Removing Over Posting Reward Penalties (from Steemit)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

 This is a good call!

Removing Over Posting Reward Penalties

During the July rush we experienced a massive influx of people posting as much as they could to get as many rewards as they could. In an effort to curb this “abuse” we implemented a limit on the maximum reward a post could receive if the post made more than 4 posts in the same day. In hindsight this change was reactionary and ultimately unnecessary. It has the psychological impact of discouraging engagement and adds unnecessary complexity to a system. In the spirit of KISS we feel this should be removed. (From Steemit)


This is an interesting point worth discussion. I think 4 really good posts in one day is a lot of work. If a good post takes 2 hours, on average, you have spent 8 hours creating and publishing. If someone posts mediocre or poor posts all day, they really don't do themselves any good or really bring anything to Steemit. ☆☆☆☆☆😎

True. I have posted about a dozen post today. Several were only pictures but writing does take a lot of work! Quality verses quantity!

Also Michael, I see that you are a musician. Maybe you could give me some advice on a post I made about music. It is in my blog and its called "A Second Chance for Music". Thanks, Joel

Where would I find it?

On my page, under blog. The article is about 12 down from the top.

Bad idea to remove it completely. I go though a lot of posts everyday and you would be surprised at what goes on with high frequency posting. One big vote on some garbage post and there is an immediate flood of those kind of posts from scammers trying to make a quick buck. If they are going to remove it it should be reputation based. Increase it to say 5 a day at rep 50, 6 a day at 60 and remove at somewhere between 62 and 65.

I like your idea, This should be discussed

That's actually a pretty good idea!

I am a newbie so I hadn't noticed and I tend to agree with you!