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RE: We want transaction demand to be the basis for the price of Steem

in #steemit7 years ago

Some people actually don't get that you get more steem when the prices are down with each Post then what you do when the prices are up because it is pegged to the US dollar so if you get $20 payout and steem prices are trading lower that means you get paid more steem. When prices climb you get less. So since that is vested it is better in the long run for it to be down. More profits to be made when it climbs again.


I like your very simple explanation for the relationship between Steem price and earning Steem on Steemit. Thanks for sharing it. :)

IMG_20180115_162155.jpgIt is funny no matter how high sbd gets you get $1 for $1 in sbd payout but what ever Steem is trading at you get the value of that $ amount peg to the USD so the lower steem is trading for the more steem you get at payout. It can be confusing. @overkillcoin did an info graph trying to explain it.

Wow. That is a very cool find. I gotta read up on that later.
