Useful as always @dwinblood
My perspective (across the web as a whole) is that we all must play an active role in curation, and yes, that includes people. People and the value they offer us change, so we have to prune them just as we would the overgrown hedges.
The problem with that is it assumes people are forever damned and cannot learn from their mistakes and learn. Most of us would have been pruned if the entire world took that perspective, because we've all been asses and stupid in our lives. If there is no redemption why have rehab, AAA, prisons, etc. Seems like if people cannot change they'd just be killed off... yes I am being extreme here. It was more to make a point. I know we're not killing anyone, but we are damning people to a place from where there is no redemption... for how can you see the change if you have made them invisible in your world?