
They are very rarely seen. I think they are awaiting hardfork 20 before they kick into action

They really shouldn't be.

Are you sure about that?

Can the STEEM blockchain handle millions and millions of new users right now? If they did fire up a powerful marketing engine to really explode the growth here (including contacting everyone who has already signed up and since left), would everything come to a screeching halt or would it run just fine?

Your comment highlights a point I was trying to make in my post. Without perspective, understanding, and context of what's going on behind the scenes, our strong opinionated suggestions for what should be done right now might be completely backwards. What we think is helping might actually be hurting.

I prefer we think through the whole picture and argue from first principles. Believe it or not, some very capable developers on this blockchain have actually complained about the organic SEO growth we're getting now is too much. Surprised? When it comes to complex systems, we have to understand the entire system in order to effectively suggest priorities. I'm hoping we all do what we can to understand things and actually help instead of just thinking we're helping.

I'm not saying you're for certain wrong, I'm just asking, "Are you sure?"

For me, I'm not sure. I think the priority is and should be the STEEM blockchain itself. That's the priority, and that's what Steemit, inc is working on right now in ways no one else could easily do. They have a plan with AppBase to modularize the blockchain as explained at Steemfest2, and I think that has to be done first.

Quite sure. Though I think we may have a different definition of what a marketing department does.

A company can't just abandon its userbase the way I feel steemit inc is abandoning us as a community. We can't have context, perspective and understanding without a marketing team whose job is (among others) community relations - explaining to us what is happening on the platform we invest our time and money in. You're right, my suggestions might be totally wrong because I truly have no idea what is being done on any front aside from the technical one. And that is EXACTLY why Steemit inc needs a marketing department with someone managing PR.

From my perspective, it looks like steemit is prioritizing the technology over the product, and the product over its existing and potential user base. Which may or may not be the right business decision. I honestly don't know.

Marketing is similar to User Experience in that they both require communication, and both are important to a company's success. Marketing faces outward and gets you new users, while UX faces inward and helps the ones you have be successful, stick around, and tell their friends.

I think you are really talking about UX, not marketing.