Surfermarly!! I am in Cali are you? I have been on Sttemit since December. The volatility, stolen accounts and fear of whale offense is apparent. However, the construction of the whole thing is genius. In my opinion witnesses should be assigned over tag groups and handle contests and minnow assistance for votes. The people here are open and nice. The creativity if writers, artists, and regular people enjoying life is highlighted. This site replaces the news, cable and tv reruns. It lets the steemer thru others travel and have 3rd hand experiences in far away places. In real time I have seen places that i hope to travel to. Every time I needed help from being stubborn, everyone from minnows to discord whales were right there. (Eat your heart out comcast). All in all I think with a little leadership we may in the future have SteemFilms, SteemMusic and SteemArt expos. I created Steemie the Elephant. I would live for him to give daily jokes and wise financial reports in a cartoon. We will see. Nice post. I can tell you want Steemit to have integrity and be successful. Me too. Me too.:)
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Nope. I'm on the Canaries. Sounds similar but there's a lot of Atlantic and Pacific Ocean between us :-)
You're right, Steemit has potential. I never challenged the creativity of the community. But it's not capitalized. This place won't ever grow if the wealth is distributed among a few people that are part of a closed group. For an average blogger who joins Steemit now - no matter how creative or inspiring the content - it's almost impossible to come to the top. I'm not saying that these travel reports aren't fantastic. They truly are, and I've also been inspired by a lot of them. Still they're not rewarded in the way they should be. And that's Steemit's core problem nobody is wanting to address. Those who could make a difference don't upvote new users since it's not profitable with regards to Curation Rewards.
Pronouncing a wish is the very first step. :-)
I hope the people on the top realize that a lot of money can be made investing in the best Steemers. I will pray about this. Thank you for your seasoned perspective. Joy