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RE: Community Service Announcement: You Control Steem. Vote for Witnesses.

in #steemit8 years ago

I agree with what you wrote, a decision on who should be a witness should't be a popularity contest but based on best interest for Steemit / Steem. It is getting tricky however if a witness is also a "whale" who forces or contributes to an Experiment the community didn't ask for.

The witness positions are based on election, changes proposed by big stakeholders should be executed after feedback from the community as well and not just forced on the community without a say.


Respectfully, please consider that what some call an 'experiment' is just those big stakeholders deciding how, or whether, to vote on content, and deciding to do somewhat differently than they did previously. That is their right, is it not? Do those stakeholders need to get permission or feedback 'from the community' in deciding how they want to vote their stake?

As you say these are tricky questions, and I don't mean to minimize that, only to offer a different perspective to consider.