
Send me that link!!

The first good one I saw was @ shayne 's post here:

My lalest attempt attempt was a bit less polished but may communicate to Muricans:

Excellent! Thanks for the links - I'm gonna start using them now. BTW check out this misguided minnow??

Some of my post was based on actual comments I've seen too.

BTW, THANK YOU for asking about what to send them. There are far too many people here trying to curry favor with whales by pounding on this.

You Sir, have earned my respect.

The University of Steemit is always open for learning my friend @theblindsquirl :)

I want you to know, before I even hit POST that you are the "nameless" GOOD example of behavior that I mention and not the emoji pasting whale-dick sucking prick I first mention.

Compliment of the day gratefully received @theblindsquirl :))