You may not have ever heard of me, but I’m one of the most successful content creators on the Steemit platform. No joke.

My Secret to Success
Is there a simple thing that I do that makes me such a successful poster on the platform?
Sometimes I’ll post a headline in the center of the page, could that be my secret?
Is THIS The Secret to My Success?
While the centered headline always looks fabulous, and really tends to sort things out, my secret may be even simpler than that.
My true secret to success here is that I no longer have to work.
That didn’t sound right.
What I mean is, that as a content creator here at Steemit, I am fulfilling a lifelong dream. Instead of working, I play, draw and paint, write short stories and funny pages, and create dioramas for tiny tales full of unusual twists.

It takes a lot of playtime to put together a variety show with songs and comedy skits, while sometimes conducting the most unusual investigations into strange events and oddities of all kinds, then pouring it all into my own magazine in an uncensored format.
Too Busy Being Successful to Work
To be honest, I hardly ever work. My time is much too valuable to sell for any cost, and to trade a minute of the day for a dollar or two has never appealed to me.
I've simply found that selling my moments of time cuts badly into my playtime-- time that I could be spending on living these moments of life, all in a row, in the best way that I know how.
Can't Work Right Now- I Have to Play With My Family
I'm not sure what others mean by 'success' when they claim it, but for me, success means I get to spend my hours with my family.
Most of the dioramas that have appeared on this page were built by my daughter and myself, using the toy cars that we never stopped playing with, and often we would use cardboard boxes as the background buildings, with the windows drawn in black marker ink.

Built, arranged, and crafted by my little family, the dioramas and many of the photographs on this blog represent many joyful hours spent playing with toys, and spending priceless moments with my daughter. That is what success means to me. I have made it, while I was making this.

I write this for the writers and the artists, and anyone reading now who wonders how to be successful on the Steemit platform. Much advice is offered on how to become noticed, and how to collect the most rewards here. I write this not as advice, but as a glance at things from perhaps a new angle.
To redefine the meaning of success in such a way could be seen as childish, but it could also serve to change the way each day is approached for someone, and sometimes a simple change in perspective can change a whole life.
True Success
Every one of my posts makes the trending page. Sure, you have to scroll down for quite a while, but it’s there. I don't go there to check on the popularity of posts though, I'm too busy.
Is the art and music that I share a sign of my success? I’ve never had anyone tell me, ”Don’t quit your day job.” I’ve had people say ”You need to get a job,” but for most of my life I’ve really been encouraged all the way as I prepared material for this very Steemit page over the years, and I do appreciate everyone for that.
I'm a success here, probably one of the most successful Steemians on the platform. It really depends on what one means by success though, does it not?
Thanks for reading, all the pictures above are mine, all original. For more examples of my success here, click below:

That kind of freedom is my dream. I am working on building multiple streams of income so that I can do what I want when I want. Having job selection would be such a great relief. One day I hope to tell my boss no to every task I dread and not care if I am fired because I will have the financial flexibility.
i dont make as much as you but i also left my job and do whatever i like, i also believe in steemit so i blog everyday, your post is very encouraging thanks
Congrats on the success. You are able to balance life with your passion which is something I am desperately trying to figure out too. Taking care of family by putting food on the table while achieving your dreams is great. I hope to follow suit as I learn more about blogging. Thanks!
the success I think is to do what you like and be where you want with the family I guess, I've grown steemit very fast, but sometimes I do good post and nobody upvoto that frustrates me but I'm not going to stop and I guess I'm doing something wrong and I will try to correct it to succeed in steemit
Someday I'd like to compile some of my best posts that earned no rewards at all, or pennies. I've felt that same frustration many times here. With a genuine look back though, I know that I was enjoying the time spent making the creation itself, and such rewards cash out the same day, instead of having to wait a week.
This is the attitude I am taking here. After all I spent years trying to gain a following and "notoriety" with no promise of any income at those other social platforms. It is odd though in the early going that one post can get a few pennies, another several dollars and then others nothing at all. I look at it as a test of patience and the opportunity to continue to sharpen the ax.
That is the same thing for me. I debated posting my best, but holding back my very best for posting after I had some reputation. I'm not sure I can do that without a visit from @cheetah unless I really regurgitate it.
I had a few things written, and artwork to share, but it didn't take long to spend all of that here in the beginning, often making zero rewards. Once Curie upvoted a few of my things, I had already begun to run out of material, and started creating. I was worried too, but didn't know then that my best had yet to be written, and more art could be made.
Thank you for the reply and upvote!
Over the years I've written things for the local press and this and that, and like you had no notice here with the older material. Also, like you I started creating and have been doing pretty well with it. It is surprising what you can come up with in a moment of creativity. I did use some resteem services, but not the upvote bots. I said in an earlier post to another steemian that using upvote bots made me feel a little like getting caught picking my nose in public. Thanks again, sir!
wow friend you just summarized the post in a single comment excellent!!
That really makes you the most successful Steemian I know. People who succeed have momentum. The more they succeed, the more they want to succeed, and the more they find a way to succeed. Similarly, when someone is failing, the tendency is to get on a downward spiral that can even become a self-fulfilling prophecy. But your approach seems to be peaceful and for the peace of mind.
This is really well done. It's wonderful that you have that level of freedom! In many ways, it is a state of mind.
Thanks @donkeypong. Such a level of freedom comes with plenty of stressful moments, and definitely requires a certain state of mind. I can make a low budget look fun, but I've had a lot of practice!
I am experiencing the most horrendous case of writer's block I've ever had, it's so bad I'm having more and more trouble even thinking of something to say in comments. Ugh, haha, I think I just need some sunshine. Come on NY, quit spitting that white shit under grey skies!
Sorry, that had nothing to do with your post, which was magnificent. I can still read, it's just thinking of things to say myself that's giving me trouble.
Ah, welcome to my world, of having trouble thinking about something to say in the comments. [hits 'POST']
Really though, I go through that every day. If I agree with a comment, should I just write 'I agree' and move on? No. I have to rephrase what they agreed with or something, so the commenter will know that I gave it some thought. Do I just rephrase their comment, or should I write a comment that completely changes the subject?
Maybe such a study could break that writer's block, a look and a laugh at the wild world of commenting and replying. That post would probably get lots of troublesome comments tho. ;)
Good for you and I'm hoping for my own to be appreciated too and could succeed here. I will do my best here on Steemit.
And yeah, you're pictures look authentic & amazing! 😊
so how are you centering those headlines?
Use the 'center' seen above on the front, and then your text, then the one with the / to end, and that will center it. You can test it in the comments "Preview" below as you type.
I have made it too. Pretty much all of what you said except that I have boys, and the toys are electric unicycles, snakes, and online games now as they both enter high-school.
I am lucky they still want to play with me! That in itself is a success.
That is possibly the very definition of making it big; having a family that is young enough to play. Congratulations on your ongoing success!
All hail down to the crypto king !!!
you got the recipe to the real success and that is creativity and talent you have both :D
I've heard of you Paul. I'm glad that you're able to spend a lot of time playing and not as much time working. I'm hoping to get there one day soon. It might not be for a few years though.
Ah don't wait years. For example, I had to go paint ceilings all day today, but I really needed the exercise, so it was like going to a gym, instead of a grueling day of work. ;)
It is, as you say, subjective and a very personal thing. Better to live in fulfillment than chase other's expectations of you. Bravo!
I feel like real success should be something that can be enjoyed immediately, instead of only being something that is worked towards. It can be a now thing, often.
for me you are one of the best here..and the most creative person i have seen so far :)
Well thank you @steemclaira, it's always a pleasure to see your input and comments of encouragement here. I really appreciate you.
Yeah...that is a real success ...not working round the clock, using your time and effort for someone known as the boss.
Hi - No I've never heard of you, but I just followed you.
Great post, great attitude and great little creations.
So nice to see success defined not as 'how much money I'm earning, but as doing what I like and earning enough, couldn't agree more!
Don't work for money, Let money work for you!
Also, I strongly believe that success isn't all about - how much you own, its about what exactly you own. Money and Loved ones are intangible.
Nice read! Thanks for sharing @therealpaul
Dear @therealpaul it sounds like you're having fun and doing what you love, good for you, man!
I agree with what you say about redefining success--for me, as an artist, it means deepening my hunger, while refining my appetite.
So, even though I'm hardly ever on the trending page and, 4 months into the Steemit game, and make less than a dollar on some days, I still feel successful and true to my art :)
Wishing you continued success on your terms. Below, are 2 quotes I greatly admire, and which echo the sentiment of your post:
Thanks for sharing those- it does seem like the idea of war is the main thing that has demanded that we grow up, or outgrow play, maybe so that we as a society can more easily be taught the opposite of play; depression.
You shared a quote once, but I don't remember the author, about how creative adults are those who 'survived childhood'. That stuck with me, and I thought of it while I wrote this post, and feel like such a survivor often.
Wow, good memory, Paul, I suppose it’s easier to remember the things that speak (to) us:
May we never outgrow play, or truly learn society’s dark lesson of war.
Speaking of peace and healing, you might enjoy a fine poem I posted, yesterday, by Derek Walcott: Love After Love
Success is a relative thing, but I agree with your definition of being successful, because you are doing what you like and most importantly, you can follow your family closely.
Personally, I think that the trade-off between work / leisure is overrated in our society, as you said, I'm not ready to "waste" my free time working for some dollars instead of living my life with the people I love.
Thank you for this @therealpaul. This made me reevaluate the possibility of this platform.
I especially love this part:
"To redefine the meaning of success in such a way could be seen as childish, but it could also serve to change the way each day is approached for someone, and sometimes a simple change in perspective can change a whole life."
Hmm so the secret to getting resteemed by @kevinwong is to make a 'I'm the greatest' post. Got it. Hehe.
Congrats buddy, so happy it's working out for someone out there, at least. I'm looking forward to reaching the same place you've reached too. :)
Spending time and playing with our family really is the best form of success. I second that.
(Only second to getting a whale up-vote, of course.)
Keep at it!
Oh wow I didn't see that, yeah I guess that is correct! I made sure to include "one of the..." before I made the claim of 'most successful'-- that probably helped. ;)
I see the platform working out well for a lot of people, if only they knew it. Just the beauty of being able to put this little variety show of mine in front of a few people has been a blessing, but then to have a sort of tip jar accumulating coins here and there the whole time has helped to allow the family time that I enjoy, without us running out of groceries- such an option was never there before.
Haha it probably did!
Yeah, we're lucky to be living in this revolutionary time in the technology world.
Things are gonna get better on my side too once I start posting according to my schedule, I hope.
Your dioramas are something unique, do continue creating lots of them!
How has the current crypto market effected you??? Do you do anything different to cope with it??
I just happened to get lucky this year as some of my contract work and piano gigs started back up right when the coins started dropping in price. The market prices earlier this winter around December saved me though, I sold some coins then, during a time when I had no gigs going on otherwise.
That's great! Same exact story with me. I've been making a living with steemit and Etsy for the past 18ish months. One always backed up the other. I'm a sweating a bit right now because both cryptos are down and my orders have slowed. Trying to weather the storm though. I'm confiedent it will rise again.
You may not have ever heard of me...
You just appeared on top of my feed.
The top is too frightening, everything is downhill from there.
"Is the art and music that I share a sign of my success?"
I cant tell if your answer to this is Yes or No or Other, but im guessing it's rhetorical. It sounds as if youre saying that Steemit lets you showcase the fruits of your labors of love, which makes you happy, because artists like to share their true work. Maybe it makes you doubly happy to be validated by the steem economic-ecosystem. Or maybe it has nothing to do with steemit per se -- unlike others who share their "work" solely in the hopes of economic gain, youre just happy that an outlet such as steemit gives you even more motivation/reward/vindication to keep doing more of what you enjoy. Or, this is a toast to those who are creating and producing art for the right reasons, a reminder and encouragement that producing your art -- good content -- will prevail, that it will trump the votebots and users seeking to maximize their short term gains by exploiting steemit rules.
It was meant as rhetorical, but you have answered it well. I always liked the idea of making a portfolio of my projects, and while making them I find all the reward that I've ever gotten from play. Here though, there is a monetary reward on top of that, and this platform has inspired me to produce more art, in the last year, than I've made in a long time. Even more reason to want to share the art here, and all the while doing what I enjoy. Yes, it is a toast to all of art, for the sake of enjoying life as it happens instead of waiting for the success to be approved by the grown-ups, or validated by upvotes.
Ah you said the magic word (which I missed) :
It's priceless to be able to find inspiration and reward, continuously, in one place.
Keep on keeping on! 🙂
@TheRealPaul is totally much successful. He posts lots, and gets upvotes lots. That is more than me, because i do not post lots. I think i get to depressed and its easier to avoid posting. But, i am glad for people like @TheRealPaul, because they are having fun. And they share that.
I does have fun, most of the time, and I like when it translates into upvotes no doubt. I still get depressed too, sometimes, and avoid posting some of those times too, but not always.
Yes ... You definitly are... Be ur self and keeping it real... U r the real xample ... Fake doent make it... Hopefully u will prosper more n more
Hey I appreciate that. May you prosper as well.
Thankya sir
Hilarious, yet brutal in its truth. Better to own your time than watch it slip by fulfilling others dreams.
Hate to tell you, Paul, but actually I'm probably the most successful Steemian on the platform. ;)
(For the same reasons, of course.)
Sorry, can't say something serious. Too busy having fun.
Sometimes I get tired and it's tough to hide it. I think I enjoy a good meltdown as well though.
For many years I felt like I shouldn't tell anyone that I was enjoying myself, but now I'm old enough to get away with some occasional public joy without angering too many people.
I was thinking about this recently. Many people relate success with money and maybe they are right for themselves. But we are so different that we should feel free to express our own understanding of life and success. Success to me is having the ability to travel with friends, sometimes is staying alone in home, creating content for steemit etc. Yes, money matters but your time and doing the things you like matters more.
If you have time to spend on the things that fulfill you, then you are one of the richest men on earth.
I became self-employed (I like to call it 'self-UNemployed') so that I would have such time to spend on life. They tried to hand me a life of meaningless toil, but I chose this life of riches instead.
And what an amazing choice you made indeed!! I am glad that I am one of the excessively blessed people that you spend a bit of your valuable time on!
You have made my time more valuable, and you bless me with your presence, quite seriously. Oh hey, I found a recent video showing me playing piano, and singing some backup vocals on a friend's song- I'll post it soon.
YAY!!! that sounds great - not sure if that will be good for my heart, I have a big soft spot for men playing piano LOL
I was wondering if I should pimp myself by sharing the link to my post, but perhaps I should list the ingredients for safety: may contain man playing piano. Now, my heart is insisting that I share the link. ;)
I am glad that you did! I will go have a listen... / look
The guy in the 1 dollar note looks like the famous Italian porn actor, Rocco Siffredi.
If you also have a huge proud cock, I have found his sosia!
That's no actor on the note, it is I. The rest, I believe you can easily imagine, except that I'm not very Italian.
I love Your definition of success. Freedom. Doing what you love, and what truly matters to you. Absolutely love it. Inspired x @therealpaul
Yes,you are a most successful person not only in the steemit world ,but you're a multitalented character ,which is your great assets in my opinion.Success varies from man to man,it is completely related with mental satisfaction .I think we are here in this world not only for materialism but ,love ,satisfaction and friendship are that great assets of life which can bring us very close to each other,this is the success,this is pure and immortal .Wish you a very beautiful time and success.
Yes success for me must be something that I can enjoy now, instead of waiting for it to come. Wishing you a beautiful time as well.
oh really? isn't it because you discovered this platform at it's early days?
These are the new early days, and just like when I began, there is likely much discouragement and quitting when only pennies show up on a post. I felt all of that discouragement, but didn't quit. That's the actual secret to why I'm still here posting. Financially, it was the curation guilds like Curie that showed me that I could succeed here, hopefully those guilds are still around helping newer members out as they did me.
I have no idea what curie is.. how can I know more about curie and guild and seek support from them? asking for votes only got me downvotes
Thank you for sharing your journey of success @therealpaul. Itz nice to be your own boss and that you truly enjoy your work. Congratulations to your success!
congrate for your achievement as most success stemia. Thanks for your sharing to us usefull and informative post about the secret of your success, i like it and have upvote and resteem your post to more than 1400 my follower in order to make more people know the secret of your success, greeting friendship from me @abialfatih in aceh indonesia
Thank you for showing your deep life passion 👍✨❗
I too, enjoy the world of mini action 🌋❗
I like the miniature image, but that flashing gif below it is too much- like a giant glaring advertisement. Looks like it could cause someone a stroke. Is there any way you could make it stop?
Well if you are creative and have some sort of talent this platform is for you
wow .... this is really amazing @therealpaul
Interesting post and good experiences good luck friends always in steemit, I upvote and resteem, I also have new posts friend please support her
Nice art my good friends @therealpaul
You got me at “No joke”. 😂
everyone has a different measure of success here but happiness in the end is real success
you got to celebrate this true success wishing you all the best in life
Great Post and nice picture..
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