I want to tell you some real life experiences I got during my College days, in essence i want to tell you a real life story about myself when I started the University. Electrical/Electronics Engineering was the course i opted for because I really loved being technical when it comes to wires and repairs of electronics when I was much younger, at times i fix antennas, that's why i went for the course.
It was fun initially in my first two years in College, I was really catching up with academic activities and I got good grades until my third year when I started backsliding because i was following lots of friends and was really influenced by them due to peer pressure. I learnt lots of bad stuffs from them; smoking, drinking, womanizing and going to clubs. Everything about me changed from how I talked to the way I dressed. I wore skinny tight jeans all sagged down, I drew tattoos to meet up with the trend then, my nose lips and ears were pierced for all kinds of rings. My dress code was rough, In fact I was rough.
I knew within I've changed and I missed lectures a lot catching fun with my female friends same as me and we smoked a lot together, I wasn't serious with School any longer, i don't go for tests, don't do assignments, I could say I was not taking my academics seriously. Those of my friends and colleagues, even my lecturers who knew I was cool headed before all noticed I changed to a bad rough guy. Within me I knew I changed and my orientation totally changed. People tend to see me as one who wasn't serious with his Studies. When called upon to answer questions from my Lecturers I was looking dumb because I don't read any longer.
It was time for my final year project, and it was arranged to be done in groups, everybody had gotten his/her groups and project topics, I didn't get any because of I got the information late, I begged almost all the groups to join them in their projects but I was rejected because they all thought I wasn't a serious person and gonna bring a downfall for them because of my reckless attitude towards school and I was judged by other things like the way I dress and how I looked moody when I was under the influence of alcohol or something.
I observed I was being talked about and laughed at by everyone, so I started amending my ways gradually though people still took me as someone that doesn't take things seriously. In my case I had to do my project alone because no group accepted me. I went to my project Supervisor with a project topic , he looked at me same way my Colleagues do and said no need that I'm gonna fail, I told him I won't, he rejected the topic I brought and said I was just wasting my time, I brought another topic he rejected it with reasons that this one and the former one wasn't standard enough to be a project topic. I was frustrated.
I requested he gave me a topic and he did, I started studying it because I know I wasn't that bad a student if I devote my time to read my books. He was amazed how I could handle a project as technical as such. I cleared his doubt and he approved all the chapters I wrote for the project. A boy had an issue with his project mate (a girl) and to avoid problems the boy was told by my Supervisor to join me , though I had gone far on it but I accepted him wholeheartedly. And both of us concluded the job.
The boy that came to join me looked at me same way they look at me in class and he still got a bad impression of me that I'm not a good and serious student, he never knew I've changed and improved seriously. He felt he was going to overshadow me in the defense and was telling me how to go about it and that he should be the one to speak first, I laughed at him in my mind, because this was something I started reading before him and I've read the work over and over again.
It was time to defend the project, it was on a monday and defense time has reached. I allowed him to talk first as suggested by him because he feels he knows better but he was unable to impress the People and visiting Professors that asked him questions about the project. After he was through, I was given a chance to show myself and I answered all the questions thrown at me accurately to the extent that everybody was clapping hands at me.
I was so happy and the story of my defense was spread like a wildfire, people never took me for granted any longer and ever since, I got confidence in myself and believed in myself so much. When the result was out, I got an 'A' and the boy got a 'C' .
My excellent result was a result of the hard work I put in the job. I learnt that you can get whatever you want in life if you work towards it. It's not all about just believing but it's about the time and immense hard work you put in whatsoever you're doing.