How to give Upvote each others automatically even you are in sleeping?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Now I am talking about

What is Steemit?

We all know that. Coz of our staying on steemit right now and this is a social earning site.

But what is Steemitvoter?
It is a best tool of steemit for steemit users.

What's the benifit of users?
This tool/upvoting bot will upvote your selected person's post automatically from your steemit ID while he posts. Even you are in sleeping!

Do I need to invest?
Nope! it is totally for free!!
But you can invest for Pro Account to get more benifit. That is up to you.

How to get Steemitvoter Account?
Yes! simply follow the rules below:

And click on "Sign Up"Go to this link

You will get this screen..

Now you have to fill up this form and tap on "Sign Up" button.
Then you will get a new sceen where you are requested a pin number.
But what is the pin number?
They have already sent a Email in your given Email Account. So check your Email Account. You will get a email like this:

Highlighting text area would be your pin number. Copy paste your that pin code and submit.
Very simple!
Now you can login here..

After login you can see like this screen..

Now you can add a steemit account from what you want to give upvote on other's post. Just like your own steemit id.
So click on "Add account"

You will see like this screen..

Now you have to give your wanted steemit account name and it's Private Posting Key.
But how to get Private Posting Key?
Dont worry! simply go to your steemit account then go to your wallet

Then go to permissions..

Now you have to click on "Show private key"

Then you will get a long key like this..

Now you have to copy it and paste here,,

And submit it.
Yeah! well done!
Your Account will be added to the queue. You will be notified when your account is added.

After your account approved you will see your account has added on your dashboard just like this..

Now you can add your beloved steemit ID whose post you want to upvote automatically while he posts.
Then to add that ID click on "RULES"

Now just enter that id name here and click on" Save Rules"

You have added that.
Now can sleep but his post when will be published, instantly that post will be upvoted by your steemit ID.
I think that it will be more enjoyful for everyone.

I have already added these persons...

I hope you will add me on your steemitvoter account.

Ohh yeah!
Don't forgot to comment your ID name after you added me. I must added you, just knock me!

Contribute to me, I will back your contribution

Best regards


I added you. Please add me. Thanks.

Really really thanks!
You must get back your given contribution!

Nice One

Thanks a lot, buddy!

i must back your contribution.

I have nothing against this.
But i prefer to have control of what posts i upvote.

Some times because i dont want to upvote a post if i disagree.

But also because my upvotes gives so extremely little as it is now, that i must see to it that i have at least 80% voting power, i am working that up to become at least 90% now.

But as long as many groups of friends help each other out by upvoting each other, i believe this might be a great idea for many people, and i wish you the best luck with this.

And hope you have a great day when you read this.

(PS. never ever mention this in the general chat, there is actually people there that will hate you if you have friends that help each other with upvoting each others posts..)
I was called a asshole and similar things yesterday because some of them visited my blog and discovered that i had a facebook group where we kind of do the same, only it is not automatically, and we only upvote those posts we like.
And then they will try to turn the whole chat room against you and start to tell all kind of shit and lies about you.. ;)
(Just a friendly warning, there is a lot of Nazi self appointed police in that chat..) ;)

I am so glad for your warning. But I never add that person who is like that. Before adding I must survey that person. So I hope nothing will be like as bad. It is just hoped!

Overall, in this thing, you are absolutely right!
Really! thanks a lot.

bro by this we can only upvote but we could nt rply to other member

and remember it if you use it for free, you can add maximum 3 persons. if you want more, you have to use a premium account. that means, you have to invest steem coin.

thanks for asking

nice post

I added you. Won't you add me?

Love this statement, "Contribute to me, I will back your contribution."

I was called