I'm more outgoing in real life, so it's easier for me to be outgoing here. I tend to find rhythms well, so it's not hard to converse with a wide range of people. I like to learn more about new topics, so I try to follow a diverse sampling of people who write about things I want to discover more of.
I don't beg. Honestly, I feel bad even putting something at the end of my post that asks people to upvote if they appreciated my content. At the same time, if they're read the whole article, I should be ok to "ask for the sale." I do NOT ask for people to follow, ask for upvotes (except the previous example, and that's sporadic), or ask for donations. There are enough people asking for a handout on street corners, at grocery stores, and outside the movie theater. People don't come to Steemit to listen to beggars. I try to create helpful content that people will find valuable.
I haven't had much experience with people posting spam on my posts, but I've tried to be nice about it. At some point if it gets annoying, I might say something, but for now I mostly just have amazing followers who want to engage. I like that.
I've had people help me along the way and I try to pay that forward. @steembasicincome is one way I try to pay it forward.
I see many people who have such a statement in their signature line and I don't view it as begging. I view it as a reminder to people. You put time, hard work and research into your post, so why not declare it at the end. The form of begging I think people get tired of seeing is the follow me/you, UPvote me/you or when people put a link in your post's comment section.
Thanks for the feedback! I wasn't sure how it came across. I know that the people who follow me regularly will probably upvote me regardless because they know me a bit now. But I don't want to be obnoxious to where I potentially lose a dolphin or whale if they choose to stop by. Money isn't the only reason I Steemit, but don't want to miss out just because I'm unintentionally being annoying/beggy.
I think @goldendawne has it right. There will always be some people who think otherwise and you will occasionally get someone who complains, but do they really matter? Are they just having a bad day? Are they one of the types of people who need something to complain about? You have to do what is right for you, as long as you know your heart is in the right place.
Wise words! Yeah, at the end of the day you just have to be true to yourself and try not to worry about what other people think. :)
I agree with you completely @goldendawne. Sometimes I think people need a reminder. I see so many people who rarely upvote anything. I don't think they understand fully how much it helps people.