I understand what you are saying. I will need to think how to word it.
I think it is polite to look at other people's links but you shouldn't feel pressured to vote for them unless you like them otherwise it negates the idea of curation.
"Don't post and run in the chat -try to review some of the other links too" - do you think that works?
I agree. Only vote on posts that interest you, not just for reciprocal votes.
I think your wording is good, but I would say it a little stronger, and explain why. If we're being honest, how many people actually go there to vote on posts without hoping for some votes in return. If those posting on the channel don't follow some links and vote, then who else will? Also, by interacting there, you can build some relationships and find people to follow.
I agree. I often find new material there. In some ways it is easier than checking on Steemit! Let me think on how to word it. Maybe add in something about supporting others - I'll sleep on it and see what I come up with.
Great, thanks :)