Starting The Push For "SteemFest 4 In The Philippines". (I Had Plans Be SteemFest 3 But Plans Fail!)

in #steemit6 years ago

Late last year, my mum was dying. Before i knew of her illness, i had had plans of attending SteemFest 2. I had money for this too as a steemian had sent me money to fund the experience. 

I ended up applying for a visa but i didn't get it. I knew i won't get the visa though because there was no real way of preparing. 

Days before my visa application for Europe, my passport was still in another embassy. During this period, i had news that my mum was critically ill, i may have just once chance of seeing her (incase she passed away).

So instead of SteemFest 2, i was going to apply for a visa to go see my mum instead. However, just two days before my visa was ready for pick-up, news came that my mum has been declared "free of cancer" etc and she had returned home and that i should wait in the Philippines, since she will be coming over. 

All this relief and it felt like "signs" that against all odds, i should attempt the visa application for SteemFest 2 (Europe) even though, i had no real preparation. 

I retrieved my passport from the other embassy and just a day before my interview date for a Schengen visa, was when i started to gather "papers" that were required for a Schengen visa application. 

I went to embassy the next day and even though the counter insisted that i shouldn't waste money for the visa application as i won't get the visa, i paid the fee and asked for an interview.

I spent 30 mins in this interview, with the interviewer carrying a friendly face. I knew though, that there will be no visa.

This year, i had plans once again for SteemFest 3! Someone wanted to fund this trip too but days flew drastically (again). 

My dad arrived here in the beginning of the year. This was after my mum had died and my dad is critically ill too. I am ill as well. 

Inanycase, days flew fast but i still maintained my plans. I knew i wasn't going to be able to prepare but i wanted to go back to that same Schengen embassy to be interview by that same woman.

First things first, i had to get an interview date! However, even that can be an issue here in the Philippines. I had applied for a date in August as you can only seek a date, at least 90 days before your intended departure date. 

The earliest date i got was for OCT 25, 2018 and this is entirely late, considering that you need a "15-days" interval between your interview date and departure date and SteemFest 3 is early November.

This was frustrating as i would definitely miss SteemFest 3 even if i got a visa but i accepted the date.

Surprisingly, in September this embassy sent me an email asking if i will be available OCT 11, 2018. Ofcourse i accepted this as this favors "the SteemFest 3 dates". 

Days flew and i couldn't prepare. 

I have had too much expenses this year and each day is filled with expenses. A few days before OCT 11, 2018, i got too tired and i cancelled the scheduled interview. 

I sent an email to the embassy to that effect.

This year, i contacted @roelandp  about considering South East Asia for SteemFest, "the Philippines" in this case. 

I feel it is time now to start pushing for SteemFest 4 to happen in the Philippines and there are many, many valuable reasons for this.

One being "visa attainment". 

The beauty of the steem blockchain and blockchain in general is "decentralization" and i feel this should begin to translate into vaster dimensions. The world should become smaller in the presence of the steem blockchain.

SteemFest is a good way to display's steem's beauty, also in this regard.

"Visa attainment" is a hassle and in many cases even impossible in the nations that the world calls "developing". 

I see many SteemFest tickets being given away and in some cases "full expenses paid" but this doesn't mean that the parties involved will be at SteemFest.

There are many other amazing reasons for considering that SteemFest 4 is held in the Philippines. I will write a full-blown proposal to this effect, in due time.

In general, the Philippines is very well-posed to host a successful and even "news worthy" SteemFest 4, considering also that "blockchain industry" is undergoing substantial growth here and ofcourse, with the presence of thousands of steemians located in the Philippines.

The Philippines is also very accessible to vaster range of the world population and is a popular tourist attraction on its own and may have been on the bucket list of many as a travel destination.

More will be said in my "proposal post" in due time....

Your boy Terry 


Kindly vote for the "steemgigs" witness. 

Dedicating My Entire Steem/Steemit Journey To My Mum

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I also applied for visa here in Nigeria but I was denied.

guaranteed. the world pretends it doesnt know. for a young man from naija, rare. blockchain should adjust this, not replay it

How is your health now?I hope it adjust that @surpassinggoogle.

Hello Terry... Hope you feel better today. I really wish you can be at Steemit in Nigeria (S.I.N 2) this month but your health matters a lot. I miss you.

soon that will happen. I miss you. you miss ola

That’s a lot that you had been through. God bless and hope you and your dad are getting better by the days!

Steemfest 4 in Asia, the Philippines! Brilliant idea and perhaps it is time to catch a more tropical breeze for the festival? I am definitely seconding this idea :) I’m from Malaysia and will definitely make it and even could help in some way to make this possible.

vice versa. south east asia in general. if it was in malaysia, it is so reachable. ph may be cheaper for steemfest to hold in but south east asia overall is perfect

True, but it may not be ideal for a too crazy rave and there will be no weed 😂 anyway, give and take. It will definitely be cheaper than Europe.

Nice one dear

Sorry to hear of all your trials and tribulations @surpassinggoogle. It makes me appreciate again what a gift it is to come from a country where visas generally aren't an issue.

As long as I had enough time to save up for it I'd be delighted to attend a Steemfest in the Phillipines.

I hope your proposal gets accepted sooner rather than later and we an start to plan ahead for that.

In the meantime I hope your own health improves.

Wishing you a wonder full day. 😊

Maybe many sad stories when you go to SteemFest, obstacles and obstacles are always you, this is a struggle, a sad experience.

good luck for that activity sir, and be safe in your journey,

Posted using Partiko Android

#surppasinggoogle, that would be great if steemfest4 will be in phillipines, but i believe Jahova will strengthen you, heal you and your dad too...

My absolute support for holding SF4 in Phils. Even I might just attend, it would be awesome fella and a real showcase for the country.
My best wishes to you and your family and I hope life shines a bit of sunshine on you soon :-)

I have voted. Your current proxy is: surpassinggoogle

Sorry about to hear that about your family sir Terry, it was a great opportunity if the steemfest 4 would be held in Phillipines.

I'm sure expect almost thousands of active steeminas would be attend on that steemfest if it would be happen..

Posted using Partiko Android

I love that you are pushing for this @surpassinggoogle! <333 :D I am excited at the prospect!! Already visualizing the manifestation and giving you the biggest reiki hug EVER!!!! :D Love you & sending healing vibes always!!!!

Tough times you've been through, Terry. Hope everything goes better soon.

Steemfest4 in PH would be a wonderful idea- it opens up tourism opportunities too. Then of course the points you have mentioned which makes this idea a practical one. Hope it does materialize. It would be fantastic!

❤ arrliinn

Posted using Partiko Android

Greetings, @surpassinggoogle. My best wishes for that Steemfest4 proposal to fructify.

The Philippines not bad, maybe it can happen in Asia. Push for for it Terry.

Fighting Spirit and wish that will continue too. And wish that next SteemFest will be held in Philippines. And literally I've heard some cases where people failing to attain the SteemFest due to nonacceptance of VISA. In my opinion these kind of situations are painful because people prepare lot of stuff but in the end they face Unimaginable situations. Good to luck brother.@surpassinggoogle, No body can deny that you faced the toughest phase for sure. But no matter what you've always showcased the

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

I know most of the stuff about your mother , i am sorry you had to go through that tough time . the only thing i don t know about is your health issues ,, what is all about ?
voted steem !Hi Terry @surpassinggoogle

This year, i contacted @roelandp about considering South East Asia for SteemFest, "the Philippines" in this case.

Steemfest 4 in the Phillipines is a wonderful idea. Will pray the idea takes root and comes to fruition.

Continued Angel Blessings for your father, you and all that you do.

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