
30 Years Ago this was my FIRST exposure to Dr. Paul @terrybrock. I loved everything he was saying back then........

An oldie but goodie! Thanx for sharing this. I remember seeing many of his shows long ago.

hey @terrybrock I know you love crypto but I have an odd thing I was talking about and I wanted your opinion on it it was about YouTube being a bubble and how it was comparable to bitcoin do you think that if you can please leave feedback on how you feel about that idea. LINK:

I really like Ron Paul he has been TRUE to his Words for over 30 years.

Very astute observation @stokjockey Yes, Ron Paul is a man of principle and I admire him greatly.

am really looking forward to watching it live

Thank you, @monhan. I'll be pumping away to make it happen. Thank you for your comment.

M.C. Brock...sounds like a rap career my be in your future Terry, L.O.L. I couldn't be more dissapointed to be missing this year, expecially since my hero, who is responsible for me waking up Dr. Ron Paul, is going to be there. I love to see plenty of the after party stuff this year. Our family is working hard to join the Anarchopulco Settlers in 2019. Keep a seat warm for me, please!

It will be great to see Ron Paul. I really admire the man and look forward to talking with him. Stay tuned as we don't know what is going to happen with the entire event but it will be good. Thank you for your comment!

I can't make it, but my soul will be there. Make Anarchy great again my friend.

You betcha! Anarchy with peace and love is the way to go.

Looking forward to this☺

You can also create creations to access more wonderful content
So I appreciate your efforts
And proud of my friendship with you dear friend
I wish you good luckDear Friend @Terrybrock You are a wonderful and successful person

Well, thank you very much, @samer484. You are most kind to say that. I look forward to hearing from you more in the future. Hope you have a great week ahead.

Wellcom for you all the time my friend @terrybrock😊