Whales and Minnows----a Pinch of Insight.

in #steemit8 years ago

The one-finger-blogger is king in the country of the blind.

Snake Oil and Money. 

See James Corbett's 'The Oiligarchy' to appreciate how us humans are putty

in the grip of the cunning. Rockefeller's dad was literally a snake oil salesmen

going from town to town in the wild west of the mid 1800s. He tricked his sons

ruthlessly whenever he could to form them into hard-nosed 'businessmen' and see how it worked! 

They joined the Rothschilds and became royalty. 

It is not that 'god works in mysteriuos ways his marvels to perform' but rather 

that the gullibility of the ignorant and fearful is an inexhaustible source of money.

The mystery is the gullibility of wishful thinking, while god is just another string to the conman's bow.

Personally I am a crypto junky so I am not dissing the genius of the programmers who are rewriting man's future in ways that are impossible to foresee. I love them! For example the internet of the 80s could not have foreseen the smart-fone applications that run on it 20 years later. Likewise Steemit's future may mutate into something that none of us can prognosticate. Even 8 years of BTC has not made it mainstream  yet.

The total crypto community right now is on a par with the population of Malta, hardly massive!

But then acorns can be put in your pocket before they eventually grow into a mature oak trees.

To connect the dots you first have to find them, (they are not presented on a plate), 

then have the insight to value them (after eventually outgrowing  Disney's worldview) and then see how and where they fit into the matrix. 

I can not imagine a more rewarding activity! Absolutely everything mutates  as the scales fall from your eyes, in fact sharing these matrix maps is not only my reason for writing this, it is my very reason for being.

The code writers are trashing the play book and I cheer them even when I'm asleep.

The DAO hack was a rude shock from which to develop anti-fragility. 

Steemit's short downtime last week put Panic into some investors.

But Panic engenders humility and wisdom, if it doesn't kill ya. Diversify! All that glitters is not gold.

That said I ain't jumping ship. In fact I would like to be crew. 

In Steemit crew members are whales and dolphins.

They are both mammals by the way, while minnows are just fish.

John's post really brought home some of the underlying factors to take on board.

Whales want a bigger platform and to get it they quite naturally wish to draw off Facebook/Twitter users.

How? By up-voting ordinary trivia to instant cash, big time. Remember Rockefeller's dad.

No rules here. Its for the punter to be mature and appreciate their motives. $

Junk gets big payouts, quality wallows at 1c. an hour and hardly gets attention.

Even if a hundred minnows upvote quality content they have no SteemPower so the whales call the shots.

No problem. I am not on an envy jag here and feel sure that these growing pains are par for the course.

Time will tell. Thinkers do not use social networks unless they have a good commercial incentive.

Immediate advice is to refrain from complaining and get as much SteemPower as you possibly can as quickly as you can.

Snake oil did not put doctors out of business and mediocrity is not going to extinguish a thinker's fire.

Keeping it short, and looking forward to writing more to those who come with me here.

Short term you can get rich quick. and long term you can get stinking rich.

Brains need not apply while Steemit struggles to survive its infancy.

Brains are better employed writing killer apps and burying the shits who run this world.

Wealth in the existing cesspool is shit, so let the minnows get greedy. 

Wealth in real terms does not accrue to the mediocre. 

Next blog will deal with the Trivium; The habit of gathering the parts, 

understanding their relationships, and producing quality. 

I am only two days in but sucking up info like a sponge.

tip: write for women, they are the majority here.

tip: your tag choice is key to getting exposure.

question:  can one have separate avatars here?

question: can one establish new tag categories?

ATB.  Talyvale.  (aka Mowgli).