I will try to be fast with the healers thing. Here, many things aren't very fast. You have to wait for results for instance for so long and when there is holiday, it affects matter and when you go to a new hospital, they may start the tests all over again, even in the midst of past test. They don't haste much and basically, doctors appear used to cases, that i don't think they haste much as much as we who aren't doctors do. Is IV vitamin c administrable at home or it has to be by a doctor. I mean like worse case scenario
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Anyone CAN administer it, what the law in your area is I can not know. Here, an RN can do it, but it varies state to state. You want pharmaceutical grade vitamin C, intended for IV use. You can get it here: https://www.nutri.com/index.cfm/product/58/sodium-ascorbate-powder-2000-gr.cfm?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9Ly4kO3K1wIVFcpkCh1jyAX4EAAYBCAAEgIQqPD_BwE
Good luck to you and her!