The "HOT" section was topped by posts not even making 2$. In the "TRENDING" section, four out of the first five posts not even were new users (I didn't count projects from old users as new here).Before I went offline yesterday, I took a quick look at the #introduceyourself section. And what I saw there, really got me wondering and thinking.
What's the problem?
In my eyes, an attractive #introduceyourself section is a great door to getting many new users - And I guess most of the people on this platform want it to grow.
Let me just tell you a quick story:
When I first heard about steemit, I quickly decided to at least try it, since I heard that there even can be dozens of dollars made from your Introduction post. If I remember correctly, I "only" made 2-3$ for I post I worked hours on - However at that time there were many introduction posts with 20$+ - So I just figured it was my "fault" and I should try better. Over the next weeks, I gave my best to participate with good content - and suddenly, I got a whale upvote by @xaero1. That's when I ultimately had the feeling that you can make it here, even if you neither have money or whale friends. You just got to keep tryining!*
But when you look in the #introduceyourself section now, this can't be said anymore - And I think that this is bad for the platform. And ultimately, all of us!
So what shall we do about it?
Just visit the #introduceyourself section, read a few posts and upvote them if they are well made.
Everybody can make a huge impact here. Just look what I was able to do with 25k leased SP yesterday.
Isn't that sad?! I, a little minnow with some leased power, was able to dictated the entire HOT section myself with just a few 50% upvotes.
So you want to give all newbies hundreds of $?
Of course not! But I think it would be awesome if at least a few posts in the HOT section were in the 10$ to 25$ section. I think this kinda the psychological barrier for many people where they take money seriously and see the potential of this platform.
A few great posts reward with 50$+ in the TRENDING section of course would be great!
I think this is the best propaganda for this platform. Not just because it motivates new users to make a good introduction, but also because it gives you a great argument when telling people about
Hey my friend, just give it a try and post an introduction. See, many are even earning good money on it. What do you have to loose?
But I don't have much steempower...
That's not a good excuse. If dozens of people with small power vote, it still can add up pretty fast - or at least spark attention of bigger accounts.
But if you want to help more than your power allows you, try to welcome the newbies with nice comments. I am not talking about copy & pasting "Hey, welcome bro!" to dozens of posts. I mean real unique comments which offer some value. Let me show you some examples.
You could recommend a user who shares the newbies interests;
or a community action they might be interested in;
you could as well give them a little hint or tip;
or you could just resteem their post!
As you can see - Everybody can do something! And in the long run, everybody here will benefit if this platform continues to grow. May it be through new people you meet, or just through the worth of your account when the price for STEEM rises!
Just think about what you can do to help!
A positive example!
Let's finish this post with a positive example!
When talking about upvoting in the #introduceyourself area, I just can't skip a shootout to one whale who frequently does so. It's a user (or service ;)) who seems to be involved in every major payouts on introduction posts - @blocktrades!
Thank you for doing that!
I hope I could raise some attention to the #introduceyourself section again.
You all probably know the saying - Come for the money, stay for the community! - Well, let's give them some motivation to come!
What are your ideas to make the section better again? Or do you think it doesn't matter?
Hey, I try to browse through the intro posts section every now and then - how I stumbled on this post. The biggest problem is the mass of users abusing the tag for people wanting to reward legit newcomers.
A good idea would be to have someone or a group of people you follow that either resteem or comment on intro posts made by real new users which would make it easier for us with more influence to both cast votes more safely and make it less time consuming and reward the users going through them by voting up their comments.
Hey acidyo, thanks for stopping by!
I have a suggestion for you - Starting from today, I will resteem around three promising introduction-posts every day till Christmas ;)
You can look them up every day! - All others are of course invited to do so as well!
For sure, if you want you can create an alt account for it since resteems aren't yet filtered from own posts and you don't want to spam up your profile. Let me know in that case and I'll try to check up on it daily, threw you a follow just now.
Actually I have found a better solution than using @taug - I have just made the account @welcoming via anonsteem. I have already resteemd a few accounts I remembered from the past days. I will however make a post about @welcoming's purpose on monday and then resteem a few promising users every day. Thanks for giving me this idea, I think it's a way I definitely can add value to this plattform! Have a nice weekend!
So how do one go about being a promising user? I've recently made my first post, and would love the chance to discuss my ideas with people. My ideas are weird though. Anyhow, this is cool of you, thank you!
If a introduction is well done and meets certain criteria, it's promising to me :)
True, that is probably a better solution! I actually have made an altaccount before - @taug . Originally I made it for short content - But I will use it for those resteems instead for now" Greets!
Hey there @acidyo and @theaustrianguy! I like to browse through the new introduceyourself posts as well to add some value to new users. Thanks for both of your efforts in doing this! I know it's one of the main reasons I decided to stick around on Steemit.
Anyhow, I wanted to draw your attention to a couple of new efforts to support new Steemians.
First, there's @mitneb's daily curation posts. He targets users who may not speak English as their first language. He's done a great job of picking through #introduceyourself to find the actual intro posts. I'd suggest keeping an eye on the users that he curates. They're always worth a vote.
Next, my friend @gogogadgetupvote has started hosting a kind of contest for people to pick out new intro posts. Check out his blog if you want to find some more posts to support.
Once again, I appreciate both of your efforts to welcome new Steemians. There are also some project dedicated to Steemian "retention," which I first caught wind of thanks to @mikepm74. Still lots of work to be done, but I personally am looking into trailing accounts that curate intro posts so as to add value and promote new users' retention.
Keep up the good work!
I've made 0.08 on my introduceyourself in august.
So, $1-2 is not that bad.
I don't say it's bad. But more is definitely more motivating :)
We did forget introduceyourself topic here.
We do need to go there and upvote from time to time.
Thank you for reminding it.
I think what you propose is a really good initiative, since like you pointed out, those days when people made dozens of bucks (or sometimes, even over a hundred) with their introduction posts are gone.
Last time I took a look at it, it looked like a wasteland of posts making less than one dollar, flooded by comments from bots and/or users just going there to plug their own gigs ("Welcome and check out my photography/cooking /travel page!").
In my case I can say that I stopped checking the #introduceyourself tag mainly for two reasons:
There seemed to be a tidal wave of minimal effort posts made by people who obviously came here just for the "free money" but had zero interest in actually contributing anything valuable to the community.
When I found a rare gem of a new user, I would comment on their post, upvote them, followed them, etc... only for them never showing up again or making just a couple of posts before quitting, ending up just as some dead number in my following.
So while I agree with your points about supporting those who stand out, I whish there was a way to also increase the quality of new users... is that even possible? Or is this just the way it is?
My friend I as a minnow often check introduction posts, and upvote all of the very well made ones, and always give a tip or two that helped me a lot when I started a week ago, but when I see people with 2 sentences and no pics of their own, I just ignore it... As for bots, if we real people keep commenting with real opinions and discussion, bots will be minority in comments, and feel less spammy, just my opinion...
LINKED HERE There is still one more prize left to be claimed, even!It is really hard to find those decent users who are actually going to stick with the platform. I have started a new daily bounty for Intros that meet certain requirements, where I reward users for finding me Introduceyourself posts that meet my criteria, then I upvote and resteem the intro, as well as reward the user who found it. I started my project to help boost the introduce yourself posts a couple months ago, but really started to see some support and success when I started the daily bounty/contest about a week ago. Please feel free to check out my blog and my posts. My blog @gogogadgetupvote is full of mostly resteemed intro posts, and every once in a while, you can find a post by me. You can find my most recent daily bounty post
LOL - Just now reading this answer after posting this today: Welcome @welcoming, an account for manual #introduceyourself curation!
So guess we had the same idea :) Well, I guess two accounts are stronger than one!
Two is definitely stronger than one in this case! I have a reply of my own somewhere towards the bottom of this post! My feed is basically the same thing, intro's that I have resteemed and my contest posts that helped me find them. do you have a discord? I would love to chat with you a little about how we could maybe work together?
Yes, you can find me under the same name I use here ;) Definitely would love to talk to you!
I just don't upvote those :)
That risk is always included - That's why I only try to vote well made introduction posts - Sure it's not granted they stay - But chance's are higher. And there always will be some who quit. That's just the way it is.
Support good users and flag spammers + report them to @steemcleaners!
fair points @irime ... But it's almost like drying up a whole pond just because you don't like a few fishes... :) Hope you'll change your mind soon because it's not easy for new steemians to rise up here :)
I would invite you to check my most recent post about that topic: Welcome @welcoming, an account for manual #introduceyourself curation!
followed & upvoted. Noble project :)
I would invite you to check my most recent post about that topic: Welcome @welcoming, an account for manual #introduceyourself curation! - Maybe it will help you to find the promising users and not the spam!
Thanks for the heads up! I will check it out for sure :-)
I gotta admit I haven't checked the #introduceyourself tag for a long time. I'll go change that. Now that I've been rolling here for a few months I can potentially give some hints too!
That's agreat idea :) Maybe you still know the problems/questions you had at the beginning and can share your tips!
I woudln't mind some tips. I joined the network yesterday and find it rather difficult to get even people to visit my introduction post. Granted I've only submitted 2 posts that I've authored (including the introduction) just doesn't seem like I understand what's really required.
I figured I'd kind of treat this a bit like Reddit but that is probably the wrong way to look at the site.
Ok, so here's what I'd say based on my experience:
At the moment when Steemit is still in beta, it's very lacking in features. So even if you write a great peace it likely won't get huge payouts even if it was better on quality than the average on 'trending' tab. But luckily there are curator teams, like @ocd; by using the 'ocd-resteem' tag it's much more likely you'll get an appropriate upvote from the team for your underappreciated article.
But what I'd do first would be getting to know people; this is a social media after all! Earning money from authoring is great and all but should not be the main goal as a new user because at the moment it's almost impossible to get a following which is pretty much a necessity on the state of Steemit for a good regular payout.
So, try find some interesting content and authors and throw comments preferably that add value to the original posts and show that you have really read their content; every author can appreciate when their content get responded with a little more effort than "Nice post". Of course it's easier on topics that you're actually interested in.
But of course you should not get discouraged about writing your own content, you definitely should write about anything you feel like. Steemit isn't very new-user friendly but you'll get some following if you keep writing decent content, slow but steady. But with time I believe some of the problems, that new users face also, will get solutions
So, take Steemit as it is at the moment; an experiment. Enjoy your time here!
discord channel. There are many different chat rooms where you can hang out and get support, really nice and welcoming people there. There's also an upvote bot you can use to upvote your posts, with instructions on how to get using it.Oh, almost forgot: do take a look on @minnowsupport and their
That's what I'm thinking too. But maybe sprinkle in some good content with the shitposts and we will be golden
Thank you @celestal .
Very interesting post with strong logic and good examples behind it ! It is a bliss to see someone that is IN for the long run !
I hope many in here are there for the long run ;) What are your first impressions on steemit?
For now its mostly that I have a long road ahead, in order to learn the basics of the platform. For now I am still testing stuff, so can't really answer properly :)
I went through the introduceyourself the last couple of days a bit to welcome some new steemians what was "disturbing" was the amount of posts which were not really introduceyourself posts but using the tag because it have (had?) a lot traffic and generous upvotes.
But you are right I will also make more of an effort to welcome new steemians.
That's true - Maybe it can be implemented that every user can only use that tag once? Or once in every 3 months or so! That would definitely stop that.
Or maybe somebody can create a bot which highlights if a user made more than one introduction? Similar to @cheetah...
But for now we just have to look manually - I didn't mean we should just blindly upvote the comments - otherwise many users would maybe go for doubleaccounts as well.
But if just 10% of all Users with significant votingpower would manually find and vote one introduction per day, it would already make a huge, huge difference!
I saw a bot auto posting comments how often people used the tag already but I am not sure if it is still active.
There was indeed a bot, it got triggered when I posted my second introduceyourself post. Just to clarify I wrote two because the first one was english and the second one german. However I just clicked through a few posts on introduceyourself and found a user who posted several posts daily with only pictures of female celebreties. I reported the account to steemcleaners I hope that helps..
Can someone make #introduceyourself after a 4- 6 months on steemit? When he got a camera, and something to say
if you havent done one before sure. otherwise probably, too as long as you dont introduce yourself every post or week
@flipstar ... Thank you brother... Do check it out. I have recently submitted my introduction post too. :)
Vielleicht hilft dir ja der Account den ich extra zum Resteemed vielversprechender User gemacht habe - Details findest du hier: I would invite you to check my most recent post about that topic: Welcome @welcoming, an account for manual #introduceyourself curation! - Maybe it will help you to find the promising users and not the spam!
Liebe Grüße :)
In Anlehnung an Deine Ausführung "Let me just tell you a quick story:"
nach nun 93 Tagen der Mitgliedschaft habe ich die selben Erfahrungen, mit Ausnahme des "whale" - ist mir noch nicht begegnet.
Bei allgemeiner Betrachtung der Beiträge und deren Votings habe ich noch nicht genau erkannt, nach welchen Kriterien im allgemeinen die Votings abgegeben werden.
Bei mir direkt hängt es eventuell an den meistens auf die Finanzen bezogenen Themen. Unter Umständen werden damit relativ wenig Personen angesprochen. Da muss man einfach durch und sich selbst motivieren.
Wenn nun in "introduceyourself" gut gevotet wird, dann mag das eine erste Motivation sein. Wenn sich danach jedoch die Votingbeträge im unteren einstelligen Bereich bewegen, schwindet diese Motivation eventuell wieder sehr schnell.
Einen Lösungsvorschlag habe ich aktuell jedoch nicht.
Ich kann nur sagen mit den Leuten ein wenig ins Gespräch kommen, auf höchstmögliche Qualität achten und eventuell (falls man die SBD dafür hat) den ein oder anderen Post mithilfer von Minnowbooster oder Votingbots auf Hot oder Trending bringen. Ich weiß, das ist verpönt, aber wenn du von deinem Post so überzeugt bist, dass er es verdient auf Hot oder Trending zu landen werden vermutlich die meisten Leute nichts dagegen haben. Bis auf berniesanders vielleicht ^^
Wenn man einmal ein wenig Fuß gefasst hat wird es leichter oben zu bleiben.Wie @theaustrianguy schon geschrieben hat hatte ich ziemlich Glück sehr früh entdeckt zu werden. Ich hab dabei unbewusst etwas nach geholfen indem ich mit einem angehenden Curie Moderator ins Gespräch gekommen bin. Ich wurde dann gleich seine erste Empfehlung was super für uns beide lief :)
Vielen Dank für Deinen Hinweis.
Ist am Anfang auch viel Glück im Spiel, zur richtigen Zeit gesehen zu werden ;) Gibt einfach so viele gute Posts mittlerweile. Frag mal @bypaul z.b.. Der wurde gleich mal von @curie entdeckt, seit dem läufts bei ihm (Seine Posts sind natürlich auch super, keine Frage, war nicht nur Glück ;))
Very interesting idea! I just made my introduceyourself post so maybe you could check it out :)
You have some skills brother... and an artist's perspective for photography :) Welcome to steemit. I also just made my introduction post! :)
Just did :) Congrats on a successful start!
Thank you! :)
Kudos to you
Great post! I just started on Steemit and you are right, that the community should encourage and support new members. A growing platform is beneficial for everyone. Could you tell me how one can lease steempower? Greetings, Leon!
Hey Leon!
Actually there are many ways, you pretty much just need to find somebody who wants to delegate to you.
But there are also whales supporting minnows by delegating to them - But that's rather lucky to achieve.
Or you make a personal deal with a whale!
Hope this helped you ;) @blocktrades and @minnowbooster are the most popular ones who lend SP for money!
I read the FAQs for acquiring reputation / SP but how long does it take to actually reflect on your account? I've made 2 posts, made some comments on other posts, upvoted and have been upvoted but sitting at the default reputation.
It takes a little while for the votes to add up @falconspy. You can get a better handle on your Rep score by looking at yourself in steemd ( ), there you can see who responds to you and who votes for you and you will eventually see Reputation 25.1. Look for articles you are interested in, read them, upvote them, and leave a comment.
When first starting out try to vote on 10-15 articles or comments a day. Try to make a post once a day or every other day. And most important, if someone leaves you a real comment on a post you made, definately give them an upvote. It will pay dividends in the long run. By day 3 if you have been posting, commenting and voting, you should see your reputation climb. It does take time. I have been here almost 4 months and am only up to 54, some people that joined around the same time are in the 60's.
@bashadow - I appreciate the information and link!
I made my introduction post as my first one but I am wondering if I did it "wrong" seeing as others had a number of welcome comments or upvotes.
Nah u good fam
Thanks for your reply. But doesnt it make more sense to buy steem, steempower with that money instead of goving it to someone for a defined period of time?
I always loved to scan the introduceyourself section but after it got turned into the most best and amazing tag to use i stepped away for a while.
For a week now I have been back there trying to find the great new posts! I hope this section will soon be blooming again with great warm welcomes on posts from amazing new members!
I think there should be some limit on how often you can use the tag... This would keep the area spam free :)
Maybe you'll change your mind soon? It'll help new steemians like me :)
I would invite you to check my most recent post about that topic: Welcome @welcoming, an account for manual #introduceyourself curation! - Maybe it will help you to find the promising users and not the spam!
Again great analysis.
I like the example you showed how to write unique comments. :)
Thanks my friend ;) I still remember your post btw. - One of the most surprising ones yet :)
GUter Artikel mit guten kritischen Fragen und Punkten! Resteemed my dear
Dankeschön :)
Thumbs up. And thanks a lot for resteeming my post yesterday, by the way!
Your welcome ;)
Thanks for posting this. I'm brand new to Steemit so I'm glad to see that genuine attention to inclusivity is happening so transparently. Makes me really excited to be a part of the project.
Thanks, @theaustrianguy, this was an insightful post. I'm relatively new to Steemit (I've been on the platform for almost two months) and am just getting around to introducing myself. For me, it was kind of hard to put myself out there. I'm by nature a very private person. But, I guess if I want people to read what I post on Steemit, they need to know who I am. We are all shaped by our experiences. I know that I was shaped by mine. Anyway, I took the plunge this morning and posted my #introduceyourself . If you get the chance, I'd love it if you'd check it out and get to know me a bit. Thanks for listening and looking out for new Steemians.
Checking it out now - glad you finally did one :)
@theaustrianguy, thanks for checking out my #introduceyourself post. If you're on Steemchat, I'd love to know what you think. Any feedback or suggestions would be appreciated.
Lol, I've never wrote an introduce yourself!
Why not? :(
I like reading them, I just never felt like writing one!
good review, i will do like this tips
thank for share buddy
@kupi like your post
I started with Steemit almost a month ago, found the photography community, and immediately started sharing my photos. I never really proper introduced myself though, so this is a good reminder that it is not too late.
It's never too late ;)
yes you can @theaustrianguy keep sharing nice stuff. Resteem & Upvoted
I will visit then,
I agree @theaustrianguy ...we must warm heartily welcome newbies and give them welcome upvote whatever our value is...its good for their motivation, its good for steemit community and its goods for our relation with them....Lets warmly welcome the newbies...
I remember my own introduceyourself post about two months ago and I got 6 votes for it and two of the votes were from bots.
I remember that my mentor gave me some guidelines about making that as my first post and to include a real picture of me, some interesting facts about myself and to properly give credit to my images from the net. I poured all the skills and passion I got.
I got barely 10 cents. I was dejected because others that started the same time as I did got so many votes and comments. Was my introductory too long? Did I alienate people because it was too quirky? Did no one understand it? I wanted to stop at that point. I came because of the incentive that good posts would be rewarded and yet I saw what some people wrote and they were getting so many votes. Later on I would learn that they would use vote bots and have groups that would upvote each other.
Then a blow came that someone was bragging that even if he does shitpost he gets so many votes because he has so many followers and that he is on the autovote list of some whales and that he did that with a literal post of a turd. I immediately got out of that group and unfollowed that person. Don't really want to emulate someone like that.
I came for the promise to earn but I don't get anything. Most of my posts get less than 50 cents but it's ok. I no longer write to earn but more to heal. I write to pour out the darkness in my heart, I write to let go of my sadness, I write to get better. I write to hopefully get better in writing.
I am happy to have met some kindred spirits here and the freewrite community who aspire to encourage people get better and quality stories. I am afraid I am not photogenic, nor do I travel to exotic locales so photography is not really a good way for me to post. I only have my words, my stories, my feelings.
There is another person who is @shello who has been advocating for the stop of shitposts. I hope it gets traction.
Then there was this whale that may a post about 3 or 4 weeks ago that said he gets better returns in selling his Steempower to bots rather than commenting and voting on people because the rewards are a mere pittance of the return. That was the 2nd blow to me and it really made me want to stop but then I saw how some people reacted and took comfort that not everyone thought of using their whaler and being a mercenary of sorts to bots. There is still some hope.
The reward system is indeed broken and we must stand and curate, upvote and create meaningful comments and interactions. We need to stop being cynical and letting ourselves look at the number beside the name to dictate how we will react to the person. It is understandable though that some people will kowtow to someone that has a high Steempower because if they gain favor to that person their earning power is exponentially increased but there are so many planktons and minnows scrambling for attention. You see it on those that will comment that they followed you and ask you to follow and upvote them. A lot of people are desperate for some crumbs.
The reward system is broken. Yet I do not know how to fix it.
It really helps the new steemians like us :)
Please read it and tell me what you think about it :)Thank you for your noble initiative @theaustrianguy brother. I've just posted my #introduceyourself post a few seconds ago.
when i join i had never idea about any thing about steemit i did not made the introduceyourself but one day i saw here is a tag name of introduceyourself in which people are introduce their self i did a post but the post was not so impressive so no one response on my post which is my fault
YES! Just the motivation I needed to write my intro blog! hope the community listens to your advice lol lets see if my post can break the $5 mark, wish me luck!
click here.Congratulations @theaustrianguy, this post is the fifth most rewarded post (based on pending payouts) in the last 12 hours written by a Superuser account holder (accounts that hold between 1 and 10 Mega Vests). The total number of posts by Superuser account holders during this period was 1103 and the total pending payments to posts in this category was $5182.83. To see the full list of highest paid posts across all accounts categories,
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I think what you are trying to do here is really good for the entire steemit community. I totally agree with you when you said that there is a Psychological effect on new users when they get at least something substantial when they do their introduction. It is a positive motivating factor that may motivate them to do higher quality post, be more active in this platform and ultimately (hopefully) be an investor here. They can also invite other people who could be big investors here. Anyway I will support your initiative.
Interesting reading... I'm a newbie myself, but I'll go there right now to spread some love, as I was well welcomed too. ^^
I have one point of contention. You mentioned that many of the posts in #introduceyourself are not new users. What's wrong with that?
When I first got here, I knew next to nothing about the platform. For my first post, I decided to explain what brought me here. At the end, I sort of introduced myself a bit, and said what kinda content I'd be posting. I don't want to share too much about myself though, and blamed that for why I didn't get many upvotes. It was shit though. I went all over the place. Users that have been here for at least a little while will have gotten the hang of things, and be able to make a much better #introduceyourself post. Perhaps not people that have been here too long though. People that have been here months might want to give it another go though.
I actually question posts in #introduceyourself that are too well done. If you just got here, your first few posts should probably be shit, as well as your #introduceyourself post. If they aren't, I wonder if they got some coaching, or have been hanging around for at least a while.
😀😀😀 😀😀😀 ⤵⤵⤵
Thank you very much friends,,I like your post,,your post is very nice,,, So you are talented
🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹
I don't like your post, because it is just copy&paste spam. That's why you got reported to @steemcleaners :)
I posted an introduction just a few days ago... I got like 2 replies, or votes, or whatnot... I still don't get how people ever see my posts...
welcome to the club, theaustrianguy
Really, you are spamming twice on a post which suggest not to spampost and you welcome me to steemit even if I am here for almost half a year?! Think about that!
Btw, you juts got reported to @steemcleaners!
welcome on board
Wawww,, amazing post, follow back @sam
Nope - please try posting something different than that ;)
can i do again???
I think a second time is ok ;)
I wish I had read this post before posting my #introduceyourself literally 10 minutes ago =D Trotzdem Danke! Helpful! I may try again and of course support who is already there! LG
Well I just started and when I tried to make a post, nothing happened. Im slow. My wife can Help me, she knows what is a going on.
I tend to always remember my humble beginnings ; in everything i do, especially video games - and i constantly find myself searching through the introductions and even asking people to possibly think of remaking their intro post if it lacks information, because even i know that it is hard to make it in the beginning but with extra experience and practice comes more reward .
With that being said i for sure think that a lot of the whales should be searching for minnows and finding ways to better the minnows in any way possible ; because where would the whales be if it were not for them ?
especially for any projects that need fresh new ideas to people learning the platform and want to get involved and gain as much knowledge as possible ; like me for example, i find myself constantly looking for information, even finding two or three that need translation ; i think personally there should be just a one click button for that - i see other social networking platforms with a translation button, even some video games do it automatically .
Perhaps this is something to think about ?
I'm still new to Steemit. I heard about it though a friend of my mom who said she made more then $100 from 2 months posting on Steemit. I don't know if that's good or bad. I have been here for a few days now and have a total of 57 cents so far. I still have much to explore and chat about here.
It matters and I think you said it well so I reposted it in hopes more will see it. I'm also going to make sure I do it every time I log on here too :)
This is definitely encouraging! It’s my 3rd day here and my post got 2.50.. I thought it was just my fault
I am a new member in steemit @theaustrianguy, I hope to be friendly and familiar with my friends in steemit, I really hope that.
Greetings fellow traveler! My name is Ebrah
and just so you know..
you are my muse in making my "introduce yourself" post.
I have already started to receive positive feedback!
thank you
I think I like it here : )
Now this is an interesting piece and lively thread. New to Steemit I am an artist/writer/lightworker with plenty to share and am keen to interact with genuine folks. That said my introductory post was probably not my best work but was, at least an honest and revealing, Facebook live repost which kinda summed up where and what I am about these days: Personally I am all about encouraging and love the generous vibe of your article. BTW I got 0.04$ for my #introduceyourself!! haaaargh!. So, I have upvoted and followed and invite you (all) to reciprocate. With well wishes xox
When i read this article. I write a post a while ago. And it gives me $0.03. However. There are many terminology in steemit that i can't understand. And how to handle my reputation, also what votes for? I hope that you can teach me that i don't know in steemit. Godbless.
Brand new to Steemit myself, just getting used to everything, Lining up to do my introuceyourself post tomorrow..... Here's hoping my story resonates with some peeps. Great post :)
Omg! I love this post! I totally remember the first time a whale hit me up. I was sitting on my bed and I was like... wut... $30 in five minutes! 😳😳😳 let's bring joy to others! Great idea
Was it @xaero1 for you as well ;)? But he seems to be gone for now :(
I actually did some more work today: Welcome @welcoming, an account for manual #introduceyourself curation!!
Awww yea I miss the guy! He's so awesome, I really hope everything is okay with him.
Ohhh I'll have to check out your post! 😀