sahabat steemit posting kali ini BELAJAR TAJWID banyak nya ummat muslim yang tak tau tentang tajwid di karna kan malas mempalajari tatwid nah.. kepada sahabat steemit kusus nya yang ber agama islam .PELAJARAN PERTAMA : Rongga mulut dimana rongga mulut itu adalah tempat-tempat nya keluar huruf(jauf.)artinya:rongga.
friend steemit posted this time LEARN TAJWID many Muslims who do not know about Tajwid because it is lazy to teach tatwid well ... to the friend of steemit specially who is an Islamic religion. FIRST LESSON: The oral cavity where the oral cavity is the places out letter (jauf.) means: cavity.
rongga mulut:adalah tempat-tempat keluar huruf mad: arti nya huruf-huruf panjang yang mana banyak nya adalah 3 huruf. yaitu: (alif;) (waw;) (yaa;) :alif mati. yang sebelum ber baris di atas , waw yang mati sebelum ber baris di depan ,yaa :juga yaa mati.sebelum ber bari dibawah..
oral cavity: are the places out of the letter mad: the meaning of long letters which are many letters are 3 letters, namely: (alif;) (waw;) (yaa;): alif dies. which before the row above, the waw who died before the line in front, yeah: also died .. before running below ...greetings, friend, steemit, hopefully useful ... 
Tajwid, sumber inspirasi yg mnyejukkan hati..
post yg bgus.