Congrats! You mentioned that people had posted less than you, so I checked. I was actually a little embarrassed at how little I've been posting. You're motivating me to step up my game. Although, I have been working on posts offline in draft form, they haven't made it to the masses. Also, real life has been a distraction, but I need to be more focused. Good for you for your discipline.
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Hmmmm. I'm not sure that was the point I was making @themanwithnoname. 😁
In fact, seeing that people had made fewer posts than I have encouraged me to make fewer, so really the opposite of what you're feeling.
Seems to me like you're doing brilliantly doing what you're doing!
Different strokes for different folks I suppose! 💙
Yeah, I took something else from what you were saying, but at least it inspired me! :)
I spend a lot of time talking with people. I should probably work on my articles first, so when they're out of the way, I don't have to worry about spending too much time commenting. At least it appears to be paying off. :)
Who says you should work on your articles first? 😍
You're obviously making a fantastic contribution by commenting. Maybe you're a natural networker, encourager and supporter first and a writer second.
Perhaps you've got it exactly right!
It's so easy to limit ourselves with arbitrary rules we simply make up.
Just a thought! 😁
A post or 3 a week is good, but as you can see, not essential to place high in the league.
I see the post as a call for engagement, but nothing has happened as far as interaction is concerned until the first comment arrives. You are likely to pick up more points in league 2, commenting but definitely try to get some material out there for all the contacts you've made engaging to come and take a look at :)