@inertia in steemspeak.com told me that if you do enter one of these Knowing Phising scam accounts accidental into Steemit wallet, the walet dialogue Box will Warn you in red letters that it is a scam account and not to send there, (just like when you type in an exchange withoyt a memo, ) but tjey can only warn you and not prevent ou, but I would like an extra dialogue box maybe? Like even whenyou click yes send it makes you confirm and maybe even plays a short video explaining why you shouldnt send to these accounts?? I dunno we should just ..i know w cant stop peopl from sendingmoney to people saccounts in their wallets but we have to use consensus to show we have control over our own blockchain when it comes to scamers flooding wallets woth spam, we will have some solutions however, and its good this all hapened SONER rather than latwr, we wont wanna onboard millions of users only to end up with a situation with millions of users getting scammed using phishing attacks which would have never happend on a centralized platform like facebook ow teiotter where no accounts sending links like that would be up for long but that does happen on facebook and instagram etc, we cannot delete transactions from he walet history BUt we have to implement a way to , without the chrome extension (extra info steemit) to actually filter out the wallet transactions and its scarey to think anyone with bad intent can take advantage of our free transaction fee to Gum up the sytem and slow it down by spamming from one account and its really sucky! We WILl find solutions to these possible future escalations of current problems! Oh I love steemit so Much I feel Like im working in cryptography during orld war 2 or something!
Anyway discord chat steemspeak.com is liek a 24/7 text and voice chat with images videos GIFs and even @curiosity bot by @gyzimo which lets you send or recieve SBD to yoru steemit account as tips all there in teh chat! Ive already earned 5 SBD from just hanging out in teh chat which is amazing considering I didnt have to post anything! Mostly thanks to @instructor2121 Thanks for raining down SBD on the chat with @curiosity bot!
I think better solution would be something like KYC where you are verified but not sure if its too late for that. Could you please provide me the link to steemspeak discord channel? Thanks
@inertia in steemspeak.com told me that if you do enter one of these Knowing Phising scam accounts accidental into Steemit wallet, the walet dialogue Box will Warn you in red letters that it is a scam account and not to send there, (just like when you type in an exchange withoyt a memo, ) but tjey can only warn you and not prevent ou, but I would like an extra dialogue box maybe? Like even whenyou click yes send it makes you confirm and maybe even plays a short video explaining why you shouldnt send to these accounts?? I dunno we should just ..i know w cant stop peopl from sendingmoney to people saccounts in their wallets but we have to use consensus to show we have control over our own blockchain when it comes to scamers flooding wallets woth spam, we will have some solutions however, and its good this all hapened SONER rather than latwr, we wont wanna onboard millions of users only to end up with a situation with millions of users getting scammed using phishing attacks which would have never happend on a centralized platform like facebook ow teiotter where no accounts sending links like that would be up for long but that does happen on facebook and instagram etc, we cannot delete transactions from he walet history BUt we have to implement a way to , without the chrome extension (extra info steemit) to actually filter out the wallet transactions and its scarey to think anyone with bad intent can take advantage of our free transaction fee to Gum up the sytem and slow it down by spamming from one account and its really sucky! We WILl find solutions to these possible future escalations of current problems! Oh I love steemit so Much I feel Like im working in cryptography during orld war 2 or something!
Anyway discord chat steemspeak.com is liek a 24/7 text and voice chat with images videos GIFs and even @curiosity bot by @gyzimo which lets you send or recieve SBD to yoru steemit account as tips all there in teh chat! Ive already earned 5 SBD from just hanging out in teh chat which is amazing considering I didnt have to post anything! Mostly thanks to @instructor2121 Thanks for raining down SBD on the chat with @curiosity bot!
I think better solution would be something like KYC where you are verified but not sure if its too late for that. Could you please provide me the link to steemspeak discord channel? Thanks
haha fuck KYC kyc sucks its just an exxcuse for more control! and AML anti money laundering that is juys another excuse to control stuff
http://steemspeak.com u should come in here!