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RE: Steemit Quoted in Breitbart

in #steemit8 years ago

I agree with your quote, Ned. Although the Brexit decision wouldn't have been a big deal had the world been in a healthy economy, but the failure of central planning and central banks is yet to be felt. The price suppression of silver, the Plunge Protection Team inflating the stock market and banks being paid by the Federal Reserve to purchase their own stock, the time of fiat currencies is reaching its rightful grave. And with all centralized, manipulated relics, social media will also follow, allowing the space for Steemit to reward participation and create a knowledge center as well.


I AGREE! Thank you for posting. Hope you get this to snowball to the top!
I up-voted you too... BTW, should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:

This is a democratic community decision.

I up-voted you already ....