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RE: The secret how to make money on Steemit - Not what everybody is teaching you here

in #steemit8 years ago

I am very new, just a few days, and I just had my first post that did this, althought the dollar amount isn't as high as these. I posted a photograph 4 hours ago, now it has 17 views, 203 votes, and $5.73. My thinkiing is to post another one, with the same exact tags tomorrow evening, and see if it happens again. It was really weird, maybe after 5 minutes of posting, I had over 100 votes, but less than 10 views. I'll take a robot following all day, especially if it might lead a whale to me. LOL!


haha how did you manage that?

i had something similar i mean not as much but everything was getting 0.01 and then all of a sudden one got 83 cents the minute it was posted i really don't understand this platform yet

i just looked your making quite a bit from posts, how did you manage that!?