Too many of us when someone says...
I'm not sure about us."
They say...
"Well, why? Why??"
"We could do amazing together. I don't get it."

The appropriate response is:
"You are not sure about us? Then I'm not fucking sure about us."
You not like me is not a turn-on.
I always think that when people go out to bars,
"Oh so & so he's over there and he's not paying me any attention and I just really like him."
When someone shows you That they are not interested or they don't want you that should be a turn-off.
"Oh, you don't like me?"
"Huh... that's..."
"No, I mean, its just killed my reaction. That's all."
I was actually really attracted before. I can't be attracted to someone who doesn't want me back. That's not attractive. That's masochism right there. That's what it is.
It's this weird thing we do to ourselves.
UNREQUITED LOVE. Like it's a romantic thing.
I love him, I love him... What is the problem?
He doesn't love me back.

That is not loved by the way. That's worship. And it's a completely different thing. Love has to go both ways. You can't sit there and love someone in isolation. That's not loved.
It's a weird thing.
And we've become attached to this idea of unrequited love. Because it somehow gives us a righteous cause to chasing someone who treats us LIKE SHIT.
And it's not cool. It's UGLY.
It's really really ugly and it has to be given its proper name. Because it is UGLY. And it is one of the most self-destructive traits we have when we're not feeling ENOUGH.
You are really frank...