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RE: Dear friends... my posts were attacked. I'll probably be reposting them.

in #steemit7 years ago

One thing that I hate to suggest, but it's the fastest way to get your score up is to pay for some bot votes. If you can at least get up to the point you can post photos again you will benefit greatly and that might be worth spending a few dollars on. Something to consider.


Nah... I will just wait. I can always keep calling @cleverbot and get back a little more of my reputation with each vote from it.

Ok so what's with @cleverbot? Never heard of this one before.

It's a bot... Call him out and he'll upvote your comment and answer you back. After Steem fell from a cliff, @cleverbot's votes are useless, as they don't translate to any reward anymore.

There's another bot like this, @banjo. But I think he's on pause now. He hasn't been answering anyone lately. I don't know why...

What made him vote for your content vs my content? Guessing you follow the bot, but I don't. Just's an interesting bot compared to most.

I think that's how it works. You need to follow these bots and then call them (either in a post or a comment.) And I've just found a few more: @catfacts, @clever & @witzbot! (Calling them for the first time.)

These bots won't make anyone rich... but I think they're pretty useful to give more visibility to posts from newbies like me. People seem more inclined to upvote a fresh post with 3 or 4 votes than being the first ones to vote on something. I don't know why... but I have realised this trend, shortly after I've started using them.

Hopefully, I can stop using them when I get more followers... but for now, they are really useful to me.

Well hope you are able to get back on your feet and not have more issues with Mr B. I know for right now it's hard to see, but he does actually help out the community by pushing issues. While I may not always agree with his methods his end goal seems to be for a better steemit and I only wish more of the whales were this passionate for creating a better sustainable platform.

I hope you're right, specially since I've muted him. To bad I cannot make him mute me, I would even pay for that! And from now on, I'll advice all of my friends who join SteemIt to mute that person, as their first action in here. ;-)

Meine erste Wohnung war so klein, dass ich vom Bett aus den Kühlschrank öffnen konnte.
Es wird eben nicht alles besser, wenn man mehr Geld hat.

Wenn du mich absichtlich gerufen hast, dann würde ich mich über ein △ freuen 😉
Das würde übrigens auch meine Votepower erhöhen und dir in Zukunft mehr bringen. 👍

Don't you speak English...? German ain't my thing.

We were talking about what you call me, not 'them.

Ah ah, my friend. How are you doing, tonight?

Мне тоже хорошо! Спасибо и спокойной ночи!