I will share the full post reward with all the people who write a comment on this post (you can also leave a joke or motivational/inspirational quote) and who has Upvoted the post. If anyone wants to donate additional SBD as a sponsor will add it to the daily payout and I will list you as a sponsor at the end of the post.
No registration needed as the only thing people need to do is leave a comment to be added to the days payout. Upvoting is optional but not required to receive the daily payout. Payouts will be done after 24 hours automatically so no further action needed.
Please make sure you comment while the Faucet is Open. If you comment after the Faucet is Closed you won't receive a share of the days payout.
Interactions on these Steemit Faucet posts will also be counted towards my weekly payout every Sunday.
Check the STEEMIT Matters Facebook Group.
Follow me on Twitter.
Today's Sponsors are:
Please follow them and Comment/Resteem/Upvote their posts to show gratitude.
Because of Steemit Bandwidth Limits I have been hitting over the last few day I now have to set a minimum 0.200 SBD withdrawal limit (this may need to be changed later) to reduce the number of payments I send out a day. I have created a Pending Payments page where people can check their SBD balance to see how close they are to getting their next payout --> http://csyd.es/Steemit/PendingPayments/
Daily Steemit Faucet Posts
Faucet Date | Sponsors | Comments | Upvotes | SBD Payout |
8th January 2018 | 4 | 236 | 192 | 10.00 |
7th January 2018 | 4 | 181 | 190 | 8.14 |
6th January 2018 | 2 | 230 | 234 | 9.85 |
5th January 2018 | 4 | 279 | 269 | 10.89 |
4th January 2018 | 2 | 231 | 243 | 12.74 |
3rd January 2018 | 3 | 212 | 224 | 10.69 |
2nd January 2018 | 4 | 224 | 203 | 4.00 |
1st January 2018 | 4 | 193 | 160 | 4.00 |
31st December 2017 | 4 | 195 | 152 | 4.00 |
30th December 2017 | 5 | 187 | 144 | 4.00 |
29th December 2017 | 5 | 186 | 154 | 4.00 |
28th December 2017 | 5 | 165 | 155 | 4.00 |
27th December 2017 | 2 | 172 | 122 | 3.00 |
Totals | 2691 | 2442 | 89.31 |
Todays sponsors are @digi3d @Kryptonia @mps01k @nathansenn @SydesJokes @tonygreene113
Thanks @sydesjokes and a big thanks to the great sponsers helping minnows grow.
I'm actually a lowly plankton.
Thanks a lot to all of you!
Thanks to all todays sponsors. Y'all rock!
Thank you very much.
Fair play to the sponsors, great way for new members of the platform to get some .
Hello and THANK YOU!
I don't believe in building fences and walls.
#Freedom4All is what I say! Mr. Trump tear down that wall or better yet don't build it! Did you know FREEDOM is Always Free at TheFreedomLine.com/Freedom. You can download your Free e-copy of @adamkokesh 100-page book FREEDOM at TheFreedomLine.com #AdamKokeshForNOTPresident2020
Well said!
Beginning to see more and more of these Steem faucets and I really like the initiative behind it, in rewarding those comment on posts (quality comments that is). I just took part in one where my comment was upvoted over 20 dollars.. YIKES i'll take it !! Wishing you all the best, kind regards from @conradsuperb
Wooo. My favorite leaky faucet that earns me money instead of increasing my water bill and costing me money
HAHA yea.
This is a neat idea. Thanks, @sydesjokes @digi3d @Krytponia @mps01k @nathansenn @tonygreene113
"Knowing is not enough, we must apply. Willing is not enough, we must do." - Bruce Lee
thanks for your support. i know i will make it on steemit with you
best faucet ever :)
I LOVE this idea!
GOD bless you exceedinly for your massive support
thanks once again for your support
great work again!
wow thanks for freely giving to those of us who may have earned nothing at all
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will sit in a boat and drink beer all day."
best faucet ever, great work
Happy Christmas! (I am sending this message from internet explorer)
Happy to be on board for this one.
Hey there
You are doing a great Job. Good workdone
Interesting I felt you will stop, but from what am seeing I dont think you will stop soon.
Nope I am not stopping. This is way too much fun :)
You are the man Colin! Buy #SuperiorCoin the Crypto of CAN (CitizensActionNetworks.com) and sign up for SteemThat.com @steemthat
Wenn ist das Nunstuck git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
I hope you like Monty Python's Flying Circus :)
Upvoted :) Thanks for doing this!
Upvoted and followed!
glad to join your faucet!
I'm here as always, a fan of your publications @sydesjokes
Keep on the action, nice one
What a fantastic idea from a fantastic community. Kudos!
Awesome! Thanks so much!
Very smart, joying it all the way
Wooooo My favorite leaky faucet that earns me money instead of increasing my water bill and costing me money. thanks...
10 SBD shared with these 241 people so 0.041 SBD each for 8th January 2018 :)
@abbak7 @abhishekjha @abrahamg12 @aerick @ajitb1 @akil-alam7 @aleksandra9011 @amirkhan1 @anabel23 @andreja @andrekweku @andrewz @ankavatar @anouk.nox @aqibkhan @armagno @armandofd @arnelpancho @arslanhyder @artizm @aryakesharwani @atmosblack @authorcolinbmw @avtoledy @ayoyemi @babuplrk @baconbaba @badfatcat @bigdave2250 @bigsambucca @bojakcates @brosol @brusneilish @bucipuci @caaat @cerenselenapa @certseek @chowmein @cjsean @coddiwomple @crazyfishman @cryptocatz @cryptocheta @cryptohappenings @cryptolock @cryptorg @cryptosharon @csampiano @cyber.explorer @danthundercloud @darryldominator @davidblackwell @dcqueen @deaconlee @decaptain @detoye @dhaneshpk @digi3d @dimarss @diodio @docsmith @douzzy @driptorchpress @dukmaster @elex17 @embesilikat @erebus @erobert @err0rist @etiti40 @eviledx @eyesonsky @fbslo @firoz721 @fitinfun @fotobot @franklan3386 @fushock @futureeternal @gadol @galasek @gallantmayor @gersson @gheghenrv @ghevangelist @gingfriend20ph @godfish @gohomestead @grace234 @grafiktr @gruffalo @gsari @gulmit00 @hafez @hangin @hillaryoki @honolulu @huslein.slash @ianstevenson @ibay @ihtiht @iqballangdon @isaacben @itsjessamae @jaca @jackraptor @jahangirbalti @jahangirwifii @jayfox @jaysermendez @jazzhero @jdevora @jeanviete @jerkenjake @jga @jiminykricket @jjprac @jlordc @joanstewart @justynatina @kabibitak @kamchore @kamiafridi @kamilala125 @kcherukuri @kingbum @kinoplus @kontesmerve @kramarenko @kryptonia @kwangjaggle @lakeshorebrewery @leahlei @lesteemit @lidac @linchybaby @lovemetouchme2 @lunaticpandora @mahir12 @makcum52 @malekalmsaddi @mattjack @maverickinvictus @mawit07 @mazzle @meepsy @mekky @mickzzz @migztaraki @mister-omortson @mkauai @mnallica @mohsee74 @momo82 @mps01k @murobro @mydivathings @mytechtrail @nabiamen @newsfeedworld @nuevavidaexito @nypho @olokpojohnofu @otmane.riad @pandasquad @pele23 @pes7md @phones21 @pioner21 @plainoldme @poflato @powerrangerrojo @pratyush149 @prudent-rod1 @r4ptor @rachaeldwatson @rachmatsolihin @rebe @redastic @redfordstephens @riovanes @riyuwe @ruul @sadiq689 @safat @sam1210 @sanchris @sdwahine @secheras @semasping @shadowblade @simspread @sinjin-artworks @skysnap @slbg @snrm @socialmediaseo @ssophiee @steamit2 @steem4depoor @steemari @steemitgirl11 @stillwater @sunsquall @synnaw @tante.emmas.weed @tantrum @taurus1983 @tazbaz @tazi @tedline @teenno @tesatro @thebigkahuna @thedeceiver @thewanderwoman @tonygreene113 @tosinox4u @triedsor @tspink @turkishcrew @tux6845 @upv4life @uxair @vacilator @vikaskaladharan @vikisecrets @vincenzov01 @wdougwatson @whyerror @wincee @wonderwop @xabi @xbudeh @xeccedentesiast @yahiab @yasirsohail196 @yuni28 @yunior.selbor @zanky @zhother
Check your Pending Payments here --> http://csyd.es/Steemit/PendingPayments/
Daily Jokes from SydesJokes for 9th January 2018
Original post: http://csyd.es/1/205
The secret of life is not enjoyment, but education through experience.
The one and only faucet on steemit," Sydes Faucet"....
Thank you for the sponsors and everyone has been hit hard by the bandwidth limitations we are experiencing.
yah yah yah
another blessing again! :)
Another day, another dollar
Thank you to @sydesjokes @digi3d @Kryptonia @mps01k @nathansenn @SydesJokes @tonygreene113
I'm on board... Let's see if is profitable
You just made a profit posting a comment about making a profit. :)

thank you all sponsors
very good idea ! congratulations
Many, many thanks for all your efforts.
Thanks to all the sponsors
Nice faucet,