Ever since we started school as young kids we have been taught that failure is bad. Our parents always expect us to be first at school, in sports and even in talent shows. Everyone's parents sent them out with this expectation but of course, not everyone could be first. So those who lost or had lower marks than their other class fellows would be made fun of. They would come home disappointed in themselves, feeling less than everyone else. That is the exact same mindset that we grow into. We run from failure as if it was the plague but here are 5 reasons why you shouldn’t.
1. Failure is inevitable You are bound to fail and that is okay. Every time you try something new you will suck at it, you enter a competition for the first time, you might lose, but that is part of life. Every time you step out of your comfort zone and trying something new and great there is always that possibility that you could fail. But if you would rather stay safe and never fail, well then you will never achieve anything either.
2. Failure reveals your weaknesses It shows you where you lack and why you were unsuccessful at a given task. But since you now know your weaknesses you can start working on them.
3. Failure also reveals your strength It is so easy to be strong and happy when you are at your best and all is going great in life. But true strength is shown while you have been beaten down to the ground and proceed to pick yourself up.
4. Failure is the best teacher If you never failed how would you learn about your strengths and weaknesses? How would you improve and grow as a person? Success is a strange illusion that tells you that you are good enough and you believe it and stay idle, but failure asks you to work harder and perform better than ever before. It encourages you to turn it up a notch and work for the things you want.
5. Failure opens your doors to new opportunities Once you get used to failing every now and then you stop being afraid of it. Once you no long fear the possibility of failure you are more likely to try out more new things; and who knows, maybe you stumble upon the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Most importantly, failure makes you appreciate success more. Success in itself is meaningless, sure people will praise you and "oooh" and "aah" at your shiny new trophy but for you personally it will mean nothing unless you think about how you got there. You will remember all the times you fell and thought it was over, all those times you had to work so hard to achieve something but also how all those experiences made you a better and stronger person. We wish you all the success in the world, but also ask you to allow failure to guide your path to that success.
Great post! It isn't that we have fallen down, it's how we get back up. I am sure great content has been lost in the torrent of posts, but more often than not I see people posting about their posts not making the figures others do. They all won't be huge winners, my experience so far is gathering the little rewards, and I am very happy when anything I have posted elicits a response or a comment, starts a discussion. I could potentially be disappointed that it doesn't earn a large $$$ sum (I'm not, total noob rookie amateur here) but continuing to work on it as something I want to do and provide, that will come. Just trying to fail a bunch and see what works... For myself as a provider of content and readers to enjoy
Thank you for the appreciation... I'm trying new things and hoping to make $$$$ soon ;)
Well, as I have said before. My upvote won't buy you a pizza yet, but you have it!