@earnest I can't be sure if people are scamming or not. Just because I understand the problem doesn't mean I can't get got caught out. What is your evidence about scamming from that poster? Either post your evidence (and you better be sure of it) or shut up.
Edit: Just seen your post history not sure if I should be surprised that you would make such comments given you wrote this post: https://steemit.com/beauty/@earnest/how-to-make-yourself-look-better-than-you-are-ugly-bitch
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No because this post is about copyright theft. It is not about me being the truth police about who was and wan't raped. What you describe is not evidence to me it is purely your hypothesis and speculation. Just because you are obsessed with the actions of one particular individual has nothing to do with me or my post. Don't know what your problem is but this is not the place to discuss it.
You know very well what I mean. I have no way of knowing if somebody is making false allegations of rape or not and neither do you. The fact that you don't understand that and seem to be obsessed with it is of particular concern.
Right now all I get from your attitude is that because you find someone's story hard to believe you have been harassing them and that somehow we should all sympathise with you for it.
I would rather sympathise with the victim here - i.e. the person who has been raped. Not you .
That is the last I will say on the matter though. If you want to continue this ill-thought and frankly offensive crusade that is up to you.
@earnest actually I no longer wish to engage with you.
You seem to be obsessed with this one person. I am more concerned about your behaviour than hers.
"I have a voice too"
Yes and you are starting to sound like a stalker.
I don't have the time to read every single post that every single person makes so don't pretend that there is even any logic behind your argument.
If someone made false claims of rape that is not my concern and to be honest I have no idea how you can even in your right mind claim to know if they are make false accusations or not.
Furthermore as I have stated and you don't seem to understand this is unrelated to the topic of the post. The only reason I responded was because of the absurdity of your post.
"You are not gonna tell me what to do, this thread is not your domain, I have a voice too."
I rest my case you come across creepy as hell like there is something seriously wrong with you. If I were you I would seriously look at what your behaviour and comments are projecting out to the world.