Another day, another post asking how much Steem Power is behind bid bots and how they are the death of Steem.

But I thought it was over 50%?
Nope. Not even close.
But trending sucks!
Yes, it does, always has. Bots haven't changed that, it just changed who can get there. Instead of a handful of whales and select few friends of the whales, everyone has access to trending. Like before bid bots, everyone still has access to flagging, but hey who flags right? If you listen to this idiot no one.
I call bullshit, bid bots are more than 50% and that's what I'm going to tell everyone.
Suit yourself, there has never really been much truth on Steemit, it's far easier to just make shit up than do the research.
Prove it then
First I got a list of all the bid bots on @yabapmatt's SteemBotTracker site via the /bid_bots endpoint.
This gave me this list:
- buildawhale
- boomerang
- minnowhelper
- lovejuice
- sneaky-ninja
- appreciator
- pushup
- aksdwi
- msp-bidbot
- upme
- postpromoter
- upgoater
- allaz
- smartsteem
- mercurybot
- upmewhale
- sleeplesswhale
- steembloggers
- adriatik
- seakraken
- voterunner
- bid4joy
- shares
- whalebuilder
- redlambo
- inciter
- therising
- luckyvotes
- postdoctor
- brupvoter
- isotonic
- chronocrypto
- spydo
- onlyprofitbot
- mitsuko
- sunrawhale
- foxyd
- honestbot
- upboater
- promobot
- ebargains
- dailyupvotes
- bluebot
- estream.studios
- megabot
- slimwhale
- lightningbolt
- booster
- thebot
- minnowvotes
- estabond
- rocky1
- dolphinbot
- lost-ninja
- redwhale
- noicebot
- flymehigh
- authors.league
- brandonfrye
- peace-bot
- fishbaitbot
- bodzila
- lrd
- proffit
- emperorofnaps
- dlivepromoter
- pushbot
- ubot
- steemerap
- profitvote
- cabbage-dealer
- siditech
- automation
- ecotrain
- themoneytree
- profitbot
- whalecreator
- botox
- oceanwhale
- edensgarden
- bearwards
- th3voter
- ptbot
- sureshot
- stef
- moneymatchgaming
- t50
- francophonie
- votepower
- peoplesbot
- steemcreators
- joeparys
- whalepromobot
- alfanso
- haveaheart
- brotherhood
- tainika
- pwrup
- upyourpost
- jerrybanfield
- boinger
- a-bot
- alliedforces
- weupvote
- getkarma
- chronoboost
For those who are wondering, there are 108 bid bots.
I then added minnowbooster
because it listed under promotional bots and not bid bots.
I then took this list and ran two queries on SteemSQL. The first gives me the total Steem Power allocated to bid bots in this list. The formula is simple, Steem Power + Delegation In - Delegation Out
select sum(cast(substring(vesting_shares, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', vesting_shares)-1) as Decimal(20,6)))
+ sum(cast(substring(received_vesting_shares, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', received_vesting_shares)-1) as Decimal(20,6)))
- sum(cast(substring(delegated_vesting_shares, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', delegated_vesting_shares)-1) as Decimal(20,6)))
from accounts
where name in (
This gives me the result of 43,124,045,125.085064 Vests.
1,000,000 vests equal 492.539 Steem, so that means 21,240,294.1576 Steem Power is controlled by bots.
Next, we need to find how much Steem Power is not controlled by bots.
Running the same query but excluding the previous data set will give us the rest of the community.
select sum(cast(substring(vesting_shares, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', vesting_shares)-1) as Decimal(20,6)))
+ sum(cast(substring(received_vesting_shares, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', received_vesting_shares)-1) as Decimal(20,6)))
- sum(cast(substring(delegated_vesting_shares, 1, CHARINDEX(' ', delegated_vesting_shares)-1) as Decimal(20,6)))
from accounts
where name not in (
The result is 344,466,605,247.887549 Vests, or 169,663,397.8027 Steem Power.
All that is left now is to determine what percentage of total Steem Power is 21,240,294.1576 Steem Power.
21,240,294.1576 (21,240,294.1576 + 169,663,397.8027) = 11.112%.
This number will change a little when you factor in bots who execute votes via a users account (like MinnowBooster and SteemMarket) but won't be too far off.
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Thanks for posting this. Interesting stats :-)
I think it is an even lower percentage.
The total vesting fund currently contains 192,505,758.709 STEEM
The total STEEM supply is 270,643,578.007 STEEM
21,240,294 / 192,505,758 = 11.0%
21,240,294 / 270,643,578 = 7.85%
So it is 11% of all vested STEEM (powered up) and almost 8% of the total Steem supply.
But shouldn't we look at the SP being actively used for upvoting? Let's assume the whole 169mln is not being used to upvote, then the bots control 100% of the upvotes.
Is the full 169mln used for upvoting?
Including the 48mln from Steemit?
Oh wow youre very correct here, we are totally forgetting how many SP Whales don't even use their upvote... many of them actually dont even use nearly a fraction of their vote power.... Just like witness votes which are basically only being voted on by a minority of steempower stake holders and its very interesting how many large stale holders dont vote for witness and how many of them don't even care to earn off their SP, many are just wealthy BTC whales with much more BTC than STeem, they all collectively buy more steem during the bull runs, theyre the ones buying up more stake with their extra bitcoin. SO anyway I do see this as an important point, many users who actually have a large stake don't even use their SP to earn off of it!
The answer to your question is above 20% according to some pretty good estimation.
I counted the top50 and that's about 22.5%. That's close to the 26% I calculated based on different analysis. The 3.5% difference is explained by all the small bots outside the top50 and of course timing/daily differences.
Btw, guess who I saw on spot 50 😀
Sigh. this the only relevant number. It's pretty dishonest to be peddling anything else. And yeah. TOO DAMN MUCH. (then again I think anything more than 0% is too much LOL)
You are right, I forgot to include the bots in the total SP calculation bringing my number to 11.111%. Of course, it is slightly higher as not all bots are listed (but they have nothing in comparison for SP) and some vote bots sell votes directly from end users and not via delegation, but still should be a small % change, maybe 1% more?
This is an amazingly low number considering the power they have to get people on trending. I am fighting to survive here and many people who used to give me good upvotes now are silent, powering down, or have delegated their sp elsewhere - maybe to bots.
I recently found out @ned does not vote at all now. This led to another person saying many big accounts do not vote.
I use the little bots only when they are running good in an attempt to raise payouts and reward my real voters. I have hidden about half the bots on steembottracker since they never pay well and I'm not trying to lose money on them. Lately those little bots I use are almost never paying well as people slam huge bids on them.
I upvote comments and used to get many good ones on my posts. This too is fading fast.
I feel really hopeless, but I am trying hard to continue.
@fitinfun, i understand your frustration, i know where you're coming from. Although i must say, you are a bit selfish as well. Bear in mind that you have 200 SP and extra 1000++ you received as delegation. Other don't even have 10% of what you have. How are they surviving with far less? Maybe we appreciate more what we have and from the little we have, to share with others rather than feeling pitty and think of one person only.
We all feel hopeless many times of the day, and many of us are indeed less fortunate than others that say and feel are hopeless. But that's how things are, and the only way to move through is keep on going, and making some good content as much possible we can.
I leased that delegated sp - no one gave it to me. I'm due to be homeless in a few days, so that should make you feel better.
I am really, really sorry to hear that @fitnfun, it must be difficult to have to mentally and physically go through that.. Such news don't make me feel better whether i know the person or not; but may i ask how did you come to be in this situation? If you can not or don't want to talk, i'll understand. Wish you luck @fitnfun .
Many things about my work have fallen apart in the last six weeks or so and I have dropped a lot of balls. I am ulogging about my situation if you want to look at more details. I'm putting all the information on them. Thank you for you support.
Happy Anniversary! What do i have to do to upvote you as witness @themarkymark ?
You can find it in the menu on the right, where you can vote for any witness (up to 30 total).
I always appreciate how you approach yo present right numbers
Thanks @penguinpablo for the Stats its 11% controlled by bots,fair percentage!
Please watch
Thanks for this data. I also regularly check the blog posting of @penguinpablo to see some of the important data. Also, talking about it having a mention on some of my talking on the video. There are 70 million Steem that are in exchanger and the remaining 20 million Steem are on delegation on bidbots. Everyday I learn 😂
Yeah, this post makes me cry also... what does it mean? Bots are killing steem, thats a fact... What does it mean, a Bot owner writes a post like this one. .. Lets go deep between 1 and 5 cents for steem...
And for this reason...........
I'm sorry to say it, you may be good at coding, but you have to adjust your math a bit. In order to obtain the percent of SP controlled by bots, you will need to query the whole list of users who have vested Steem, including the bots...
You are right, did it in a rush. Will update it. Thanks.
I am glad I was able to help and not make you upset because of it :)
I'm ok with my mistakes.
Oddly enough, the only way to stop making mistakes is to be okay with them.
yeah you wouldn't like him when hes angry..... his alter ego comes out
hey but seriously great post @themarkymark upvoted and resteemed its important people know how much SP Bid Bots have and how much DEMAND they generate for SP which is one of the driving forces of a high Steem price of the future (well hah once mt gox dump is over we can have bull rally and $10 steem after hf20 no praaaaablem
Watch this
Sorry, if you want to make a point, just state it in a few words, because I can't invest 1h of my life into this one...
Haha, who posts an obscure hour long video with no context and expects anyone to watch it.
But if with less than a quarter of the SP the bid bots control the trending it means that the rest is not being used? otherwise the result would be different, at least that's what I think!
It could be that voting bot votes are more concentrated, or that people vote for what is most visible, so the votes end up going to whatever the voting bots put on trending.
tl;dr - Far too much.
Yes, 12.5 is too much.
I agree and it's interesting that the figure has apparently dropped from @firedream's analysis a month or so ago which was in the 20's. So, my question is a lot of the bot delegators / speculators and or bot owners now scrambling to cash out. I noticed @isacoin post something about whales powering down.
Thanks for hooking a brotha up with an upvote on my last bid bot critical post btw. Cheers!
We are living in interesting times. Some whales are cashing out, while others fund the development of new bidbots like
I keep wanting to write a post about this whole thing, but can't seem to find the time. Thanks, Utopian! :P
... Whats important, for looking at how the trending page is formed is the active SP...
There are just so many idle accounts that dont use their SP at all.
Consider: Ned, Val-a, Val-b.... Only those 3 accounts have 4million SP between them..
So really, the stats listed here are completely meaningless when talking about bot use and the trending page.
Id bet anything that almost 50% if not more of all active SP is held by bots.
Could you please mark it, when linking to jbf?
I clicked on it and have to wash out my eyes with soap now
Lol. I did “idiot”. Is there more than one?
Three are so many idiots here.
And some of them are entertaining.
He. Not.
And come on, 'idiot' that is clickbait on steem;)
Yes, youre also one of the steemit
Wow. I would have thought it was more than that too. If the bid-bots get above 25% I'd say the platform is in real trouble, because growth should come organically, from honest incentives being offered for quality content, MORE than just purchased off a bid-bot. IMO.
Having said that, while the bid-bot stake may only be 11%, that doesnt mean 89% of Steem voting power goes to incentivizing quality content, and the future of Steemit. Among the 89% steem voting power you have many people who only ever self-vote, and then others who only ever upvote their friends, and I would expect that there is a slim minority of that steem voting power that goes toward upvoting random, unknown, content creators for quality content on Steemit. Sadly.
Nevertheless, we each do our part, and hopefully we push the needle a little closer to good, and a little further from bad.
That problem existed well before bid bots.
Fair enough. Seperate topic but worth its own discussion, and as I said, we can all do our part to move us a little bit in the right direction. As you are with this content, and reply. Thanks.
Is it possible to create a fork that eliminates bid bots? They will literally ruin this platform if left unchecked.
Yes, it is possible, but bid bots are not the problem. The problem is the majority of users putting in zero effort and milking the system without any proper systems in place to prevent it and the ease a user can spam and plagiarize without punishment.
Bid bots offer a fair and transparent promotion system that was only available to the 1% in private underground channels. It's a form of advertisement and promotion that allows users to pay to get their content seen.
Trending was no better before Bid Bots, and in fact, it was more of the same good old boys that had contacts to get enough votes to place them there.
It's a little unfair to claim these are the only bid bots. You can say it's probably 90% of them (giving a 10% margin for error), but even then it's not accounting for all the SP. There could be bots out there with more SP tied up in them than all the bots you've listed so far, and that'll really set things off (not likely though).
It's a good analysis, but it's not fair, so what numbers you take away from this...heed skepticism folks.
There are other bots as well. Community bots for example.
I don't think you can sum up all the Bot-SP and compare them to all SP left because you also have to consider how active the SP is used. For example take a look at neds SP, he has 1,752,000 SP and he doesn't use them a lot. And I don't know how many accounts don't upvote a single thing.
I would say that the bid bots own far more than 12% of the actively used SP.
Well but not that it's a bad thing ^^
That number would be incredibly hard to calculate.
@firepower has put up another question of how much of the non-bot SP is being actively used on a 24 hour time span?? Hard one,but you are the math guy hahahaha..
The link is here
It's not that hard at all. Compare daily vote value of the bots with the daily reward pool. Downvotes/flags would throw this off a bit but not significantly.
I think that's actually a lot closer to what people care about. They may say 'so much of the SP is controlled by bid bots' but what they actually mean is 'so much of the reward pool is controlled by bid bots'.
Yep but the final number would be very interesting ;)
Posted using Partiko Android
Hard to calculate should not mean that it is not the correct way to calculate it. As such, any other calculations are, in my opinion, a method of obfuscating the real impact bidbots have (good or bad) on the ecosystem.
Thanks for doing this homework. It is valuable.
Also... this quote is very good "Bots haven't changed that (Trending page being crappy), it just changed who can get there."
Bots have a place, because the little guy deserves his day on top too. Thanks!
Thanks for actually reading it :)
The 10 biggest Accs (Steem Inc & Friends) should not be considered in your calculation, they do not participate in the "game" and will never participate. Then the share of bots will be exorbitantly higher and only then will it reflect the massive influence in the trends.
I don't think that the difference will be "exorbitantly higher", but there will be a pretty big one
What is the point of a calculation without deducting "relevant" or "irrelevant" Accs?
A fairer basis is the reward pool:
That is ~ 16%
For me, Marky Mark is one of the good ones, but I don't like those number tricks.
It's not a trick, it's a fact and a direct answer to the question asked.
thetrickymarkymark.... why write this post as a Bot Owner??? Duhhhh!!!
Steemit Inc may own 96.98 million SP out of total 192.5 Million SP of total vesting fund.... and yeah that may be exactly 50.379 % of all Steempower but Steemit Inc almost is never using theyre Steempower... They really dont use much of their allocation of the reward pool because if they did use all their reward pool allocation, seems like everyone would actually loose like half of their rewards :D So hey, its liek a war chest for future development WOW Ned can use it at ANYtime as long as he just keeps his hands off and just starts incrementally using it, so no one will notice over time especially as steem goes up in price. Woooah pretty cool stuff, ned can half 50% of SP but its fine because theres also 78Million+ Steem thats still liquid out there so hey.... :) still very open to anyone who wants a stake! And you can actually depend on Ned NOT using his stake much :) He seems to only use Freedom to actually vote for witness! I see @ned as being EXTREMELY disciplined I mean how many of us could all stop from selling off hundreds of millions of dollars worth of crypto... he is holding back so that WE all benefit! THEN one day when its READY he can sell some stake and make good money doing it but hey, one day he WILL start to sell off enugh stake to make steem so decentralied that maybe he only hads like 25% stake? WOuldnt that be GOOD for steem?
I think you are right. Who will do the math?
Spot On, its a game, and those flag whales are personality killers, nothing new, I played Ultima Online, the concept of personality killers or PK's is not new....
What I think would've been very interesting as well is the number of SP in STINCs hands. Also how much of the used SP is in bid bots. Because there are
Would be awesome if you analyzed that as well :D
Thanks for your valuable content steemit is a big sea each day i discovered something new, i'm a little confused since my account rate 58, should i continue promote my posts or should i power up my steem power? Hope you or some one give me an advice. Thank you.
Rep (what you call account rate) really doesn't mean much here.
Rep means nothing on steem, it can be bought so it's invalid an dun trustworthy. It just means you get a lot of whales voting or bot votes.
Im pretty sure I read somewhere in the white paper that vote selling is not allowed on steemit.... isnt that exactly what bidbots do? Sell upvotes? Just asking a witness because you should have a better understanding about this than me and could possibly enlighten me.
They ran @dan off so they could enable vote selling because price rise wasnt sure enough roi.
I did not know that.. thanks for the info.
Yeah, this may be the new normal, but things werent always this way.
Well played, sir. Thanks for the research.
Good to know only 11%. I guess all the controversy they cause make them seem a lot worse.
Interestingly, I wrote a post recently:
Have the Auto-Vote Bots Been Run Out of Dodge?
Thanks for the clarification.
At least we are staking assets.. Don't forget @sharkbank. That is my bot.
Well i didn't have any idea of it, thanks for sharing this with us. 👍👍👍
Please watch
Nice post! I use the tag nobidbots a lot because I would like to be able to say that it came without the help of bots, but articles like this could change my mind over time. I see a bit of why they are around. It is disheartening to see I have 215 followers and know that most of them are bots in general, even if they are not specifically bidbots.
Thanks in advance!Very interesting and informative data. However, there is at least one bot missing such as @tipu. How can your data be reliable if it’s incomplete? Have you taken in consideration the increased number of people delegating to bots? Have you excluded the delegations from real people to bots?
I mention the source of my data in the post. If it isn’t listed on SteemBotTracker it isn’t calculated. But that should be a tiny amount and wouldn’t move the numbers all the much.
I'm not active in too many markets/pairings, but there always a bot "one-upping" me no matter what. I have no problem with bots
Hmmm. So are you saying that out of 1million Steem accounts, 12% of SP is tied up in bots, or are you saying that out of the active users, 12% is tied in bots.
Its of an immense importance what stats you pulled.
If its the stats from option 1... That means little to nothing. Trending page is dynamic and current, the idle accounts mean nothing to it. (and you know fair well that some idle accounts hold massive amounts of SP)
The important stats are those of active accounts, those that participate in reward distribution, that being through delegation to bots (or other accounts) or through organic upvoting.
Those that affect the trending page are those that hold SP that is used in the reward distribution. Simple as that.
Sry to say, but your stats are slightly deceptive.
Out of all accounts, ~11.111% Steem Power is in bots.
But if you factor in active accounts, the number will be higher.
👏 just take... Val-a, Val-b and Ned and you have circa 4 million SP right there....but you have to admit this post is a red herring. Youre drawing a argument not one critic with at least the basic knowledge of the inner workings of steem would be making.
And attacking the bot delegation % criticism.
The criticism pertains to bot use-trending page effect.... And really... What argument are you trying to make here from a position of a bot owner?
Is it close to 50% of active user base SP?.. Id take that bet.
Thanks lots and waiting for your next video.
hii @themarkymark, again i found here some useful information related to Steemit and Steemit community. Keep your support to @vikas4233 with your valuable upvote and suggestions on @vikas4233 blogs
Surprised (I guess I shouldn't be) with how many bid bots there are in total. Demand breeds supply I guess.
Thanks for the quick turn around.
Wow, I thought Bid bots have more SP of the pool, but I realize from the start that it's far from %50... Maybe it was %20 in my imagination?
Anyway, even %12 is a big amount, but at least it is divided on all the bid bots and all the users who use them (which in my opinion can only make bid bots stronger.) Is the only upvote bot (that's not a bid bot) you put here is minnowbooster? I want to know if you put those bots too in the list.
Also, yeah, TRENDING sucks and it will always suck... please don't look at it for your heart health.
Glad to know someone researched this.
Good post nice cat
hah, great work doing the research on this post. I think it is easy to understand why people think it is a much larger percentage. Especially these days with the rewards being so thin and the price of Steem being so low. 108 bid bots really doesn't seem like that many given the total number of users on Steemit. For so few it still seems like there is a lot of wealth tied up in one place.
For your Consideration:
yes , same thing , that's the idea.
Is it because behind every bid bot is a user that siphons off the earnings perhaps?
I really feel sorry for you 😂😂😂😂😂
You I care about you flagging me loser I no you got bullied as a child and adult 😂😂😂😂
I can enjoy some good calculations.
There are a couple dark numbers unaccounted for, but others have pointed that out as well. I think we are probably more around the 20-30% range.
oh gosh, I am damn poor in maths. I need to wash my eyes now.
That's interesting, thanks for this insight!
I think it makes more sense to calculate the percentage of SP in bid bots compared to the total market = 21,240,294.1576 / (169,663,397.8027+21,240,294.1576)
or 21,240,294.1576 / total vested steem = 192,514,454 (from
which puts the percentage even a bit lower.
But I fear that the bots distribute a much larger part of the rewards pool, since they always vote with their SP while a lot of large SP holders (just take all the Steemit Inc accounts!) are not using their SP to vote.
Could you run some stats on how much of the rewards pool is distributed by bots?
Hmm, honestly to me this is still a big percentage. Keeping in mind the amount of SP a few whale accounts hold, there's only so much left to be spread out over the rest of the accounts. If we take the biggest whales out of the equation, bid bots own a considerable amount of SP.
Ofcourse, like you said, Trending has always been crap, because not all of the bigger whales like to spread their votes around much.
I'll still say I hate bid bots though ;-)
This would change a lot if we got the v.20 update, more accounts means they are spread more thin.
how did you get so awesome?
thank you for information
Bid bots have helped the steem ecosystem to grow. And I am sure taking off flag options will do same.
Of course, a plagiarist would think that...
But hey, Stop Terrorism!
Biggest spammer and scammer on steemit
This user is on my list for spamming people with @badcontent and flagging people with @ipromote @themarkymark @upmyvote
Great calculation
Great stats and I'm glad this
Great stats and I am glad someone is doing the research behind it. Though I don't think this neccessarily means bid bots are positive. Just that their impact is only marginally 11%. I am curious, however, if that includes delegated SP. Even so, is there a way for you to run the stats on how much SBD is allocated due to bid bots. There might be a decent number of whales with a lot of SP but not using that SP in any significant manner.
This factors in delegation (in and out).
Very interesting figures. It would be interesting to see the results with inactive SP removed from the total. I really need to dig in some more like this. I'm also curious how many accounts are passive and using trails or delegation to keep earning. An onion has many layers and it seems Steem is a giant onion. haha. Thanks for the information.
You shot the "idiot" down with facts, way to go.
I wish the idiot would put some clothes on also, though at least he has stopped (for now) talking about doing this =