This is awesome! Since steemit is my first exposure to crypto-currency, I had no idea the others were lacking female contributors. I've definitely found a lot of quality female posts in my short time here.
Why do you think it's lacking elsewhere?
This is awesome! Since steemit is my first exposure to crypto-currency, I had no idea the others were lacking female contributors. I've definitely found a lot of quality female posts in my short time here.
Why do you think it's lacking elsewhere?
Oh wow, well, I've been around crypto for a few years and can vouch for the extremely small community of crypto-gals prior to Steemit. Candidly, all the other crypto in the world is neat but you can't do anything particularly interesting or fun with it - yet. Steemit is the first 'killer app' that does something people find useful and can engage with. Steemit is pulling in a much wider swath of humanity than any other crypto because it is not like using crypto at all. How ironic is that? So the answer to your question is that women are smarter than men, and didn't bother investing any time into crypto until it was worth the effort. :D