Such great info and exactly what I needed to know! I have only been active on Steemit for about a month and everything seems so overwhelming. I came across posts with people tagging me, but I did not even know I was tagged! It seemed like I was rude for not answering, but I had no idea they were talking to me. Man, I still have a lot to learn on the platform.
You are so right about the community. I found so many great people to follow and learn from. You are one of them!
Oh gosh.... I am learning from YOU!!! Im totally overwhelmed too!!! I am really glad this helped...i might put another one together in a week or so because I have learnt so much even since posting!!! Crazy.
That's great because I need to know as much as possible and I can't seem to find everything in one post. Looking forward to reading what you have learned since posting this one!
Well you have given me even more impetus to write one! 💙💙😘😘😘