MUST READ!!! Updated User Guide to Thundercurator

in #steemit7 years ago



What’s New?

  • Introduction of the Three Tier Upvoting System (Gold, Silver, Bronze)
  • Effective Immediately - All Overpayments Now Considered Donations


What is @thundercurator?

@thundercurator is a curation service that guarantees profitable upvote (200-300%+) and personalized comment of your original, quality content. This service is my call to action after being on this platform and seeing incredible content go unrewarded and unnoticed. I plan on making this service a "household" name on this platform, and assisting the other services to bring to light the best content on the steemit platform.

Notice to Plagiarizers.

@thundercurator takes plagiarism and stolen content seriously! Your work will be checked and if found plagiarized, your fee will be kept and donation and you will be flagged and a comment will be made exposing you and the source of the information. After the second time being caught, you will be banned from the service. If you haven’t been caught now, you will be caught eventually.If you are unsure of what plagiarism is, I suggest you search it on google. If your entire post is a copy and paste or an article and you put the source information at the bottom, that is NOT considered original content!

Notice on Duplicate Submissions and Overpayment

Due to the sheer amount of time it takes to curate daily, all duplicate submissions will not be refunded. Additionally, if you cannot follow the rules or just don’t care and send more that the current maximum transfer, we will no longer return the difference and will consider it a donation.

How To Use @thundercurator as an Individual

There are very few rules with this service, but we do require you to follow them.

  • First, please become a follower of @thundercurator. Click the "follow" tab on the top banner.
  • Submitted articles must not be older than 3 days.
  • Using your Steemit wallet, transfer the required SBD to @thundercurator with the link of your article in the "memo" section.
  • Current fee to use this service (as of 5/14/2018) is 0.12 SBD which guarantees a 200-300%+ SBD upvote and custom comment. For an incognito vote the fee is 0.121 (no comment from @thundercurator) which guarantees a 200-300% SBD upvote.

How To Use @thundercurator as a Community/Organization

  • First, please become a follower of @thundercurator. Click the “follow” tab on the top banner. Send a STEEM payment to @thudercurator with the community name and/or tag associated with it.
  • @thundercurator will begin to curate articles written by that account or associated tag at an amount available due to Steem-Power and workload over time until the 300% upvote target is reached. Example - Community A sends 10 STEEM to @thundercurator with the memo “@communitya". @thundercurator begins to upvote past and future articles written by that account until a total of 30 SBD (upvote target) is reached, with upvote amounts fluctuating due to Steem-Power available.

Understanding The Three Tier System

BRONZE (200% UPVOTE) - All users whom transfer the minimum transfer amount to @thundercurator qualify for this tier. Base upvote before curation trail is 200% of transfer. With curation trail effect, users can expect a 210-220% return on their transfer amount.

SILVER (250% UPVOTE) - All users whom transfer the minimum transfer amount AND have automatic voting setup through STEEMAUTO AT A MINIMUM OF $0.02 SBD UPVOTE OR 100%, WHICHEVER IS LEAST qualify for this tier. Base upvote for this tier is 250% of transfer. With curation trail effect, users can expect 260-270% return on their transfer amount.

GOLD (300% UPVOTE) - All users whom transfer the minimum transfer amount AND have automatic voting setup through steemauto at a minimum of $0.02 SBD upvote or 100%, whichever is least AND HAVE DELEGATED A MINIMUM OF 50 SP TO @THUNDERCURATOR qualify for this tier. Base upvote for this tier is 300% of transfer. With the curation trail effect, users can expect 310-320% return on their transfer amount.


How to Maximize Your Earnings by being a User and Investor with @thundercurator!

Curation Trail - @thundercurator has a decent following and earns a respectable amount of revenue from it’s curation services. As a follow of its curation trail, you can be a part its earnings. Additionally, you will help increase the upvote amount per curated article.

Be a Delegator/Investor - 75% of all revenue from SBD transfers are paid out to investors, divided by their “weight” of investment.


If you believe in this service, or it's creator @entrepreneur916, feel free to donate SBD or SP to be used to power up this service. @thundercurator has a noble mission to help bring awareness to great content and new steemit users.

Thundercurator Knowledge Base

How to delegate video

How to use @thundercurator video

Join us on Discord -


Question: For the Silver Level with STEEMAUTO, do you mean the Upvote Comments tool or something else? I love your service! Thanks!

Hello @cryptocoinkb!

First I want to thank you for the support of our service and your delegation to us. Steemauto is just an easy way to ensure you upvote at the minimum amount to maintain your tier status. On steemauto there is a section for fanbase or to be a fan. This allows you to follow a certain account and autoupvote a specific percentage everytime they post.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for the update. I wrote this post to help people who run curation trails. I know this will help you and the people who follow you if you make this change.

One Tip to Improve Your Curation Trail

Thank you for providing this service.
I just read this and I hope this takes effect tomorrow or the next day for the three day old rule please.
Thank you

I just read this and I just sent several payments on 4 day old posts. I didn’t know about the 3 day rule, so I hope I can still get upvotes on my posts please.
Thank you

Hello! We are going to try and get to these before they expire, but if they do you will be refunded. Mistakes happen, it's fine.

That’s great news! Thank you.

I have just added @thundercurator to 100% VP fanbase on SteemAuto

Please is the payment for the service oneoff or contious?@thundercreator

Hello, I don't understand your question, can you ask again?

I meant the payment for thundercurator service is it a oneoff payment or continous

The 0.121 transfer is for that one particular post. One-time.

Hi! I configurated steemauto in a voting weight of 100% as you say and in a time to wait before voting of 27 minutes. I calificate for silver level? @thundercurator

Hi @gabob25 I don't see you on SteemAuto as one of our followers. Once you set it up for 100% upvote you will qualify for silver level.