How Long Will This Crash Last?

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

There's been a topic we've been avoiding here for a little while just to see if it would continue enough to be seriously newsworthy, and sure enough, it has! Since October 10th, the markets have been making a serious collapse! I'm sure by now if this is news to you, you've probably been under a rock or away from any kind of news source for some time now, but as of yesterday, many of the markets have lost any profit gained from 2018, and although a recovery is still possible by the end of the year, it doesn't look like the world will make it easy! With tensions between the US and China pushing a lot of these losses, and rumors of the Feds also helping the crash, it doesn't seem like it can recover unless the higher-ups change their minds!


Likewise, the crypto-market has been seeing a large drop that seemed like they would recover from last night, but here we are today and they're starting to slip again with XRP, the one coin that was seeming like it would rise out of this, falling the most in the top 10 by %4.39 at the time of writing this article! Where can you put your faith right now?! It might sound cliche but in God! GODcoin specifically! If you've been watching for a while, we've done a few episodes on GODcoin that you can watch below!

If you're wanting to learn more about GODcoin, you can check out the website at where you'll learn everything you need to about why investing in GODcoin right now is your best chance at surviving the possible total economic collapse and crash of the USD! Prepare yourself through the Lord and the blessings he has put right in front of you!!

Nearly all religions believe we are presently in the "end times", that period of history when the world will undergo divine judgment, followed by the establishment of the everlasting Kingdom of God that is reserved for the chosen.

Most believe the Messiah will come just prior to this judgment, offering the people one last chance at salvation. Lord RayEl is that prophesied Messiah. Though "faith" is important, we will still provide evidence of his divinity.
God bless.

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(I claim neither credit nor ownership of the above image and or any video content)


Now Bitcoin Cash is at the lowest. Over 5% drop!

It will continue until there is nothing left of the Global economy and there is only GODcoin

Nothing will be left but GODcoin

GODcoin for the win!

Hosea 14:9
Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.