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RE: A short Steem break ends and the summer begins

in #steemit7 years ago

which was misunderstood by the content creator who replied back ratherly 'sharply', and that pretty much took the rest of the wind out of my sails.

Oh I know about this it was the topic of my last post. But the response was amazing from my followers.

Sadly people seem to forget their manners when online. Being annoymous allows people to act in ways that they never would in person.

"Screw them."Think @tarazkp might of had the best comment on my post and think it applies here perfectly



Just read your post, that is not cool at all.

You (and Dan) are right about anonymity causing some issues like this, I see and arguement for both less of it, and more (hidden wallets etc), so it's a tricky one.

I guess trolling on a chat app will always be around though. 'Screw them' indeed.

Thanks for taking a read. It had one unexpected response which was great. The first person who put me off a first, but I was completely over it as we had agreed to be peaceful without apologies can on and apologized which meant raising his hand and saying this was me. That said a lot about him and was nice to see that it was an isolated incident.

Chat trolls are the worst and they have been around as long as chat rooms. Don't think there is much that can change that.

Yes i saw that, that was good of him.

I moderated a chat room for years, the trolls never cease, and if they serve their bans and continue, you actually end up with sympathy for them. A strange world :)