Quick Message For @joanaltres

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

I don't normally like to call people out like this, but it is bloody annoying.

@joanaltres - STOP SPAMMING everyone's wallet with your pointless fake follower crap. You are killing what little reputation you had.


(Facepalm image taken from my Thinkstock Account).


Thank you for writing this. When I read an article about her being the most followed user on this platform with only three original articles, I was wondering when this account will start asking for money to resteem the posts and it happened !! This practice is negative for this platform, I can already see some account following her footsteps ( @khunfarang & @khunpoom) they will comment and follow all newbies post tagged with 'introduce yourself' just to gain followers and haven't contributed ever to the platform. I hope after reading your post, some sense will prevail. :)

You are absolutely right it is bad for the platform. It is sad but it is to be expected that people will try these schemes - the only solution is for people to make it clear that the community is on to them and does not appreciate it.

I think such users be flagged for spam, unfortunately, as you mentioned it cant be done on a note in wallet. I'm new to the platform but did risk to flag the posts of the two mentioned above but then I read about the flagging war going on the platform, it made me wonder if its worth doing it, I would not want to be in a situation where i'm being targeted just to make this platform better. I hope you will understand my point of view here.. :|

Yes certainly it is understandable. I think flagging can be a problem particularly if you are a new user. I generally only give a symbolic 1% flag (which doesn't actually do much harm) and I don't use it often. If the whole community makes it clear that certain behaviours are not good then it should become unnecessary to flag as most people will just stop doing it.

I hope your post will prevail some sense. Everyone reading this should resteem this. Done !! :)

I hope so. I suspect the spam will continue to grow so the earlier we tackle it the better.

If the message in wallet was not enough, check this, they created a website http://resteem.com

I would not want to be in a situation where i'm being targeted just to make this platform better.

This. This is true and is not okay for the health of Steemit.

Thank you for understanding my hesitations. :)

However, you would have to extend your dislike for the buying vote schemes too.
In some ways, the resteem buys are not as bad as the upvote buys.

I'm not concerned about the buying aspect - it's more the fact that people are getting suckered by the resteeming thing but more than that if people want to go in for these things fine - just don't spam me with it.

I'm starting to think that even putting up a contest is starting to seem like spam. I've made one up that is open to all Steemians of any language. The first rule is NO SPAMMERS The contest is meant to steer the minnows in the right direction. Now it's feeling like groups such as MSP and the PAL network and their upvote trails are beginning to be seen as spam.

sighAnd yes I got that same unsolicited "donation" from @joanaltres.

Starting to loose steam in Steemit here...and I've only been here 2 months.

EDIT: I haven't posted the contest yet. Guess I better sleep on it.

Keep on Steem'n on! (yes...I will too)

You are joking right? Spamming a post about spam.

Well thats the thing about spammers, they don't read or care about the post or author of the post. Just trying to further ignorant agenda. hahaha PERFECT proof right here!

ahahahahaha LMAO!!!! Two chances: 1. he's a troll too besides a spammer or 2.(most probable) he didn't read it....

Quite possibly.

Damn that's crazy:) But it happens in all posts about spam I personally wrote and all ones I saw by other authors.

people are weird indeed..haha. Spamming a post about spam


welcome my friend, always and more success.

OMG. This. You have got to be kidding.

Right! If one is to do some link-dropping, one should at least make it relative....

And/Or supportive beyond superficial....

250 examples per page times the last 51 pages deep....

Thanks that is informative!

omg, is it bot-run?

Yes looks like it. Good find @sornprar!

I am guessing, based on their action 4 days ago (when all this fkry started) of obviously researching using some service for it (deleted a comment, yet another reply indicates his intention).

Hahahha, She is utilizing the 2012 Twitter strategy for useless followers.

It is sort an in interesting play in some respects. I'm just surprised she doesn't post more things herself.

Well if you spam people then you run the risk of getting posts flagged which would kill your rep. Also this kind of strategy is often automated and you can't (yet) automate the posting process in a way that is convincing - not without great risk anyway.

Yeah it is certainly a risk for sure on here.


Hello dear friend, where you had been huh?
I've been miserable these past few days and you yourself are just meeping around.

Yep, I tried this a year or so on Instagram also. Literally just mindlessly following random users, didn't even have any content up. After 4000 follows I got 2500 followers in 2 days.

This is the same except now they are trying to monetize it. I sometimes feel bad for even re-steeming the @ocd posts to my followers cause I know its random content and most probably get annoyed cause they followed me for something else, but at least I'm doing it for free and for the greater good of the platform in mind.

That is funny you got so many followers in 2 days on Instagram using that strategy.

I wouldn't be worried about resteeming the @ocd stuff but one user on here told me that they won't follow someone who resteems a lot of stuff. I was actually surprised to hear that but she was saying that she doesn't want her feed all clogged up. It is tough to manage for sure.

I don't follow re-steemers either. (One, two, or even three resteems okay, if among many good quality posts.)

I miss all your usual posts. Haven't been hardly any lately.

I also noticed his messages 3 times in my wallet.
I ignored because I feel he has done wrong. You simply cannot advertise this followers thing because if the followers are so worthy then he should make 1 post daily and get much more rewards.


She literally screwed up my mind ever time i get that shit memo and stuff. Glad you took the initiative to stop her. Someone had to do it right!!

I'm not convinced she will stop. I doubt she actually ever reads anything on Steemit.

I guess soo. She's only spamming users to make money..

she should read your etiquette lol

Yes and that was written a year ago. Seems things have gotten a lot worse since then.

there is a great need to constantly write on these topics.
It's already getting out of hand.

It is sad really. It seemed to happen a lot less before the last hard fork. Seems everyone just lost their mind after that. Previously on Steemit it took time to earn enough for your vote to even show - it seems the changes exaggerated human nature.

I can't imagine how much additional bandwith the wallet-spamming is using up. (Isn't that bad for the system overall?) But I suppose there isn't a way around it. I'm wondering about the service though. If the follower list is worth something, shouldn't the advertisement for the service just be posted instead? I don't remember seeing services like rando needing wallet campaigns to let people know of any change in their setup/what they are about.

But I suppose there isn't a way around it.

I don't think so other than asking people to stop doing it.

I'm wondering about the service though. If the follower list is worth something, shouldn't the advertisement for the service just be posted instead?

You would think.

Good post. I read the interview that Stellabelle did and Joanaltres really came across as some kind of saint. I remember her saying something like she just gets such a great feeling of joy whenever she resteems something because it makes everybody so happy.

How disappointing to see her fishing for money to resteem now. I actually even tried it on one of my posts just to see if it would increase it by a lot and it only got me a few more cents and comments. Then I got a message from an account called steemitabuse saying that all of the followers on the Carlo Belgado account are actually fake accounts anyway so it's sort of a spam bot.

Now I don't know if that message is true or not..... but it's very disappointing to see somebody that considers themselves doing a service from the goodness of their hearts to suddenly decide that money is the way to go.

Now I don't know if that message is true or not..... but it's very disappointing to see somebody that considers themselves doing a service from the goodness of their hearts to suddenly decide that money is the way to go.

Considering that they are spamming to promote the thing I would be inclined to believe it is true.

Whats funny is that there was that big article about how she was a saint, not taking money and helping people for the good of Steemit and all.
Now here it is a super spam problem worse than most because it goes to your WALLET and thus you cannot unfollow or flag it!!!


hahahahahahahaha OMG!
Only laughing cause I have found choosing humor over disgust to be a bit more enjoyable ;-)>

I'll take any tenth of a cent people have to give. :)

Then you are part of the problem.

I agree with @thecryptofiend on this. I and my contacts got the same message via wallet and many sent the money for resteem which was done with no gain at all because the account used to restemm also collected from many other people and resteemed . Another new scam plus spam on steemit? hope she stops that asap. Thanks for pointing it out.

You're welcome.

Thanks, keep steeming to more success.

Looks like we have another member of the #waronspam. You should have used the tag for this one. If only that could be made to trend, I think they would finally get the point.. Probably not though.. Lol.

I wasn't aware of it lol! I will add it.

It's a worthy causei will use #waronspam too!

Oh it's not actually thing yet. I just started using it, but I'm sure as fuck gonna try and make it a thing. A couple others said they're working on something that will use the tag too.

Well I added it too:)

This will likely be on the trending page too, so that's gonna raise some awareness of the tag for sure. Maybe this actually possible..

Well I doubt it will get on the trending page but who knows.

Well I was just judging by how well it was doing so far. But, I suppose with so much of the rewards pool now reserved for pay-for-vote-bot purchases, what trends is now really in the hands of a smaller few than ever.

yes, let's all use that waronspam tag! trending!!!! everyday

I'm sure you can do much better videos than I have on this shit too from what I have seen. I'll have to keep an eye out.

I look at it as a solidarity thing...and I'm no union man.If I do post my contest I'll most definitely use the #waronspam.

I'd be a lot less salty about it if she was sending $1.000 and 1 line or less of text accompanying it.

Lol - I think that would make a spammer bankrupt very fast. The essay of text that comes along with it makes it worse!

I completely agree. She is following 66k people...no hope

Yes it is probably one of those follow for follow attempts. I don't care about that though, I just don't like getting spammed out of the blue. Getting a fraction of Steem is not worth the annoyance.

yes. thank you. i just had to unfollow/mute these f4f parasites.

NP I understand how you feel.

Wow, I just went to check. It's more busy then some of relentless commenter.

I'm not relentless...sporadic at best. ;p

I actually agree on this.
And I may have to rewrite my post......at the time, there was none of this resteem buying. It does certainly have a cheap feel to it.

Yes and it seems everyday there is some new scheme.

ye problem with people they seek easy money and thats why spam in comments,wallet , and in wallet we cant even flag them.

I would like to see a time where a private messaging service could be such that the receiver can put his threshold to how much a person needs to send for said receiver to read it. Charging could be optional based on whether something is determined to be "spam" or not.

there was some idea of cryptocurrency about that u spoke they use it to mail, so if sender want to be in inbox of user he need to pay crypto

Yes in fact these spammers often deliberately make sure that they make few actual posts so they can't get flagged for their crappy behaviour.

just had @joanaltres spam me plz stop

I just don't understand the economies of using the service. Pay 2 SBD to get a few extra eyeballs on your post? Why not just work at creating valuable content? Over the long haul, that will create much more meaningful relationships here on Steemit. Spend a few minutes interacting with some real users and you probably will get more views and comments on your own posts.

People are lazy and want short cuts.

I can kind of understand lazy--sometimes--but not when it doesn't even make economic sense. Anyway, thanks for saying what most of us have been thinking for a while.

Well sometimes people are intellectually lazy too so they don't do any kind of calculation or research.

We must observe common sense and think if our actions are fitting or just destructive for the community.
There are rules to follow even in our own home.

omg she is following 66k people ...i completely agree with u sir,
she's killing her reputation

The queen of attention whoring

This is true :)) I see this lot here .

I've noticed I've been getting a lot more wallet messages. I don't get it.

The spam is getting way out of hand. I always wondered what the deal was with people following thousands of accounts.

Is this something that can be dealt with through upgrades or is it going to end up an us against them thing? Because I see a lot of accounts with huge numbers in their following...whilst feed surfing...it's a trending thing.

Keep on Steem'n on!

I don't know. I think people are just trying the follow for follow thing and I don't think we can stop them doing that - if they want to do that it is their choice.

Yup saw this before, she brags about how many followers she has that can view a resteemed post.

If that really worked why isn't she posting herself? These kind of claims don't really stand up to even a small amount of rational questioning.

Good question, I bet she can't even answer it :)

You are right about spammers. I don't like people asking for upvotes, if i like the post i will upvote! If a user distributes interesting content, he will succeed.

YES! I usually stay away from initiating negative threads but really thought about doing the same thing.
Obviously your post will be seen by many - so thanks for stepping up and doing this.
As to the value of her re-steems. I am sure it's not so much about how many followers you have, but how engaged those followers are. If they are not engaged (which I suspect is her case) then who cares if it's been re-steemed by her or not...

If they are not engaged (which I suspect is her case) then who cares if it's been re-steemed by her or not...


Thanx for highlighting the culprit here and we will be more careful by interacting these users. The attitude this user is showing is detrimental to steemit health and should given a proper high end dose like you have given by members here. Keep the good work going dear and community will be helpful to you.


Welcome dear. How is looking my AtoZ Industries Showroom design? Have a look at its beauty.

Please don't do this it is considered spamming.

Ok dear.

I agree. The wallet spamming is bad. That being said. I do use the service and I am getting very good engagement from it. As to the claim that all the followers are FAKE.... Please read my post about it.

Great but I would still be suspicious of it. Anyway the point is that wallet spam is annoying.

@jonaltres Unfollowed and muted a couple days ago.

Good policy but it won't mute her in the wallet. I just hope she reads this post and listens.

I totally agree with you. That account is like the mother of spam

I wrote about this as well! I was a little more discreet, but screw being non-confrontational. She earned a fat UNFOLLOW from me with this tactic.

It's horrible for the platform and those of us here who are actually putting in the work are toeing the line for these fools to reap benefits that aren't theirs to begin with.

This crap and Hanna whatever her name is with her bot testing posts every 5 minutes that we can't find out about for a month.

How about this, I don't want to know about another bleeping bot that does anything. Be human, and put in the work!

I think I've received some spamming from one individual but not the ones that you mentioned haha.

I'll be sure to take a look now.

Memo spam is so annoying! And don't even get me started on f4f spam.
a big facepalm moment

I've been getting these too. Time to try the mute button I suppose.

Sadly it doesn't mute people in the wallet.

She's not even been on my radar. I see she says she's sharing to 15k, but the posts don't get many votes as a result. I'd ignore her

I do it is harder to ignore the wallet spam particularly if you are trying to keep a track of your transactions - they are stuffed full of text and take up a huge amount of space on the page.

I've just had one of those so far. Maybe we need a filter for small transfers

That's actually a good idea, or some way to group small transfers under a heading like "dust".

I haven't been affected by this but I've seen what has happened and how joanaltres is starting to charge more for her resteem service.
I doubt her service does give any views to peoples content as followers feeds must be spammed with content that wasn't resteemed because of the passion, love and creativity behind it but because a user paid for it.
Last time I saw joanaltres was when she did an interview with someone and I thought she was modest and sincere but it seems like that has changed
I guess this needed to have been done @thecryptofiend for the better

I agree, I saw the interview too done by @stellabelle and followed her. However , this spam on thousands of wallet with resteem that worth nothing because its mass resteem makes me worry...

The service is bullshit. She doesn't have any real followers anyway. If you follow every single account then you will get lots of followers but they are not real followers. I hope people aren't falling for such obvious BS.

Like this you mean 'bloody annoying'? Man, you're too kind :D
Somebody said it finally!

Her rep is still kinda holding though... But....I just checked something...I had no idea that her account is connected to carlobelgado !!! Saw it here: http://resteem.com/

Honestly I don't know why people hate on others success so much , work your way up to the top. Jealousy only brings you down in the dirt . I don't know where humanity went , why. Can't people help other people instead of trying to destroy what they have just because they don't have it @thecryptofiend

Spam is success?

Spamming someone because they are more successful than you . Read what I wrote , why they hate on people's success

That spamming account is everything but "successful". I don't know if it has any written article.

Spamming people is not a good way to improve your reputation.

I don't think @gaitan is getting my point !! I'm saying they are being haters for others success to they spam . @thecryptofiend of course the whole society sees you as a bad person then too

So you are talking about that account spamming because it's hating how others succeed?


My apologies for the miss interpretation!

He's really irritating. Daily I recieve at least one invitation from him. I mean what the hell is that.Don't do it again @joanaltres

I just hope people aren't clicking on the links because it just encourages this kind of crap.

A lot of people use his services. I have seen many people sending money to him for resteeming. This is just very creepy and unfair .

Well it is sad people are wasting their money.

MUTE is your friend.

MUTE doesn't work on the wallet though does it?

naw..but I have no problem with anyone sending me Steem...even .001 is appreciated..
here's more about it

Great for you. I don't like it.

how often do you look at your memos in your wallet?

Whenever I am performing a wallet operation. It is an irrelevant question though. You aren't going to convince me that somehow it is a good thing so don't bother trying.

Hi @everittdmickey! You have just received a 0.1 SBD tip from @sneakgeekz!

Singapore July 2017 Blockchain 2.0 Master Class and follow if you like the content :)Check out the newest post from @sneakgeekz:

@tipU - send tips by writing tip! in the comment and get share in service profit :)
By upvoting this comment you support the service - thanks!

thanks for share

Upvoted and also resteemed :]

Isn't the thing being done just a form of advertisement though? Just unfollow if you don't like the persons posts? I can see that it probaby isnt the best strategy but how is it harmful if it promotes content on steemit?

You don't know what you are talking about. You can't hide wallet spam. Also annoying people is harmful in itself and particularly if it is being used to promote crappy schemes.

Thats why i was asking... but still not really a straight answer. Im just wondering what the actual harm is? I never found it annoying that i was being given free steem but i do agree its not the best marketing strategy.

I already explained the harm it just seems you don't get it. Why is email spam bad? What harm does it do?

All these things waste time and are distractions from what you are actually trying to do.

I never found it annoying that i was being given free steem but i do agree its not the best marketing strategy.

That's great for you if you are happy to be inconvenienced for a fraction of a penny, I value my time more.

I guess its just a matter of personal opinion then. I never once felt inconvienenced. I do see that the incentive to create fake accounts is a bad thing though. I was really just wondering if there was a real harm being done that you saw which i didnt. Not trying to get into an argument or defend anybody.

No and please don't take my words too harshly it is just something that I feel very strongly about - to be honest spam in general really annoys me because it steals our most valuable asset - time which we can never get back.

Thats a good point. Maybe there is something about this within some rules on steemit.

,,,,,How could it be like that .... is it true ... how it performs brother @thecryptofiend

Not sure what you are asking.

Agreed, plus that's what the mute function is for...

Don't know why I have to keep pointing this out. Mute doesn't work for the wallet.

Evidently, it's because I'm stupid. Forgive my attempt to help.

Incorrect information doesn't help. Acting aggrieved because I pointed it out doesn't help either but thanks for your fake apology as it clarifies your mentality.

And your method of communicating that SUCKED. You all but told me to shut up.

Very well, your wish is granted.

Unfollowed and muted.

Reap what you sow. You responded like a child and got an appropriate response.

Unfollowed and muted.

I hope so.