So, confession - I've never had a Scotch Egg. It does look absolutely delightful though. For the sake of Winston's fitness challenges, I'm going to assume he abstained. Thank you guys for another awesome cast and a nice shoutout too.
I completely agree with your point about community too. A community is whatever people want to make of it, and this one is pretty special. Happy to be a part of it!
Oh no, these were of course the 'healthy' scotch eggs! Lol, a if that's possible.
Any you hit the nail on the head. Community community community. I can only imagine the amount of collaboration (which also requires trust) that occurs on Steemit, compared to other social media.
Thanks for listening and happy to get your name pronounced correctly! Yet another chance to show how cool you are for being on the show! :)
This was my first time trying them. I couldn't pass that up!
Well worth every delicious bite! :D