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RE: OMG! My rep is up to -18!!!

in #steemit7 years ago

You flagged an anti-bullying post. Irony died.

Why are you so obsessed with me? What is it about me that you just can't keep away? Is this the steemit version of pulling on my ponytail? After publically writing that I am not worth it, here you are, showing everyone that I am very worthy your dubious attention, time and voting power.

While I am deeply flattered by this attention, I still fail to see the cause of it. Have you run out of spammers and scammers on steemit to flag? Have you nothing better to do than try and drive off the platform anyone who isn't a fan / bot of yours?

As for "not rewarding shit", I'd probably believe you more if your voting history wasn't public. All you do it reward useless shitposts and downvote posts by people you don't like. Hypocrisy. Look it up in the dictionary.

The bottom line is, you obviously need a hug. Or 20. So here's a virtual hug for you, and I hope it will help at least a little bit in defusing all that hate and negativity in you.


Have a magical day! <3