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RE: Steemit operating advice for newcomers and the generally 'not quite sure' Part 2

in #steemit7 years ago

Agreed. And, consistency is also a key.

Oh yes, and don't let previous success be your downfall.

One of my posts got curated. I made some money, and what do you know - it was AFTER that that I got "writer's block", "analysis paralysis".

"What if this next post isn't as good as the previous one?

I set myself up for failure because I kept on second guessing myself, was afraid to publish (because, what if it wasn't as successful as the first one?) lost my consistency, and well...

After licking my wounds for a bit...


Hopefully someone can learn from my story!


I hope you've got your 'mojo' back now :)

Consistency is certainly ket, but only you are qualified to know how far you can be consistent (I hope that makes sense...)

I stopped writing because I became preoccupied with something going on in my 'real life' and it became harder to return to Steemit.