upvote can make a steemit post appear on the trending page" and one of your primary aim is steemit growth; there is a higher likelihood that you will chose a steemit post that talks about "how to go to the moon on a 20 dollar budget in 2017" to go trending, over a post that shows that simply an image of "one red tomato"

There is also a likelihood, that other curators (upvoters) will act similar!


1. First marketing: is our home page and what appears there, has a huge impact on steemit growth. 

Infact, one main reason that the posts on "trending" have a "larger potential payout" is "steemit growth" as these "large amounts" sitting underneath these trending posts, appeals to new visitors better and inclines them into joining steemit but there is more:

A new visitor to steemit, is likelier to join steemit; if he finds info on that he is intrigued by or dumb-struck by, because it is rare and he hasn't seen it elsewhere online. 

I mean, who hasn't seen "a red tomato".

2. Curation

Curation is a talent that involves spotting gem-like content. Steemit has a ton of posts, daily and there is a likelihood that even the most quality posts get buried. 

Curators (upvoters) are incentivized to dig out this content and bring them to the limelight (trending). Thus, a curator is likelier to upvote on a post, that he has determined based on various factors, to be a post that will get popular. In order words, a good curator is likelier to upvote a post that has a higher likelihood to go trending and one of the factors, that curators use to determine this; is quality. However, another factor that more veteran curators use is: "the X-factor". 

So there can be times where "a red tomato" post will appear in "trending" but in most cases, the post talking about "how to go to the moon on a 20 dollar budget in 2017" will win.


When writing steemit posts, many tend to shape their posts around what the steemit audience will like but the truth is, we have an audience in the search engines who have never heard about steemit but who have questions, that our steemit posts can answer! 

So as much as we try to write to appeal to a steemit audience, more influential and veteran curators can spot steemit posts that have more potential of accomplishing steemit growth and may decide to upvote on those posts, thus, making them trend!

How Does This Apply To Filipino Authors In General

Consider raising the bar when it comes to your content, by picking intriguing topics to write about as this helps you stay above the competition. 

Yes, this takes some sacrifice and ofcourse a measure of selflessness but it is a more testimonial path to take even in life, when you create something that no other has and for the benefit of the world. 

The whole "steemit model" is built around "mining with minds" and that speaks of some "flexing, learning, research, exertion". 

Thus, i am using this post to encourage Filipino authors to start using #tilphilippines.

"#tilphilippines" = (Today I Learned (Philippines Edition))

I will be visiting the above tag as well and i will love to support researched posts on any topic that i find there.

Simply learn something intriguing today, create a post about it in a bid to educate others or answer unanswered questions and use #tilphilippines as one of your tags and overtime, me and hopefully other Philippines-based curators will visit these posts to give support. 

We want to instill a culture of "mining with minds" among Philippines-based content curators and start to stand out when it comes to content creation. 

Too, don't forget to use #philippines as one of your tags as well.


If you write posts in Filipino, how do you stand out?

With a little more self-sacrifice, you could kill all birds with one stone by adding also the English translation for your Filipino posts, within the same post. You can do this paragraph by paragraph or by adding two separate segments to the your post i.e A Filipino version & An English version within the same post!

Now the above is optional but i encourage it. 

In general and in life, i always encourage selflessness and self-sacrifice. "It has never been about you!" 

Add an English translation as that will also help non-Filipino speakers who like visiting #philippines to also gain from your post and will incline them to upvote, thus, giving even your Filipino posts an equal chance of going trending


Similarly, in the search engines both native Filipino speakers and English speakers, who come across your steemit posts can benefit alike and join steemit in the process!

Everything in this post is optional but encouraged! We want to stir community in a way that promotes steemit growth as well and in a way that bonds us with every steemian.

Above all, we want to stir out-of-the-boxness, mining with minds and above all selflessness, self-sacrifice and love as these virtues helps you grow on a personal level and the best version of yourself, is a gift to humanity; every time!

We have steem and steemit today because of the selflessness and sleepless nights of others!

Your Boy Terry

new shirt design that will be available to everyone soonest


Please join the comments to leave any suggestions for growth of steemit in the Philippines. Too, if you are considering budget steemit meetups and signups in your area, consider contacting me here: I am still @surpassinggoogle on there as well as on 


Visit to cast vote. You don't need voting power to cast this vote!

 Join us on Steemgigs community on discord:

Everyone has something to offer!

There are 2 pages

Growing up means learning what life is. When you're little, you have a set of ideals, standards, criteria, plans, outlooks, and you think that you have to sit around and wait for them to happen to you and then life will work. But life isn't like that, for anybody; you can't fall in love with a standard, you have to fall in love with a person. You can't live in a criteria, you have to live your life. You can't wait for your plans to materialize, because they may never materialize the way you think they will. You can't wait to watch your ideals and standards walk up to you, because you can't know what's yours until you have it. I always say, always take the first chance in case you never get a second one, but growing up takes that even one step further, growing up means that you have to hold on to what you have, when you have it, because what you have- that's yours- and all the ideals and criteria you have set in your head, those aren't yours, because those haven't happened to you. Keep going, forward escape #philippines , Cheers!

You can see! Even on steemit, success has to do with life; understanding life and humans!

this is really very great. i love the fact that you pointed to awakening the consciousness of writing for 'people' and not for self. this shows that steemit is real life because in life, 'everyone has something to offer' and so it is in steemit. and it is other people that place value on your work, not you. this is a very great content and a classic notch!

Hahaha. i like when you say "everyone has something to offer" as that is the motto i also use for #steemgigs. And yes, i went i teach steemit, don't teach whitepapers. I teach understanding of life and humans and understanding life and humans involves selflessness and self-sacrifice, brotherhood etc

yes. i copied 'Everyone has something to offer' from the bottom of the post because that was striking to say the least. do you know there are people on or off steemit who believe that they have nothing valuable to offer? and with a reminder, a newbie knows he is a potential whales and then start to put in his best at what he does... Keep up the great work!

Yes, i so know that. Especially here in the Philippines, there is a ton of talents and i see it for its so obvious but these youths don't know that they possess talent. They need mirrors and steemit community holds mirrors. That was a core essence of #steemgigs to direct people.

Great! in Nigeria here, there is the #project20millionnaija initiated by @ejemai to get at least 20million Nigerians aware of steemit and benefiting from steemit at the same time. he has stated an accelerator hub where people will be trained offline and then online of how to steem.

to confess to you, i didnt know that steemit has the potential to positively influence a life until i joined. Steemit will start carrying out corporate social responsibility projects in many parts of the world now. it is only steemit that you learn to grow and you become creative as you do; this platform does not endorse laziness. lazy mindsets are destroyed and great ones are built too through steemit.

we are taking over schools and communities to teach them no only to earn rewards but to be useful potentials to the world...only steemit endorses that now. i am grateful there are people who think of the next generation and not the next payout.

I know everything about Nigeria and the steemit initiatives in Nigeria. You can be sure of that! You don't have to be in the location to have impact there. Check out @brindocorp You can also visit:

i am in the discord now. Great job @surpassinggoogle. this is a very great job you are doing

Very well written and salient points - especially in regards to writing for the audience instead of for our own unique interests, building a long term community irrespective of location or other intangibles. Keep it up. Up Voted!

Your comment is top notch. You read between the lines! I am grateful!

Your very welcome. Please continue to deliver quality content. Look forward to reading more of your insightful posts.

Kumusta Terry! :) Thanks for helping steemit by doing all u do AND coming up with cool ideas like this. I am using the 'tilphilippines' tag and now thinking about what I can share or teach, in my posts, that would help out my fellow steemians or those who might join steemit. nice. :P

Nice! You are doing awesome, i tell you and your wife. You will evolve very fast. Hope you are doing okay. In my last post, i think you will gather some more ideas

Very nice article. The Philippines is arguably the most internet-savvy country in Asia especially when it comes to social media. When steemit catches on in the Philippines, and I'm sure it will, it's going to be a Steemit capital of Asia. :)

I believe so, but work needs to be done. Like you said social media but steemit takes a lot more of selflessness, vision, mentality to be on! But no doubt, what you have said can be made true!

I agree @daniel3 , following you now...if you are Pinoy let's join hands in promoting in our country.

I heard a lot of Filippinos complaining about the speed of the mobile internet in the Philippines. I don´t know for sure, but I can imagine that the majority of Filippinos are surfing with their mobiles, and not with laptops on a landline. I cannot imagine doing long quality posts on a phone, so let´s hope that the internet situation will improve soon.

I agree with this

@surpassinggoogle No matter how steep the learning curve. People in general will strive to achieve whatever they want in life. Language is a barrier but not the kind that will last you a lifetime to surpass. If you want bilingual then it will come. Your thesis is compelling enough.

Thanks! You have said it all!

Have I said it all. I am glad that you are pushing this to mainstream steemit community. You are a trailblazer.

Always a good thing supporting ur fellow lads. I don't agree the trending page is by say the best quality posts. A lot of the same people are advocated on it. Not saying it's all bad, definitely not, but the curation game is a known fact and problem Steemit is facing.

Well, we all have different views. It depends on how much you can see. Curation is a problem but doesn't really matter? Let your vision be staunch and nothing phasing you. Among other things, you have platform where you can dent in legacies and a community of great minds reachable to you, these things alone are awesome. Apart from rewards, there are opportunities. On steemit people knock on your doors and i tell you there are opportunities. Overall, i just touched on one aspect of curation and there are many but when you look at it critically, it is not a problem. It is not all about quality on steemit cos quality isn't only measured by your posts. some people created unseen quality in sleepless nights behind the scenes but people tend to measure this quality merely by a blog cos that is only what they see and some old steemians have been here for so long at the base of steemit's success and maybe earning only now and werent earning months back when steem was 7 cents but now people start to see them earning without look at history. Plus there is the curation incentive side to it as well which is subjective and can't be scolded either cos hey there, what if someone has like 1 million steem power and decides not to curate at all, it is not a crime either. Bottomline is, look beyond steemit and onto the steem blockchain, then bring your visions and dreams on it and build and enterprise. Do your thing! There is no competition if you sit above the competition! Those are my tips really and your comment is amazing! You will notice that i also pinpointed that there are time "a red tomato" will trend; yes becos trending posts arent only quality, there are deeper reasons and many of these reasons are bigger reasons than is viewable merely by looking at the blogs

Wow, that was hell of a reply ^^ Sure we all have different opinions, and I do have a lot of love for Steemit, but it's still in beta for a reason. It ain't flawless and hopefully in time will progress even more. Yes, Steemit helped me a lot to induce my love for the blockchain and crypto :)! And done me a lot of good! But I am kind of a pessimist (by nature I suppose) so I tend to look at things that are wrong, which is important as well in order to improve something.

For sure. That is love too when you spot the wrong but even the wrong, i sift it for the good in it and use that as well. I don't see you as pessimistic based on this comment. It is more like care! Yes, steemit has flaws but flaws are good too. No dirt, no soap! Part of the steemit addiction or stickiness comes from its ups and downs.

Veri nice writring, but, can I post somthing with #philipines tag? Because I am not a people of #Philipina. :D

Well, if you have a good post, you can leave me the link. That's better!

Congratulations! This post has been upvoted from the communal account, @minnowsupport, by darklog from the Minnow Support Project. It's a witness project run by aggroed, ausbitbank, teamsteem, theprophet0, someguy123, neoxian, followbtcnews/crimsonclad, and netuoso. The goal is to help Steemit grow by supporting Minnows and creating a social network. Please find us in the Peace, Abundance, and Liberty Network (PALnet) Discord Channel. It's a completely public and open space to all members of the Steemit community who voluntarily choose to be there.

Awesome initiative! My thanks to you @surpassinggoogle for your hard work and dedication to the Filipino steemians! Kudos! 😊

@surpassinggoogle you have just revealed the truth that people like me have been looking for. Steemit is a puzzling platform that leaves you to figure our certain things on your own. Even though you talked about your creativity it still okay. I guess you have just given people like me a home work to becoming a better contributor to steemit platform which I've sincerely been looking forward to. Thanks a lot and pleas keep up your good works.

Exactly, this post is for everyone especially the newer steemians. I am really glad your read between the lines. It is not about the tag per say, it is about letting go in your creativity and shining even on behave of others. You already got my point, so i won't build on it. I am testimony to all my words.

Fully agree. I have been curating Filipino contents for some time now and its fun reading posts in our vernacular.

Ayun. Cge sisimulan ko na rin ang tagalog Gundam reviews ko. Hehe

Itratranslate ko yung mga ganitong post ko

Awesome! Mabuhay #pilipinas .Though its not easy but I know its not near impossible. Hehe, halos iniwan ko na kung ano man ang mga hilig at gusto kong gawin nang tumuntong ako ng college. Hindi ako active sa kahit ano mang social media though i have an account but i prefer reading post about current issues than those post about me! me! me! you! you! you! or them!(sorry, hehe). Here in steemit i enjoyed reading every post na madadaanan ko specially kung the topic is so interesting and fit sa mga interes ko(that's what i like here may laman ang mga post at may makukuha/matutunan ka) . Alam mo na sa sarili mo kung ano man ang sa tingin mo magugustuhan ng mga steemians pero hindi madali! hehe. Looking forward for more experiences and learnings here in steemit! support ako sa iyo @surpassinggoogle at sa lahat ng pinoy! More power!

Yes, i am reduced in how i use Facebook since steemit. Here there is a measure of truth because its not friends and family. Thank you for an elaborate comment. Reading here will develop you and before you know it, you will be peering into newer fields of knowledge and that's growth

Wow phillipiness have the high unity os steemit
Great info

Great post bro well done

very informative about marketing and curation....

this is a very great article. upvoted and resteemed and now i am casting my vote for you as a witness. You do a very great job @surpassinggoogle

Thank you a lot!

this is a very great project. wow...@surpassinggoogle you are doing a tremendous work

Thank you a lot! I hope to continue

and I am confident that you wont lack any resources you will need. people who grow by allowing other grow, grow brighter and better. Great work @surpassinggoogle, I am a great fan now

I am a fan of my fan!

Please tell something about your fan.. who is your fan?

Thanks for the mention Terry! And great initiative on #tilphilippines! Knowing the potential to be curated and incentivized on topics that may be steering away from the usual content that trends here is a great way to widen the type of content found on the platform. 100% support from myself, and I'm positive lots in the community does too!

Hi ....really wonderful work ...thnks you. @surpassinggoogle

You are welcome! Stay awesome!

We will be heard at lalawak Sana lng tunay at totoo ang sinomang tao na sasali dito. Ibagsak ang mga palalo dahil tunay na pilipino lamang at mabubuting tao ang NASA likod ng team n ito. Like many good steemians who have the heart and a good soul indeed u can find in here. But making this team you gave us hope to succeed and be heard of what we contributed in the community to let them know that we exist from minnow to up. You done a good and interesting job for the pilipino steemians, we pray for the success and Steem on sa lahat, go steem. Good luck.

Thank you for this post!

This is very helpful Sir to our community. I wish success to each and every one of us. Salamat ng madami.


Thank you for your amazing comments all around. That helps steemit growth

Even if it's just simple or small, I'm glad to help Sir. :-)

This is so enocuraging for us here in the steemit #philippines community! Such a great initiative and again thanks for all that you do Terry! You rock!

Very well written

Is it a new tags? I like it. Today I learn Philipines shorted by #tilphilipines. I wanna learn it, some body want teach me please?

When you write a good post, you can comment the link to me. I will give you tips and teach you! You can use normal tags that you already use but you can comment the link to me!

Can I comment you in any your post about my link?

that,is a great initiaves for your philipines community. good job for sure.

Nice post thanks very much for your ideas...brilliant moment

Thank you!

You r welcome

I appreciate it. Words are so lovely. I learned a lot. I certainly hope a better community for Philippines. Thanks for pushing harder! :) @surpassinggoogle

Great to know about this another tag and we could expect more useful information to be shared by the Philippines community. More knowledge will be flowing in here. :)

Yes, we need new knowledge to stand out!

I have edited the tags of my recent educational posts as i support this concept of yours. Thanks for the ideas. Now i'm aware that not only the Steemit world sees our contents but the WWW. Now i got a clue to the meaning of your username. Nice shirt design!

Hello @surpassinggoogle
I have been following your work and I think the initiative you have had is very good!
I would love to have people like you support the Spanish language publications, and in this way give greater visibility to the different communities!
My regards to you!

I have things like that in mind. When i am bit settled and better in my physical health. I have the "#steemgigs" community, there is a lot we can do together!

Hello @surpassingoogle
I'm already part of your community "#steemgigs"
Sincerely I would be extremely interested and motivated to support you in any project that we could carry out together to support the communities, you have my support in the Spanish language! There is much that can be done really :)
I think you are taking very good steps inside steemit!

Yes, we will talk in the DMs soon. Once i have some space in a couple of days

With pleasure! I'll be waiting to talk

I perhaps love the Philippines almost as much as my home, the USA...
I have known many wonderful folks from there, both here in the US and even more online! I love to make friends and co-followers of the Philippino people, they have all had a wonderful attitude and positive outlook. When I found out how much our U$Dollar is worth "over there" I started up-voting more liberally to these friends, especially. Why Not? It regenerates all on it's own, and helps the good people much more than expected. At least it will if enough of steemit gets on board! :D

AFAIK, there has always been a special relationship between our two countries. I would like to be a small part of making it BETTER, if possible!

Philippines is the #1 country I would love to visit, if I get the opportunity :D
Two of my friends from there in the US are planning on returning when they retire, saying that Social Security alone will allow a comfortable lifestyle in that beautiful destination! I may do that myself ;)

Well, you are not far from the truth. No doubt, it is a good place to retire in!

F.U.R.R. for "@surpassinggoogle" because you have been very helpful in M. Helows' post, and I am also voting you as one of my witnesses! :D You are a great person to have in my feed!

Do I vote for @steemgigs or
@surpassinggoogle ???

It did not accept surpassing google, so I voted steemgigs

"steemgigs" is the name of my witness. Thank you for wanting to vote.

I posted my vote for @steemgigs :D

Thank you a lot!

Thank you for this project and it help us to improve "Learning with earning on Steemit"

Exactly. Personal growth and no loss! Moreover, you will impact others!

@surpassinggoogle Very nice article!!!!!!!!!!

For steemians posting in the Filipino language,
Ang Steemit ay kapaki-pakinabang at mas advanced na patuloy hi kaibigan @teemboad

@steemit mas advanced at mas oke.steem dollar at steem kapangyarihan. (steem) sana tayo dito steemit maaaring ibahagi ang lahat ng mga comrades kapawan bumoto all.tapi pinaka-mahalaga ay hindi nagkakaroon ng ibang mga tao pag-post sa aming mga personal na bagay-bagay .Ito ay nasiyahan sa kanyang steemit maaari naming ibahagi ang aming kaibigan steem ToTeman dolyar at lahat ng mga tao na nasa isang pagkakaibigan steemit.salam huwag kalimutan na sundan ako at makilahok sa isang boto na kung saan nakikita mo ang post na ito ay karapat-dapat na ipakita steemit!!

I am so proud that someone had thought of doing this to raise confidence and build a Filipino community here in steemit. I kept looking for ways to build our own community here and share our knowledge which would totally be awesome. I remember coming across with this steemit user who posted about a group of steemians gathering together and building a friendship which I find really cool and wished that we could also do that in time. I'd start using your suggested tips on how I can help in building this our community and be proud of it. #tilphilippines for the gold! #ilovemycountry #philippines #proudtobepinoy

Yes, please do soon and you can leave me the link. The Filipino community has always existed but it wasn't loud. Now its better!

I grab some nice idea's by reading your outstanding post, now i include some of them to my game plan as well. hope i will have some good points and clue with you. This is a simply best one my friend , follow you @surpassinggogle.

Very very nice. That was plan; to share ideas but i kept the ideas between the lines and you read between the lines. gaming is still a fresh niche on steemit!

sure thing my friend. 2nd option is the simply a best one. as you said "a red tomato" post will appear in "trending" but in most cases, the post talking about "how to go to the moon on a 20 dollar budget in 2017" will win. Well i am going with some research in hot and trending posts how they are going with the headline.. in most cases best Headline adding with some questions will go far than others. so i get the first point from your post , I should definitely add some question mark headline instead of the simple ones. like " lovely weekend with my hot girlfriend." nop it does not help. i should use " Do you know why my girlfriend do nasty things in the weekends rather than weekdays " thumbs up .

Hahaha, you are futuristic and smart!


hey meep , always nice to see you in here.

beep also dont know anything :D

all topic discussed are on point! :) since the filipino community here in steemit is starting to increase in numbers, this post will really help a lot specially to us who have just started. thank you as always! god bless you more! cheers!

Exactly! Thank you for visiting!

This is great! I wish I had read this earlier but I will keep the things you encourage in mind and will apply it on my next posts. Thank you for your unending support for #teamphilippines (and the whole Steemit community, for that matter). Mabuhay ka @surpassinggoogle! ☺

Walang anuman! Stay awesome!

really wonderfull work for ur country i really appriciate u to help and good advises to ur country mates @surpassinggoogle sir and hope one day u grow on the top to steemit phil comunity with ur honesty struggle and wish u sir for best in we all also love our countries and whole steemit comunity and talented and great people like u

Please follow me

Upvoted and also resteemed :)

I would love to read Philippine authors about life in the Philippines.

Yes, that should pop up soon! Life in Philippines isn't as tough as it is presented!

I will religiously use the hashtags you mention and do some of my posts in English with Tagalog translation. I think we can make a post about whatever is trending like current events or whatever that interest us. In SEO, we used to search for trending hashtags in social media like Reddit and Twitter. Soon enough, people would be looking at Steemit for trending topics. Let's make it happen man! Aja! :-)

Yes. If i became your religion, you are my case study! I will need to hear your AJA soon, let me see how that sounds, after i heard you say P...............

I'm an atheist so no religion, cray cray! lol! :-D

Misplaced logic. Atheism is a religion! If you are atheist though, i will convert you! Sleep!

Hello @surpassinggoogle.

You are a goggle with which steemian philippinos see. Everyday, with every post of urs, you keep revealing hiding secrets of steemit ecosystem. This I appreciate in no small measure. 👏


Yep. Normally, i say these things only in DMs. But sometimes i put in out there and underlyingly and i tell you, you are smart. I looks like a Filipino post but it was for everyone and several people saw.

Thanks. That makes you a true leader: a leader for all and not just philippinos. you will go places.

Yes, not just Philippines. Even the post is general when you read between the lines, like you did!

great info, I was in the trending page once or twice before and the section hot is easyer to reach.

Thank you for appreciating. In my eyes, you are a trender stats or no stats!

This is great it will help to boost the Community and it will personally help them to build something out of the box with support you guys will give its a great decision :)

really wonderful work. Thanks for the update @surpassinggoogle.

Sir @surpassinggoogle thanks for your support to the Filipino community here in steemit, you serve as an inspiration to most of us. I was hesitant to post in Filipino at first for various reasons, but the growing community of Filipinos here made me finally decide. My posts in Filipino are far more successful thanks to you and our friends in the discord channel.

You are welcome!

There are 2 pages