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RE: Verification and You! How, Why, How to ask, and How not be a #$%@ about it!

in #steemit8 years ago

Disclaimer: I just joined yesterday so sorry if this is breaking rules/etiquette but just asking because I'm curious about how this all works and would like to get some personal perspectives!

  • Doesn't the verification process here defeat the purpose of using blockchain?
  • Why use blockchain which maintains anonymity while ensuring POW and then promote verification as a way to ensure POW, which of course eliminates anonymity?
  • And on the topic of trust, especially if you want people to be their genuine selves?

It seems like the amount of self-editing and self-monitoring would be enormous here OR many people would unknowingly ruin their reputation and put themselves at risk for potentially serious repercussions that may not manifest for a number of years.

  • Perhaps that level of self-editing is desired within the Steemit community?
  • But wouldn't you say the self-censorship might weaken the quality of the content? Or make true opinions of the content inaccurate using our typical metrics (comments, upvotes, shares, etc.)?

Side note: I acknowledge the benefits of this--spam reduction, constructive comments, attempts at higher quality, etc. I'm just curious about the other side of the argument and how it is reconciled.