I have a question! I think someone can ask it!
How works the payout on the posts?
Why sometimes I have posts with 3 upvotes and 2 comments with $5.00 payout, and some posts with 31 upvote and 3 comments with $0.06 payout...!
I really don't understand!
Every user has their voting power...
only those that are here for a long time or have invested have the high value votes...
Make sure your posts grab attention, grow number of your followers...I am not doing that great myself, because I don't have the time 4 this...
Use this page to see how much % you get from users and what else is happening with your account.
That is literary your info center.
By default voting % on Steemit is 100, but some Steemit related apps allow you to change it, like chainbb so you can delegate a different % of your voting power.
Use this page to check what is a value of a particular user's vote.
For example this is yours.
I hope this is helpful.