Schrödinger's Steem Power - Why Steemit's casino effect will amplify exponentially with its first mobile app and push notificaions

in #steemit9 years ago (edited)

A guy can dream, can't he?

Admit it, you've done it.

"I just wrote this really thoughtful blog post. I guess I will just go see how that is working out for me over on my blog posts page. Then I will go do something else I really enjoy, kick around the web for a while...."

F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 F5 ...

Admit it, you've also done this:

" I have consumed SO much Steemit today, I just need to take a break. I think I'll go for a run, see how things are going later."

I'd like to call this effect Schrödinger's Steem Power

You are familiar with Schrödinger's Cat, right? The famous thought experiment that help explains quantum mechanics and superposition? If not, I will give you the TL;DR. A cat is placed in a box with some very dangerous substances that could kill it at any moment. An observer has no way of knowing exactly when the substance will kill it though, so according to quantum law, the cat is considered both dead and alive, in what is called the superpostion of states.

This law is pretty famous because it brings to mind something can exist in multiple states and only becomes reality when the observer steps into the mix. I believe my experiences with my blog posts so far have been somewhat like this.

Make no mistake, all this refreshing is the casino effect in action, and that effect will increase in the future

So, is a post both rich and poor until the observer has an affect on its outcome? Absolutely. This is because currently, the best way to determine the status of your account is your trusty browser and Mr. F5. Until you refresh, you never know!

Now, I know there are some alternatives out there for this. Aaron (@jesta) has done AMAZING work with Steem Stats and I'm sure will continue to do more. If you happen to have telegram, there is of course the Noteefi bot from @clayop. And, I am sure there are more out there I am not naming. But, these are both just stop gaps to our Steem Power addiction until we get to our true White Whale.

Our first mobile app

If you happened to read my recent post, you will know I have been pouring through the whitepaper recently. I absolutely believe in the amazing power of the marriage between social and cryptocurrency, and Steem is the canary in a cole mine.

I'm not just pandering when I say this -- the entire whitepaper is brilliant. Check out this section that foresaw the addiction to F5 syndrome:

Now, imagine just how much larger this "everyone wins something" attitude will get when this is a reality:

Casinos are specifically designed to as a PUSH system to keep you as tempted as possible to stay and play. The carpets look busy and the ceilings look plain to train your eyes out to the game floor. The lights are bright and soothing and the sounds amplify every time there is a winner. The biggest joke of all time is the roulette scoreboard, inciting casino goers to pretend they can control the math gods. "It has been red the last 9 times, black is due," they all say, not realizing a roulette wheel has no memory.

When we have our first true mobile app and we can PUSH out every action to a user that would incite them into staying in the Steem ecosystem and interacting, this coin is going to see absolutely astronomical gains. And make no mistake we will.

If I have learned anything these past few weeks, community members get the value of bringing value to the community. Outside of Beyonce or a Kardashian making a Steemit post, I predict the first REALLY well done mobile app is going to be the highest tipped post of all time.

Until then, I think I will take a break for a bit and go AFK. You know, go full quantum. Let Schrödinger decide my fate with this post.


Anyone else feel the urge to go to a casino after reading this??

If so, hopefully not a roulette table!

why not a roulette table? it's my favourite game.

It is also a favorite of the casino! It has one of their highest house edges across all games. Here's a few for comparison:

Game (Game Action)House Edge (%)
Blackjack (Optimal Play)0.28%
Baccarat (Player)1.06%
Craps (Pass Line)1.41%
Three Card Poker3.37%
Roulette (Double 00)5.26%

that's why I play the european one, with a nice 3.5%

'Schroedinger Cat' was a thought experiment by Schroedinger used to ridicule applying the concepts quantum mechanics on everyday objects.

But I agree with the main gist of your post

So, I opened the box after 3 hours ;)

You are correct sir! I thought I got that across when I talked about the thought experiment and what it reminded me of, but maybe I didn't get that across clear enough. Thanks.

Can't wait to have that app. I'm writing this from my mobile phone as I wait for
my daughter to fall asleep and wish it were as snappy and addictive as Twitter and Facebook. I want the future now!

You ought to check out if you haven't already, note: this will not help the addiction!

I prefer the tool @jesta put out there, but the steemd one is cool too!

Totally agree. Are you working on such an ap? I just commented on another post that more steemit ap development needs to be geared towards phones the preferred interface. An ap would also be good. I'll vote on this when it hits ten minutes

No, I am not an app developer at all. More of a data guy myself. But, I am quite sure something like this is being worked on as we speak.

Where do you get API for app?

Well, nowhere yet, since its not in existence.

I think the comparison to a casino is very relevant. The only thing missing is the lights and sounds...

Congratulations, is a great post!

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Good article, I still feel sorry for the cat though.

Steemit is definitely the next addiction