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RE: Update: Townhall & Witness Meeting

in #steemit5 years ago

Cross-Chain Atomic Swaps > Token Swap

This will keep Steem sovereign and boost both ecosystems. Bitcoin and litecoin did it, now making a blockchain like Steem, connect to a general application blockchain like Tron will be very cool.

Mutual win-wins are what this is all about.


☝️also what he said

Did Ethereum ever do it? I didn't know Bitcoin and Litecoin did it but that's good.

i seriously dont like you

but i have the same issue with most 100.000 dollar whales

never mind me

i hate downvoting retard motherfuckers

even if they got clout

i still hate them

they are censorship-by-money

i will never

even if most of the people i know here would i wont

you are a piece of shit