State of the Community or where do we want to go?

in #steemit7 years ago

Hello my dear Steemians,


today I write you because I´m really concerned. A lot of things are going on in the last time and in total these facts point towards a bad direction. Let me start we the bidding bots! A lot of minnows use them and I don´t blame them for doing so because it is the easiest way to get some attention. Let´s face it directly: When you don´t own much Steempower vote buying is the only way to reach a broader audience. This is a serious problem which I hope will be adressed in the future by the devs. I´ve read a lot about proposals in the various sections here and there are so many great ideas out there that with only some of them in place we could reduce the problem a good piece. Nevertheless there are some people out there who pretend to work against the misuse of bidding bots. Their actions look to me like they are purposely disabling the medicine of privately financed doctors just because the are paid privately. Not matter how the effect on their patients will be.

Don´t get me wrong here. I think that the whole bidding bot industry is not good for steemit anyway but the way these so called warriors against the misuse of bidding bots treat people who use it is even worse. They misuse their power to bully around people with a lot less steempower then they own. This sucks and what even sucks more is that there are each day more and more coming.

This really sucks so far but now comes the point when it really goes into the wrong direction. The rise of the people who want to tell you how you should do your postings to not get on theris blacklists. I´m not talking about the multiwriters that throw out five posts or more a day and this regularily. I doubt that one person could continiously pump out that many good and original post that actually mean anything. I talk about the average Steemian. He or She who has a regular job, goes to school or college or university. One that uses a piece of his rare spare time to be part of this great community that we all believe could become someting outstanding one day. One that uses the bidding bots to promote his posts a little bit to get some attention or some new followers or both. When some whales of steemit impose what they think is right and how they think a good post should look like to the majority of the average steemian then it is over. Not only for me but I think for a lot of us minnows who try their best with the little time and steempower that we have.

Please don´t let this happen because this could be a great place for all of us. Don´t let us go through the wrong door because there might be no way back Thank you for reading what I think must have been said!



I agree and disagree with you . Bid bots arent bad , they are handled bad . There will be advertisers in future on the steemit platform (lets say ico promoters) . The only way for them to reach out is to buy bots . I think hive and futurer tech updates would reduce the manipulation u are worried about . Truely , we all are worried but i have the belief that its just growing pain. Meanwhile we can raise voice against all these bad actors and possibly form a flag committee or something alike. I know there are multiple bot working to catch misuse also , lets support them . Thank you for your inputs

thats good to hear but I think you misunderstood one central point. There are some initiatives that try to force people to do like they think they should behave. That is exactly my main concern. Watch carefully what plans they have.

thank you for your response.

Thanks for taking the time to share your ideas and having the courage to do so. What we need to do is make sure we are voting for witnesses that support what you believe about how this platform should run. Recently, these bullies forced the bid-bots to adhere to the 3.5 day post age rule. One could argue that is a good thing, but as they say, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. We should have an inherent apprehension to any entity mandating certain behavior without consensus. I also am NOT interested in crypto-communism. I want this to remain a capitalistic system where one can pay for promotion services if needed. A balance must be struck somehow. By the way, the bots aren't as profitable as they once were either. Profitability is only guaranteed for the bot owners, not the users.

you are absolutely right @therealthrawn...
how can we control the abuse of power use.
Sometimes i feel desperate about this.
it is nice to be here despite everything...

You're right. New users are very complaining about this. As long as Steemit is in beta, I guess it will continue this way. Thank you for your information and suggestion. @therealthrawn

That is so generous of you, yes life may not have way back exceptionally.

Really valid concerns. Some whales like to play god which is very wrong in my opinion. As for the use of bots, I don't really blame newbies as it's quite difficult to rise organically. Am on an organic growth and but for my love for the platform, I may have given up

Right point"Steempower vote buying is the only way to reach a broader audience. "

you are absolutely right @therealthrawn...
how can we control the abuse of power use.
Sometimes i feel desperate about this.
it is nice to be here despite everything...

hello there!!! it is too hard to go against the big ones.
this happen all the time.
good luck
have a wonderful day

Your very liberal mind, not life, can not be exceptional on the mind

Actually, my thoughts can not be worse
I do not really blame because it is growing increasingly difficult, physical and gradually growing. It takes time for us to understand, more so for us

I'm a newbie here, I've been here about a week. I've noticed the disputes regarding the bot wars, but it's given me a big dilema. Do I use the bots and increase my chances of getting noticed. I may gain followers but run the risk of being downvoted and losing reputation. Or, do I not use them. In which case, I stand little chance of getting noticed any time soon. I've only written a couple on posts but I have noticed that they get buried quickly. I would much rather get promoted based on the quality of my work and infomation, but how do you get noticed without cheating per-sa and using bots?

One way you can branch out is to join special interest groups that are relevant to your posts. Specifically, groups that aim to help their members grow. I'm one of the mods for @gamersunited. We're mainly geared towards gaming related posts, but anyone is welcome to join.

If we minnows band together to build each other up, everyone flourishes. I figure leading by example is the best course of action.

Thank you
For your writing
I've seen your writing come pretty much
I hope to write something better in the future.


As I see it is really complicated and this problem is going on for weeks now, but no solution. Whales are not supposed to use Bots as they have already high SP and their posts will rank to the top of the trending page. Bots are supposed to be for Newbies and Minnows.

All posts that were upvoted by bots should be in the "promoted" section. That way the "Trending" section remains clean and we will have less problems. Good content will be visible to everyone.

It is very difficult to remove bots from the system now, as they became part of it. But some rules can be applied to avoid any kind of abuse.

Great and valid points. But if we look from the big guys perspective I think they have good in their hearts. But the only problem is the way they approach to it. If we look to what happened to instagram we wouldnt want the same here though do we?

Besides the stuff you already mentioned, one big issue is the lack of new users, caused by the unhandy sign up process.If we can get more users on the platform, building more interest groups will be an ease. That said, steem has some problems atm, but i am pretty confident, that we can handle it in future.

Dynamic Steemians Discord Link

100% human curation. That's the only future that is not a dead end future. Once you permit pay-for-visibility, quality goes down the toilet and steemit becomes an advertising platform rather than a content publication platform.

Keep it pure. 100% human curation. Period.

This post has received a 16.34 % upvote from @boomerang.

 7 years ago  Reveal Comment