Here's the thing I think these things are happening... but if you think it's just or mostly "Jews", there's a problem there. Are there powerful satanic groups sacrificing children, YA! Using actually credible sources, not just wanton conspiracy, you could see that group is CATHOLIC! Scotland yard uncovered, a centuries old pedophile ring connecting the Vatican and British parliament. You think all those kids missing are just held up somewhere? They were killed. That's why the last pope "stepped down", a thing that just does not happen and they had a whole re-branding with this younger hip & cool pope.
So are all Catholics brainwashed pedophiles? Are all Catholics immoral, for not standing up and saying something about the many-many proven cases? I've seen people talk day in and day out about Jews being satanic "eating babies"... So why then is nobody talking about the evil Catholics who are taking over the world?
You're talking about power and control why not the Vatican, with their secret library, hording technologies and ancient texts from Alexandria and all over the world. Point is satanic groups are the problem, Jewish people especially as a whole are not.
I mean looking at "these people" I'd be looking at you, right? You're only considered Jewish if your mother was. You are an intuitive so highly empathetic... not un-emotional at all. To think these things... to have other people think these things is to have them think that about you. I've been with my partner for 7 years he is the opposite of the things I hate in a man... sensitive, self-less, emotional, attentive, and spiritual. Not just someone who doesn't hold back tears, but can cry when something is astoundingly beautiful. He is a Jew and to think that you or anyone else could think of him as heartless literally has me in tears.
And yes, I did comment on those articles. This post is me standing up and saying "NO".
Anti Semiticism is not Anti Jew - we need to use the RIGHT words to describe what we are talking about.